Latinx Initiatives and Services Office | BCTC

Latinx Initiatives and Services Office

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The Latinx Initiatives & Services Office (LISO)

The Latinx Initiatives & Services Office (LISO) in the Multicultural & Global Learning Center.

The Latino Initiatives and Services Office is a proud part of the Bluegrass Community & Technical College’s Office of the Vice President for Culture and Engagement. For more information on Culture and Engagement, please visit BCTC Culture and Engagement (new window).

La Oficina de Iniciativas & Servicos Latinos es orgullosamente parte de la division de Bluegrass Community & Technical College de de la Oficina del Vice Presidente de Culture & Engagement. Para mas informacion, visite BCTC Culture and Engagement (nueva ventana).



The Latinx Initiatives & Services Office (LISO) provides unapologetic, holistic support, retention, outreach services, and academic enrichment programs that promote Latino student success. LISO offers a safe and liberating space within the Multicultural Center for Latinx Students to: to congregate (hang out), to receive Academic Support (Advising/Tutoring), to connect with community (Belonging—Latino Student Union), and to enhance their Academic, Leadership, and Critical Thinking Skills (The Latinx Heritage Cohort) preparing students for the next phase in education or career. 

It is our vision to support students throughout their higher education journey leading to degree attainment, meaningful employment, and community engagement. 


La Oficina de Iniciativas y Servicios Latinos (LISO, por sus siglas en inglés) brinda apoyo total con servicios y programas de enriquecimiento académico que promueven el éxito de los estudiantes latinos. LISO ofrece un espacio dentro del Centro Multicultural para que los estudiantes latinos puedan: pasar el rato, recibir apoyo y consejería académica (asesoramiento/tutoría), conectarse con la comunidad (Unión de Estudiantes Latinos) y mejorar sus habilidades académicas, de liderazgo y de pensamiento crítico (El Programa para estudiantes de herencia latina) preparándolos para su siguiente fase en educación o carrera. 

La meta es apoyar a los estudiantes a lo largo de su trayectoria educativa y promover la obtención de títulos/diplomas/credenciales, un empleo/carrera exitosa, y su participación en nuestras comunidades latinas. 

Admissions | Admision

Apply to BCTC? | Quieres aplicar a BCTC?

Contact | Contacta a la Cordinadora de Alcance

Jazmine Rivera, Latinx Outreach Coordinator


Retention & Student Support Services

  • LISO Serves those who identify within the Latin America Diaspora and those who serve or are connected to this community. 
  • Student Leadership Development
  • Linguistically / culturally relevant educational outreach for Latinx, immigrant, refugee students/families such as College Experience Days, student shadowing, high school visits, and festivals, fairs and workshops. Services and support offered in Spanish
  • Specialized support services - educational access, immigration policy information, referrals to bilingual social services, job shadowing, leadership programs, professional development, consultations for credit for prior learning and international degree equivalency processes, etc.
  • Supporting the Office of Admissions 
    • Admissions application and FAFSA completion support.
    • Individualized scholarship coaching
    • Academic advising for Latinx/Hispanic Students 

Servicios de Retención & Apoyo Estudiantil

  • LISO sirve a los que se identifican dentro de la diáspora latinoamericana/hispana y a aquellos que sirven o están conectados con esta comunidad. 
  • Desarrollo de Liderazgo Estudiantil
  • Asesoramiento académico para estudiantes Latinos/Hispanos
  • Servicios de apoyo especializados: acceso a la educación, información sobre políticas de inmigración, referencias a servicios sociales bilingües, observación de trabajo, programas de liderazgo, desarrollo profesional, consultas para obtener créditos por aprendizaje previo y procesos de equivalencia de títulos internacionales, etc.
  • Programas culturales y educativos en Español para estudiantes / familias latinas.
    • Días de Experiencia Universitaria, De BCTC a Ti, u otras visitas a secundarias y preparatorias 
    • Ferias de recursos y talleres en Español
  • Colaboración con la Oficina de Admisiones 
    • Solicitud de admisión y apoyo para completar la solicitud de entrada/admisión
    • Apoyo en llenar el FAFSA (La Aplicación Gratis para el Apoyo Financiero/Federal Estudiantil) 
    • Apoyo individualizado para aplicar a becas internas y externas

Programs & Academic Engagement | Programs & Apoyo Academico

  • Latinx Heritage Cohort Pathway | Classes
    • FYE 105: First Year Experience | Experiencia Estudiantil 
    • HUM 120: Humanities 120 is an introduction to Latinx Poetry, Art, and Culture (Taught in Spanglish) | Introducion a Poesia, Arte, y Cultura Latino Americana.
    • HIS 206: Introduction to Colonial Latin America | Introducion a Latino America
    • SPA 215: Spanish for Bilingual Speakers | Español para estudiantes bilingues
    • Biweekly Common Hour | Hora Comun
      *Class times and offerings vary by semester | los horarios cambian por semester*

