Refugee Career Pathway
Get the support you need
Receive the support services you need from the Refugee Career Pathway Program!
Who Qualifies?
- Refugees
- Asylees
- Afghan Humanitarian Parolees
- T-Visa Holders
- Parolees
- SIV Holders who have been in the USA since March 2015 or later and do not yet have US citizenship
Our Services
Classes and services happen year-round.
- Career exploration and laddering
- Educational advising
- Community ELL classes
- Skills U referrals
- Case management
- Direct Support Services
- Workshops
- International Education Credit Evaluation Assistance
- Interpretation Services
- Individual Career Planning
Our Location
BCTC Newtown Campus
Multicultural and Global Learning Center
Classroom Building (CB), Room 103 D
Program Contact
Please reach out to Karissa with any questions or referrals!
Karissa Porter
(859) 246-6323
Interested in more information?
The links below will open in a new window.
- Click Here for the Refugee Career Pathway Interest form!
- Make an appointment with our Refugee Career Pathway Staff!