Women's & Gender Studies
What is Women's & Gender Studies?
Welcome to the web page for the Women's & Gender Studies Program at Bluegrass Community & Technical College. We are an Area of the Humanities Division.
Program Contact
Tanya White
Arts & Humanities Coordinator
(859) 246-6610
Additional Information
The Kentucky Commission on Women has a brand new Facebook presence.
Please follow them to get the latest news from the KCW and other news of interest to women.
The Kentucky Commission on Women
The State Capitol
700 Capital Avenue, Suite 146
Frankfort, Kentucky 40601
502.564.2611, Ext. 359
What are My Career Choices?
- Educator
- Professor
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Administrator
- Non-Profit Administrator
Transfer Opportunities
What are my Degree, Diploma, or Certificate Options?
- Associates in Arts (new window)
- AA Focus Area, Women's Studies
WGS 200 and WGS 201, and choose three courses from ENG 234, HIS 265, GEO 240, FAM 253
Course Descriptions
Introduces women’s and gender studies from a humanities perspective, using a cross-cultural and interdisciplinary approach including art and literature. Examines issues and problems of women in contemporary society through the lens of race, gender, class, and socio-political spheres. It fulfills 3 credit hours under the General Education requirement for Humanities and transfers easily to UK. (It can also be used to satisfy the Cultural Studies requirement for the AA or AS degrees.)
Note: WGS 201 has heavy reading and writing assignments. Please do not place students who are enrolled in reading courses into WGS 201, a sophomore level course.
ENG 234 (Introduction to Women's Literature) introduces students to the rich body of women's writing, explores common and differing themes, attitudes, cultural norms and gender identity evident in multiethnic, diverse societies though analysis and discussion of texts by women writers. It fulfills 3 credit hours under the General Education requirement for Humanities and transfers easily to UK. (It can also be used to satisfy the Cultural Studies requirement for the AA or AS degrees.)
Length of Program
You can earn an associate in applied science degree in two years if you maintain full-time status.
This information should not be considered a substitute for the KCTCS Catalog. You should always choose classes in cooperation with your faculty advisor to ensure that you meet all degree requirements.