Equine students get paid for real world experience with apprenticeships
Published on Jun 18, 2021
LEXINGTON, KY - Kentucky is recognized as a leader in the horse industry and Bluegrass Community
and Technical College (BCTC) is known for Equine Studies. Soon, this partnership will
expand as Magdalena Farm, division of Kenneth McPeek's McPeek Racing, and Wainui Farm,
a horse farm owned by Nick and Jeannie Larkin, join Locust Trace AgriScience Center
and BCTC Workforce Solutions to offer registered apprenticeship opportunities.
Currently, two Locust Trace career and technical education high school students are employed as horse trainer apprentices earning paychecks, college credit, and valuable hands-on work experience. Upon completion of the apprenticeship program, students earn an industry certification issued by the U.S. Department of Labor, as well as a foundation for an associate degree and their career.
Students enjoy the hands-on experience that makes the workplace their classroom. One high school apprentice stated, "It doesn't even feel like I'm working because I enjoy it so much!"
Establishing these strategic partnerships is just the beginning. BCTC is setting the stage to partner with several public schools and businesses to offer industry-driven apprenticeship opportunities in many fields such as health science, Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (S.T.E.M.), skilled trades, manufacturing, and more. Apprenticeships benefit the student and employer. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, 91 percent of apprenticeship completers retain employment after the program ends.
BCTC Workforce Solutions offers many options for apprenticeships and customized training that can save employers time and money while increasing production and profit. Businesses can learn more about these opportunities, connect with regional colleagues, and hear from companies who are growing their businesses through partnership with BCTC Workforce Solutions at the Propel Kentucky event on June 22, 2021.
For more information about apprenticeships, contact Gary Robinson, Apprenticeship Project Manager, at 859-246-6714 or via e-mail at gary.robinson@kctcs.edu.