Troubleshooting Access To Blackboard Course shells Course Unavailable | BCTC

Troubleshooting Access To Blackboard Course shells Course Unavailable

Email Instructor.
Instructors must update Blackboard settings in order to make their course available to students. If your course is unavailable for this reason, contact your instructor; you will find your instructor's email address in Student Self-Service.

Check Class Start Date.
Typically, instructors do not make their course available until the start of classes so be sure to check the official start time for your class. Note: students enrolling in BCTC's 12-Week semester will not find their course available until a month after the start of the 15 week semester.

Third Party Software.
Some instructors do not use Blackboard to teach their online classes. Many BCTC Math instructors use MyMathLab; similar products are used in other disciplines. Contact your instructor about what software is used to teach your class.


Wait One Day.
It takes one day from when students enroll in Self-Service until students gain access to the Blackboard Course shell.

Check Enrollment Status.
Students lose access to a Blackboard Course shell when they are dropped for non-payment or for failing to attend or participate in class during the first week of classes

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