Contact Us
Contact a specific office or visit their website. They're here to answer your questions!
Student Service Center
- Call toll free (855) 246-2477 or go online at KCTCS Bluegrass Help.
- Manager: Scott Coleman (859) 246-6422
- Security (Cooper) (859) 246-6794
- Security (Leestown) (859) 246-6834
- Security (Newtown) (859) 246-6659
- Security (Danville) (859) 246-6877
- Security (Lawrenceburg) (859) 246-6815
- Security (Winchester) (859) 246-6573
- Security (Georgetown) (859) 246-6422
- (855) 246-2477
- Email Admissions
Alumni and Giving
- (859) 246-6584
- Email Alumni and Giving
- (859) 246-6220
- Email Advising
- (859) 246-6464
- Contact the Bookstore through their online form
Bursar's Office (Student Billing)
- (855) 246-2477
- Email the Bursar's Office / Student Billing
Career Services
- (859) 246-6220
- Email Career Services
Distance Learning
Educational Talent Search
- (859) 246-6574
- Email Educational Talent Search
Financial Aid
- (855) 246-2477
- Email Financial Aid Office
IT Help Desk
- (859) 246-4600
- Email the IT Help Desk
Leadership, Achievement, and Community Engagement (LACE)
- Phone: (859) 246-6530
- Text: (859) 813-0212
- Email Leadership, Achievement, and Community Engagement
- (859) 246-6713
- Contact a librarian through our online form
Media Contact
- Shelbie Hugle
Interim Director of Public Relations
(859) 447-5304 - Katelynn Ralston
Director of Marketing and Digital Strategies
(859) 227-6958 - Marketing Office
Military & Veteran Services
- (859) 246-6820
- Email Military and Veteran Services
Online Learning
Orientation (Student success hub)
- ORIENTATION (Student Success Hub)
- (859) 246-6702
- Email the Hub for more information
Personal Counseling
- (859) 246-6550
- Email Personal Counseling
Registrar's Office
- (855) 246-2477
- Email the Registrar's Office
Adult Education
- (859) 246-6611
- Email Adult Education
Student Accessibility Services (SAS)
- (859) 246-6963
- (859) 246-6994
- (859) 246-6753 TTY
- Fax: (859) 246-4678
- Email Student Accessibility Services
Student Activities
- (859) 246-6702
- Email Student Activities
Student Empowerment & Success (SES)
- (859) 246-6471
- Email Student Empowerment & Success
Student Engagement and Leadership (SEAL)
- (859) 246-6702
- Email SEAL
Transfer Services (Transferring Out of BCTC)
- (859) 246-6220
- Email Transfer Services
Testing Center
- (859) 246-6669
- Email Testing Center
- (859) 246-6702
- Email the HUB
Workforce Solutions
- (859) 246-6666
- Workforce Solutions website