A library is more than just a building full of books. It's a space to learn, create, and connect with the past, present, and future.
What is Library Information Technology?
Gain the skills to become a library technical assistant or paraprofessional from the comfort of your home! All Library Information Technology courses are web-based distance courses.
These courses also count towards certification for Kentucky public library employees.
Upon completion of the academic certificate, you'll be able to:
- Perform basic library reference services using print and online sources
- Plan and produce library services and programs
- Demonstrate information literacy skills, and
- Describe the role of libraries as agencies for information services
Courses taken for the Certificate in Library Information Technology may be used also for the Associate of Applied Science degree in Graphic Design and Library Technology, Library Information Technology Track.

Our graduates find employment as:
- Library Assistants
- Library Technicians
- Library Clerks
- Technical Information Specialists
- Data Curators
- Archivists
- Digital Content Curators
Getting Started
Registration Information
BCTC offers online undergraduate library science courses, which lead to the:
- Academic Certificate in Library Information Technology
- Associate of Applied Science in Information Management & Design with the Library Information Technology Option
- Associate of Arts and Associate of Science elective courses for transfer to the Northern Kentucky University bachelor's degree in Library Informatics
The courses satisfy the paraprofessional certification levels for Kentucky public library employees. In addition, they satisfy re-certification requirements for all levels of Kentucky public library certification.
We welcome students from all over the world and from all types of libraries.
- Current tuition information
- Some classes have required textbooks. Required Textbooks
- Kentucky residents age 65 and older may register as Donovan Scholars with a full tuition waiver.
- All LIT and LIN 175 classes are completely online.
Application for New or Returning Students (no fee for applying)
On the Application for Admission Form
- The KCTCS College is BLC (for Bluegrass - Lexington Campus on Cooper Drive where the online classes originate)
- Program: Information Management & Design > Library Information Technology
- Starting term: Choose the appropriate term
- Note: applicants must submit an official copy of the high school transcript or GED®.
What are my degree, diploma, and certificate options?
The catalog describes the course requirements for completing the credential. Students are required to schedule an appointment with their assigned academic advisor to ensure achievement of their academic goals.
How Do I Pay For This?
What Else Do I Need to Know?
Additional Information
Northern Kentucky University
University of Kentucky
University of Kentucky
Length of Program
You can earn an associate in applied science degree in two years if you maintain full-time status.
This information should not be considered a substitute for the KCTCS Catalog. You should always choose classes in cooperation with your faculty advisor to ensure that you meet all degree requirements.