Child Care Access Means Parents in School Program (CCAMPIS)
Is the lack of childcare holding you back or making it difficult to attend school? We may be able to help.
CCAMPIS (Child Care Access Means Parents in School Program) is a federally funded program that allows BCTC to support student-parents in starting and completing their post-secondary education by providing childcare subsidies to qualified students.
Childcare will be provided during the summer, fall, and spring semesters. Additional information about service times and availability will be provided during an interview with selected participants.
Student Requirements
- Participate in childcare center family events and attend family workshops arranged by the Family Care Navigator
- Meet with an advisor each semester to schedule appropriate courses
- Remain in good academic standing (2.0 GPA)
- Maintain at least 6 credit hours per semester
- Must be Pell Grant Eligible and seek out scholarship funds
- Seek assistance from the Family Care Navigator to quickly resolve issues with financial aid, course work, or personal issues.
- Notify the Family Care Navigator of any significant changes that would disqualify the student from participation in the grant.