Student Government | BCTC

Student Government

two students smiling while shaking hands

Each spring, the students at Bluegrass Community and Technical College elect a new slate of Student Government officers to serve as their official voice to the administration for the upcoming academic year. These elected officers and senators, designated members from each of the registered student organizations, and any BCTC student, faculty or staff member, come together once a month to plan out the student activity events for the upcoming months. These monthly Student Government meetings are open to the public and everyone is encouraged to attend.

The Bluegrass Community and Technical College Student Government is always striving to incorporate new activities and events within our traditional event calendar. Student Government officers and senators are always out talking to and surveying BCTC students on all seven of our Central Kentucky campuses to find out what type of programs they would like.

Position Elected Officer
President Rider Burton
Vice President Joanna Mezquite
Secretary Aadhya Pokharel
Newtown Campus Senator Matthew Smith
Newtown Campus Senator Horus Runako
Leestown Campus Senator Josh Burt
Lawrenceburg Campus Senator Kaitlyn Lilley
Winchester Campus Senator OPEN
Danville Campus Senator Victoria Brown
Georgetown Campus Senator OPEN

Officer Responsibilities


  • Shall preside at all Bluegrass College Student Government meetings and oversee the appointment of special committees as needed.
  • Shall represent Bluegrass College Student Government with all matters to BCTC students, faculty, administration, as well as organizations, institutions, and people outside the BCTC community.
  • Shall stay informed of campus trends and student concerns.
  • Shall perform all other duties pertaining to the office.
  • Shall be the chair for and a member of the Executive Committee.
  • Shall hold a minimum of three required office hours in the Bluegrass College Student Government office weekly.


  • Shall act as advisor to the President and assist the President as delegated.
  • Shall preside at meetings in the absence of the President.
  • Shall assume responsibility of the office of President in the event a vacancy occurs until the next regular election, as defined in Article IX, Section A, of the Bluegrass College Student Government Constitution.
  • Shall perform all other duties pertaining to the office.
  • Shall serve as a member of the Executive Committee.
  • Shall be the chair for and a member of the Activities and Issues, Causes and Concerns Committees.
  • Shall hold a minimum of three required office hours in the Bluegrass College Student Government office weekly.


  • Shall take minutes at all Bluegrass College Student Government meetings and be responsible for distribution and approval of minutes as defined in Article VIII, Section E of Bluegrass College Student Government Constitution.
  • Shall maintain for permanent record all reports, papers and all documents that Bluegrass College Student Government receives or sends to and from other organizations and institutions.
  • Shall provide necessary records to all committees for the completion of business.
  • Shall perform all other duties pertaining to the office.
  • Shall serve as a member of the Executive Committee.
  • Shall hold a minimum of three required office hours in the Bluegrass College Student Government office weekly.


  • Shall serve as liaison between Bluegrass College Student Government and the BCTC student body.
  • Shall raise awareness of the Bluegrass College Student Government's mission to the BCTC student body.
  • Shall encourage the BCTC student body to get involved with Bluegrass College Student Government sponsored activities.
  • Shall perform all other duties as requested by the President.
  • Shall serve as a member of the Executive Committee.
  • Shall hold a minimum of three required office hours weekly in the Bluegrass College Student Government office or at a designed location at their respective campus.


All students are members of BCTC Student Government Association (SGA) and welcome to attend the meetings.

Student Organizations are required to send one representative to the SGA meetings.

Fall Meetings are once a month from 9am-10am on the Newtown Campus and online.

  • September 19, 2024
  • October 17, 2024
  • November 21, 2024

graphic listing meeting dates


Student Government Association Constitution

1) Purpose

  1. The group previously known as Lexington Community College Student Government Association (LCCSGA) will now be known as BCTC Student Government.  BCTC Student Government is an organization representing all students at Bluegrass Community and Technical College (BCTC) to the faculty, administration, Kentucky Community and Technical College System, and Central Kentucky communities. The mission is to create, support, and maintain activities that unify the seven campuses, including the Newtown, Leestown, Lawrenceburg, Danville, Winchester and Georgetown campuses, and serve the BCTC student body and community. BCTC Student Government advocates policies and initiatives that promote the highest standards of student life.

2) Membership

  1. All elected positions of BCTC Student Government and Registered Student Organizations shall be voting members of BCTC Student Government for all regular business.  
  2. All students enrolled at BCTC
  3. Shall be eligible to vote in BCTC Student Government elections.
  4. Shall reserve the right to petition their elected representatives.
  5. Shall reserve the right to assemble at regular meetings with privilege of the floor.
  6. Shall serve as a voting member, in any capacity, on committees.
  7. If a tie occurs during voting, there must be a resolution submitted, for those in the future to follow. The members of the Executive Committee must come up with a final decision and must be seconded by another member of the meeting for it to be finalized.