Fall 2024: Tuesday & Thursdays —12:30-1:45pm | Otoño 2024: Martes & Jueves—12:30-1:45pm

Support & Tutoring | Apoyo & Tutoria Academica

  • Al Cien! (100%) Latinx Student Study Tables with the Latino Student Union
  • Annual Festival de Futuros: College Resource & Application Fair with the Office of Admissions | Feria de aplicacion y recursos 
  • Participate in Global Learning Festivals (Latinx Student Union & Latinx Heritage Cohort) | Participacion en Festivales Culturales con la Union de Estudiantes Latinos

Opportunities | Oppotunidades

  • Study Abroad and Exchange Program Support | Apoyo para Intercambios internacionales
  • Annual EL CAMP: Latinx Leadership & College Experience Camp (Summer) | El Camp: Campamento de Liderazgo Latino & Experiencia Universitaria
  • Latino Student Union | Union de Estudiantes Latinos

EL CAMP: Latino Leadership & College Experience Camp (LLCEC)

The LLCEC is unique! (new window)

It provides Latinx and immigrant youth college preparation and leadership development experience. 

Enjoy creative programming in an atmosphere centered on
your language, culture, and history:

  • Cultural experiences  | Experiencias Culturales
  • College-style courses | Cursos estilo universidad
  • Leadership development workshops | Talleres para el desarrollo del liderazgo estudiantil
  • Team-building activities | Actividades en Equipo
  • Sports and movement | Deportes y Movimiento
  • Social Justice Education & Latin American History | Educacion de Justicia Social e Historia Latino Americana


  • ADDRESS / DIRECCION | Classroom Building at 500 Newtown Pike, Lexington, KY. Suite 103
  • Office Email | 
  • Office Phone | PENDING*

Schedule An Appointment in English | Programa una Cita en Español!


LISO/Latino Student Union (LSU) online | Follow Us!


Resources and Scholarship Databases

  • These sites contain lists of scholarships that are open to undocumented students throughout the United States.
  • Students and counselors must read through the databases and make a list of the scholarships the student qualifies. Keep in mind, some scholarships are based on geographic location, area of study, grades, ethnicity/race, etc.
  • We encourage you to apply for as many scholarships at possible to increase chances of receiving an award.


The Migrant Network Coalition is a broad-based coalition of public and private organizations and individuals. Since 1994, we have been collaborating to meet the needs of our diverse immigrant and migrant communities in the state of Kentucky.
One important focus of the MNC is our youth. The MNC created the Achieving Dreams Scholarship Program to help immigrant youth access and succeed in higher education. Since 2007, we have awarded a total of $24,550 to immigrant students attending college. There will be a maximum of $1,500 awarded to each scholarship recipient.

This scholarship is for immigrant students who cannot get federal financial aid such as undocumented, DACA or certain refugee and U Visa holders. The application is available each year beginning in March. Check the website for more information.

Open to undocumented and DACA students.

Founded in 1975, the Hispanic Scholarship Fund empowers Latino families with the knowledge and resources to successfully complete a higher education, while providing scholarships and support services to as many exceptional Hispanic American students as possible. HSF strives to make college education a top priority for every Latino family across the nation, mobilizing our community to proactively advance that goal - each individual, over a lifetime, in every way he/she can.

HSF also seeks to give its Scholars all the tools they need to do well in their course work, graduate, enter a profession, excel, help lead our nation going forward, and mentor the generations to come. As the nation's largest not-for-profit organization supporting Hispanic American higher education, HSF has awarded over $500 million in scholarships and provides a range of impactful programs for students, HSF Scholars, Alumni, and parents. For more information about the Hispanic Scholarship Fund, please visit

Open to DACA students; requires students to complete FAFSA.

Scholarships for Latino/Hispanic students pursing studies in STEM. SHPE manages a variety of organizational scholarships supported by the SHPE foundation as well as scholarships funded by major corporations. Some are open to undocumented students. Please read descriptions listed on the website for more details.

Open to undocumented and DACA students.

Our Scholarships are open to all BCTC students including immigrant, refugee, DACA-mented and undocumented students.

Any student that does not have a Social Security Number can complete the online scholarship application with 0s as their Social Security Number.

Students do need to complete a FAFSA to show need for need based scholarships. 


Buscabas | Were You Looking for our Friends at Global Learning?

  • Study Abroad \ estudios en el extranjero
  • International Student Services | Servicios Para Estudiantes Internacionales (VISA F1, J1)
  • Refugee Career Pathways (Refugiados/TPS/Asilo)
  • Immigrant Student Services? (Servicios para Inmigrantes SIN Visa)

Haz cita con el Centro de Aprendizaje Global (Global Learning Center) (nueva ventana)

OR Vist them/Visitalos: GLOBAL LEARNING Website (new window)