What is Music?
Welcome to the Music Area at Bluegrass Community & Technical College. We are an Area of the Humanities Division.
Program Contact
Tanya White
Arts & Humanities Coordinator
(859) 246-6610
Are you interested in getting involved with the arts at BCTC? Learn more about our Arts programming on the BCTC Arts page.
UK Wildcat Marching Band & Pep Band
BCTC students have the opportunity to audition for the University of Kentucky's Wildcat Marching Band and Pep Band. Upon a successful audition and UK instructor approval, students will participate in MUC 190 for one credit hour. For more information about bands, visit the UK Bands webpage, call (859) 257-2263 or complete the Wildcat Marching Band Interest Form.
What are my Career Choices?
Job Titles
- Music Director
- Composer
- Broadcast Technician
- Sound Engineering Technician
- Musician
- Singer
- Music Teacher
Transfer Opportunities
Music Transfer Information
What are my Degree, Diploma, or Certificate Options?
Course Descriptions
MUS 100 introduces the elements of music as they apply to the listening experience. Emphasizes the development of an awareness and understanding of musical styles from the Middle Ages to the present. Designed for the non-music major with no prior knowledge of music and is not intended to fulfill a program course requirement for music majors. It fulfills 3 credit hours under the General Education requirement for Humanities.
Length of Program
You can earn an associate in arts degree in two years if you maintain full-time status.
This information should not be considered a substitute for the KCTCS Catalog. You should always choose classes in cooperation with your faculty advisor to ensure that you meet all degree requirements.