3) Duties of the Voting Members

  1. In addition to the following duties and guidelines, each position should follow models of professional conduct, promptness, maturity, and attendance while executing duties of the office. Anyone found to contradict these qualities or any of the following duties is subject to challenge as defined in Article V of the BCTC Student Government constitution.
  2. President
    1. Shall preside at all BCTC Student Government meetings and oversee the appointment of special committees as needed.
    2. Shall represent BCTC Student Government with all matters to BCTC students, faculty, administration, as well as organizations, institutions, and people outside the BCTC community.
    3. Shall perform all other duties pertaining to the office.
    4. Shall be the chair and a member of the Executive Committee.
  3. Vice President
    1. Shall act as advisor to the President and assist the President as delegated.
    2. Shall preside at meetings in the absence of the President.
    3. Shall assume responsibility of the President in the event of a vacancy until the next regular election, as defined in Article IX, Section A, of BCTC Student Government Constitution.
    4. Shall chair the Committee on Accountability as defined in Article VII, Section B. In the event the Vice President is among the cause for the calling of this committee, the Executive Committee shall elect a chair.
    5. Shall perform all other duties pertaining to the office.
    6. Shall serve as a member of the Executive Committee.
    7. Shall be the chair for and a member of the Activities and Issues, Causes and Concerns Committees.
  4. Secretary
    1. Shall take minutes at all BCTC Student Government meetings and be responsible for distribution and approval of minutes as defined in Article VIII, Section E of BCTC Student Government Constitution.
    2. Shall maintain for permanent record all reports, papers and all documents that BCTC Student Government receives or sends to and from other organizations and institutions.
    3. Shall provide necessary records to all committees for the completion of business.
    4. Shall perform all other duties pertaining to the office.
    5. Shall serve as a member of the Executive Committee.
  5. Organization Representatives: Each registered student organization at BCTC is allowed one voting representative to conduct business at BCTC Student Government regular meetings.
    1. Shall serve as a liaison between BCTC Student Government and the organization they represent.
    2. Shall request organizational support from BCTC Student Government.
    3. Shall request financial support from BCTC Student Government when funds are available.
    4. Shall perform all other duties as requested by the President.
  6. BCTC Senators
    1. Shall serve as liaison between BCTC Student Government and the BCTC student body.
    2. Shall raise awareness of the BCTC Student Government’s mission to the BCTC student body.
    3. Shall encourage the BCTC student body to get involved with BCTC Student Government sponsored activities.
    4. Shall perform all other duties as requested by the President.
    5. Shall serve as a member of the Executive Committee.
    6. Shall serve the following campuses: Newtown, Cooper, Leestown, Winchester, Lawrenceburg, Danville, Georgetown and Online
    7. Each campus shall have a senator position per 1,000 students enrolled at the campus, with a minimum of one senator per campus


  1. BCTC Student Government Officers, as defined in Article III, must:
    1. Be enrolled at BCTC during their term of office.
    2. Not be on academic or disciplinary probation.
    3. Be in good financial standing with the college.
    4. Transferring and Current Students enrolled at BCTC shall have and maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.5. Incoming Freshmen shall be permitted to run for and hold a Student Government Association Officer position without a cumulative GPA established. However, upon completing a full semester and establishing a cumulative GPA, the 2.5 cumulative GPA requirement shall apply from that point forward.
    5. Demonstrate continued acceptance of duties outlined in Article III for the respective office during their term.

5) Organization Representatives:

  1. Must be members of the organization they represent.
  2. Must be enrolled at BCTC during their term of office.
  3. Must not be on academic or disciplinary probation.
  4. Must be in good financial standing with the college.
  5. Must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0.
  6. May include members of both registered and non-registered student organizations. However, an organization must be registered with the student activities office to receive benefits offered by the BCTC Student Government and have voting power in an official BCTC Student Government meeting.
  7. Must be selected by each separate organization.
  8. Must demonstrate continued acceptance of duties outlined in Article III for the respective office during their term.

6) BCTC Senators must:

  1. Be currently enrolled at BCTC during their term of office.
  2. Not be on academic or disciplinary probation.
  3. Be in good financial standing with the college.
  4. Must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5
  5. Must demonstrate continued acceptance of duties outlined in Article III for the respective office during their term.

7) Terms of Office/Accountability

  1. All BCTC Student Government Officers
    1. Shall serve a term from the day following the close of the spring semester in which they are elected through the last day of the following spring semester.
    2. Officer Accountability is defined as follows:
      1. An Officer may be removed from office for failure or inability to carry out duties as defined in Article III by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Committee present at two consecutive meetings of the BCTC Student Government. Such votes are not subject to veto.  
      2. An Officer may also be removed upon the second unexcused absence at a meeting, either regular or special.
  2. An Organization Representative
    1. Shall serve a term as defined by their organization.
    2. Organization Representative Accountability is defined as follows:
      1. A Representative may be removed from office by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Committee present at two consecutive meetings of the BCTC Student Government. Such votes are not subject to veto.  
      2. A Representative may also be removed for failure to follow the attendance policy set forth in the BCTC Student Government constitution.
  3. BCTC Senators
    1. Shall serve a term from the day following the close of the spring semester in which they are elected through the last day of the following spring semester.
    2. Senator Accountability is defined as follows:
      1. A Senator may be removed from office for failure or inability to carry out duties as defined in Article III by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Committee present at two consecutive meetings of the BCTC Student Government. Such votes are not subject to veto.  
      2. A Senator may also be removed upon the second unexcused absence at a meeting, either regular or special.

