What is English?
Welcome to English at Bluegrass Community & Technical College. We are an Area of the Humanities Division.
Program Contact
Robin Haggerty
English Program Coordinator
(859) 246-6699
Rebecca Shelton
Written Communication Coordinator
(859) 246-6814
Dannielle Quintos
Written Communication Coordinator Assistant
(859) 246-6959
What are my Career Choices?
Students who earn an Associate in Arts can transfer to a four-year college or university. There, they can pursue degrees in education, focusing on English, or earn their BA and apply graduate programs in creative writing, English, or law.
- English Teacher
- Management
- Lawyer
- Writer
- Author
- Education Administrator
- Editor
- Administrative Assistant
Transfer Opportunities
- Pre-Major English, University of Kentucky (new window)
- Pre-Major English (Literature), Northern Kentucky University (new window)
- Pre-Major English (Writing), Northern Kentucky University (new window)
- Pre-Major English (Creative), Northern Kentucky University (new window)
- UK Department of English (new window)
- EKU Department of English and Theatre (new window)
What are my Degree, Diploma, or Certificate Options?
Course Descriptions
Provides parallel and supplemental review of English skills needed for students with an English ACT of 18 or 19 or a Compass placement test score between 70-80 who are also enrolled in ENG 101. If these students withdraw from ENG 100, they must also withdraw from ENG 101. Credit cannot be received by special exam.
Co-requisite: ENG 100 English Workshop must be taken concurrently with ENG 101.
Focuses on academic writing. Provides instruction in drafting and revising essays that express ideas in Standard English, including reading critically, thinking logically, responding to texts, addressing specific audiences, researching and documenting sources. Includes review of grammar, mechanics and usage.
- Credit not available by special examination;
- English 101 and 102 may not be taken concurrently;
- AP credit in the English Language and Composition category for ENG 101 awarded as indicated by AP scoring chart in current KCTCS catalog.
Pre-requisite: Appropriate writing placement score or ENC 091.
Emphasizes argumentative writing. Provides further instruction in drafting and systematically revising essays that express ideas in Standard English. Includes continued instruction and practice in reading critically, thinking logically, responding to texts, addressing specific audiences, and researching and documenting credible academic sources. NOTE: Credit is not available by special examination.
Pre-requisite: ENG 101.
An introduction to the genres and craft of imaginative writing, including fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Students will study and practice writing in various modes through composition, peer critique, and research. Lecture and workshop. Offers credit for the UK Core requirement in Intellectual Inquiry in Arts & Creativity. Fulfills ENG pre-major requirement and provides ENG minor credit.
Introduces students to an analytical rather than historical approach to literature in order to deepen students’ insight into the nature and purpose of literature.
Provides instruction and experience in writing for business, industry and government. Emphasizes clarity, conciseness, and effectiveness in preparing letters, memos, and reports for specific audiences.
Pre-requisite: ENG 101 and ENG 102 (or Consent of Instructor) or ENG 105.
Introduces students to the rich body of women’s writing. Explores common and differing themes, attitudes, cultural norms, and gender identity evident in multiethnic, diverse societies through analysis and discussion of texts by women writers.
Pre-requisite: ENG 101.
Provides a cross-cultural and historical approach to written and oral works by major Black authors of Africa, the Caribbean, and the United States. Includes writers such as Chinua Achebe (Africa), Wilson Harris(Caribbean), and Toni Morrison (USA).
Pre-requisite: ENG 101.
Introduces the study of movies as a narrative art and a cultural document. Requires viewing of films outside of class.
Pre-requisite: ENG 101.
Length of Program
You can earn an associate in arts degree in two years if you maintain full-time status.
This information should not be considered a substitute for the KCTCS Catalog. You should always choose classes in cooperation with your faculty advisor to ensure that you meet all degree requirements.