Culture and Engagement
We understand that studying and working on a campus that reflects and embraces a rich and broad range of human experiences and perspectives is incredibly important. Not only does it enrich the quality and vibrancy of campus life, it increases our capacity to learn and disseminate knowledge and prepares us for engaged citizenship and leadership in an increasingly diverse and global society. The Office of Culture and Engagement (C&E) advances academic excellence by increasing and advocating for campus diversity and inclusion. DEI undertakes initiatives aimed at the recruitment, retention, and success of underrepresented students, faculty, and staff, by working with academic units, community partners, and national organizations and institutions. We strongly believe that we have an obligation to create the best educational environment possible for students whose lives will be significantly changed during their time at BCTC.
BCTC Diversity Plan
- Develop a comprehensive outreach and communication plan for Under Represented Minority (URM) student populations to include highs school visits, partnerships with high school and community organizations and campus visit programs.
- Enhance recruitment communication for both internal and external stakeholders.
- Enhance marketing communication for both internal and external stakeholders.
- Enhance communication to students to increase credential completion
- Develop a comprehensive plan of services aimed at engaging students for the first year to the start of the second year.
- Strengthen academic and student services to support student engagement and completion
- Identify and cultivate partnerships with business and industry and other community organizations and schools in the central Kentucky region for targeted programs.
- Develop and implement a comprehensive array of academic, career and support services for Under Represented Minority (URM) students
- Improve position postings by expanding content and placement for advertising including use of social media and other strategies for reaching diverse candidates.
- Improve hiring processes by ensuring selection of inclusive search committee members and monitoring processes to use all tools for equitable assessment of candidates.
- Improve onboarding processes with a common set of activities and expectations in a new employee course including content on the college philosophies around equity and inclusion.
- Engage in development of a supportive campus climate by creating and implementing a Cultural Competency Certification Program.