8) Elections

  1. BCTC Student Government Officers
    1. Shall coincide with BCTC’s annual spring event
    2. Shall be elected by and from the students of BCTC.
    3. Challenges of BCTC Student Government Officers shall be heard by the Committee on Elections, as defined in Article VII, Section B.
  2. Organizations Representatives
    1. Shall be determined by each organization.
  3. BCTC Senators
    1. Shall coincide with BCTC’s annual spring event
    2. Shall be elected by and from the students of BCTC.
    3. Challenges to elections of BCTC Student Government Senators shall be heard by the Committee on Elections, as defined in Article VII, Section B.
    4. Election Rules shall be defined by the Elections Committee

9) Committees

  1. Standing Committees
    1. Executive Committee
      1. Shall consist of the BCTC Student Government President, Vice President, Secretary, and Senators.  The President will serve as chair.
      2. Shall set agendas for all BCTC Student Government meetings.
      3. Shall serve as a liaison to both the BCTC Administration and to the BCTC student body.
      4. Shall set committee membership as defined in the BCTC Student Government constitution.
    2. Activities Committee
      1. Shall consist of rotating members of the Executive Committee and students enrolled at BCTC.  The Vice President will serve as chair.
      2. Shall organize and facilitate annual activities generated by the student activities committee and BCTC Student Government membership with final approval of the Student Activities Coordinator.
      3. Shall hear all requests regarding events and activities sponsored by organizations and departments outside Bluegrass College.
    3. Issues, Causes, and Concerns Committee
      1. Shall consist of rotating members of the Executive Committee and students enrolled at BCTC.  The Vice President will serve as chair.
      2. Shall hear all petitions brought forward by students, faculty, and/or administration and recommend action to the Executive Committee.
      3. All decisions are subject to final approval by the Executive Committee.
      4. The Executive Committee shall respond to all petitions in a timely fashion.
    4. Advisory Committees:
      1. Shall be called by the President or a majority vote of the Executive Committee in a regular or special called BCTC Student Government meeting.
      2. Membership shall be established by the Executive Committee.
      3. The Advisory Committees are:
        1. Committee on Elections
        2. Committee on Accountability
        3. Constitutional Committee
    5. Ad Hoc Committees:
      1. Shall be called by the President or a majority vote of the Executive Committee.
      2. Shall be formed for a specific purpose, case, or situation and limited to the purpose for which they are called.

10) Meetings

  1. Meetings of BCTC Student Government will be scheduled for the entire academic year at an Executive Committee retreat held during the summer.
  2. The Executive Committee shall determine the location and time of all regular BCTC Student Government meetings
  3. Shall announce all BCTC Student Government meetings to its members, the student body, faculty, and administrators.
  4. All meetings shall be open to the public.
  5. A quorum at a regular meeting consists of 50% officers and 50% registered organizations.
  6. Rules of conduct shall be consistent with Robert’s Rules of Order.
  7. Minutes of all BCTC Student Government meetings shall be distributed and approved, or amended and approved, at the following regular meeting.
  8. Minutes shall be delivered to the Student Government Association Advisor and made available to the public.
  9. Committees shall meet for organizational and maintenance purposes. All official business must of BCTC Student Government be conducted during regularly scheduled meetings.

11) Special Meetings

  1. May be called by the President of BCTC Student Government.
  2. May be requested by BCTC Student Government Members to the President. Requests must:
  3. Be in writing.
  4. Be signed by 50% of the officers or 50% of the registered organization membership.
  5. Include time, location, and purpose of meeting stated clearly.
  6. The President will call a meeting once the criteria in Article VIII, Section I, Number 2 has been met.
  7. Must be announced at least one week in advance.
  8. Shall be limited to the purpose for which they are called.  No other business may be conducted at special meetings.

12) Vacancies

  1. Should a vacancy occur in the Executive Committee, with the exception of the President, nominations will be accepted and elections held by the representatives of the BCTC Student Government at any regularly scheduled or special meeting.
  2. The Vice President will fill any vacancy of the office of President.
  3. The position of Vice President will be filled by the procedures outlined in Article IX, Section A.
  4. Vacancy of an Organization Representative shall be brought to the attention of the organization, which is responsible for defining replacement procedures.  

13) Amendments

  1. Must be presented in complete written form to the Executive Committee.
  2. Must be approved by a 2/3 majority of the BCTC Student Government Executive Committee present at a regular or special meeting.
  3. The Secretary shall distribute up-to-date copies of revised constitution to the faculty advisor and Student Activities Coordinator and be available to the public.