Ready to Work
Are you a Student Parent Who...
Wants to enroll in College or already enrolled in College?
Wants to earn a paycheck that does not reduce certain benefits?
Wants to complete a college degree but owes a bill or has a loan in default?
How We can Help
- Help you find jobs that work around school schedules.
- Offer support as you balance family, work, and life.
- Help to find a career that interests you.
- Provide access to:
- Daycare and transportation assistance
- Work clothes and uniforms
- Employment Skills Training
What is Ready to Work?
The Ready to Work (RTW) Program is a partnership between KCTCS and the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services. RTW provides services to adult education and GED students to help make their transition to college a smooth one. RTW serves students who are low-income parents in one of the following groups:
- Enrolled at BCTC
- A former KCTCS student seeking employment
- Working with Kentucky Adult Education or on a high school diploma
- Have a barrier to enrolling at KCTCS, such as student debt
RTW students can receive the following services or forms of assistance:
- Navigating admission and financial aid (FAFSA) processes
- Completing and submitting Cabinet for Health and Family Services forms pertaining to enrollment, income, housing, etc.
- Academic success seminars
- Career counseling
- Goal setting
- Personal counseling
- Mentoring
- Referrals to community resources
- Life and job readiness skill building and
- Networking
RTW offers job opportunities both on and off campus through a work study program. Participants gain work experience while earning extra income that will not reduce their Kentucky Transitional Assistance Program (KTAP) benefits. The placement of work study students in their fields of study with both private and non-profit employers help prepare them for the workplace and often leads to full-time employment. Students can be referred to RTW through the Cabinet for Health and Family Services, faculty, and staff of BCTC, community agencies, and other RTW students.
Eligibility must be verified through the Cabinet for Health and Family Services. RTW relates to the mission of BCTC by providing intensive case management services to students so they can obtain a quality education and move to self-sufficiency.
Counties Served
The following counties are served by the BCTC Ready to Work program:
- Anderson
- Boyle
- Clark
- Estill
- Fayette
- Franklin
- Garrard
- Jessamine
- Lincoln
- Madison
- Mercer
- Powell
- Scott
- Woodford
For more information, contact a RTW Coordinator at BL-ReadyToWork@kctcs.edu.