Tobacco-Free Campus Initiative
Policy and Implementation Guidelines
Effective August 12, 2013, the Bluegrass Community & Technical College (BCTC) Tobacco Policy is revised to create a tobacco-free campus that encompasses all BCTC campuses and sites, including all BCTC owned, operated, leased or controlled properties. These guidelines are intended to assist employees and students in the implementation of this change. The new college policy states:
"BCTC Tobacco-Free Campus Policy: The use of all tobacco products is prohibited on all property owned, operated, leased, occupied, or controlled by BCTC,... Properties for purposes of this paragraph includes college buildings and structures, grounds, parking lots, enclosed bridges, walkways and sidewalks, and vehicles."
Violation of the Policy is defined as using any tobacco products, including e-cigarettes and other non-combustible tobacco products, within the prohibited areas.
Successful implementation of the Policy will engage everyone in creating a culture of compliance. Employees and student leaders will be advised to provide clear, compassionate, courteous, yet firm messages to communicate the Policy to any employee, student, visitor, supplier or contractor violating the Policy that prohibits the use of all tobacco products on BCTC property. Administrators and supervisors are encouraged to create increased policy awareness and are responsible for responding to reported violations of the Policy.
Please click the links in the left sidebar to review tobacco-free policies specific to employees, students, campus visitors and suppliers, or to review Frequently Asked Questions.
All BCTC employees will be informed of the Bluegrass Community & Technical College Tobacco-free Campus Policy. An employee who violates the Policy will be subject to corrective action under the KCTCS Human Resources Policies and Procedures or other applicable KCTCS regulations or policies.
KCTCS Administrative Policies and Procedures Employee Rights and Responsibilities states in part, Employees also have the responsibility to abide by KCTCS policies and procedures, applicable laws, as well as college and departmental rules and guidelines.
Employees may obtain information about treatment to manage symptoms and/or treat tobacco dependence from their health care provider or at the following websites:
- Tobacco-Free Kentucky (new window)
- Stop Smoking Resources (Tobacco Free America)
- Guide to Quitting Smoking (American Cancer Society)
- Stop Smoking Classes (Lexington Health Department)
Who is Responsible for Disciplinary Action? | Action |
Supervisor |
Human Resources |
During the admission, orientation, and enrollment process, all students and family will be informed of the BCTC Tobacco-free Campus Policy and receive informative material relating to the Policy. Students will be encouraged to obtain information about treatment to manage symptoms and/or treat tobacco dependence at the following websites:
- Stop Smoking Resources (Tobacco Free America)
- Guide to Quitting Smoking (American Cancer Society)
- Tobacco-Free Kentucky (new window)
- Stop Smoking Classes (Lexington Health Department)
Students who violate the Policy will be reported to the Assistant Vice President of Student Rights and Responsibilities and will be subject to corrective action according to the applicable disciplinary code in the Student Code of Conduct.
Article III, 3.2.15: Violating any rule or regulation not contained within the official college publications, but announced as administrative policy by the chief executive officer or his/her designee.
Who is Responsible for Disciplinary Action | Action |
Witness |
Assistant Vice President and Dean of Students |
Campus Visitors
All guests and visitors will be informed of the Bluegrass Community & Technical College Tobacco-free Campus Policy, and will be notified of this policy through on-campus signage.
Tobacco use violations by any person will be reported to the appropriate campus authority. Guests and visitors who violate the policy may be asked to leave the area.
Vendors and contractors will be informed of the Bluegrass Community & Technical College Tobacco-free Campus Policy in the bid or contract documents. Violations of the policy by suppliers or contractors or any of their employees or agents, including subcontractors will be considered a breach of contract. Tobacco use by a supplier or contractor will be reported to an appropriate campus contact. The name or description of the individual and location should be provided. Follow up will be handled by the Operations Manager-Security and Safety.
- Why should BCTC become tobacco free?
- To whom does the tobacco-free policy apply?
- Where does the tobacco-free policy apply?
- What resources are available to help those who would like to quit using tobacco?
- What about the rights of tobacco users?
- Why not build designated smoking shelters?
- Why does BCTC need a new policy?
- How is the policy being communicated?
- How is the policy being enforced?
- What should I do if I see someone using tobacco on college property?
- How should managers/supervisors talk to employees about the policy?
- What can supervisors do to help personnel comply with the policy?
- Is there any change to existing break policies to allow smokers to go off campus to smoke?
Why should BCTC become tobacco free?
BCTC has a responsibility to its students, faculty, and staff to provide a safe and healthy work and learn environment. Research shows that tobacco use in general, in addition to the effects of secondhand smoke, constitutes a health hazard. Tobacco use contributes to college costs in several ways, including those associated with absenteeism, health care, medical insurance and cleaning and maintenance.
To whom does the Tobacco-Free Policy apply?
The policy applies to anyone who is on the Bluegrass Community & Technical College campuses, including faculty and staff members, students, contractors, suppliers, volunteers and visitors. It applies to all tobacco and smoking products (including smokeless tobacco and e-cigarettes).
Where does the Tobacco-Free Policy apply?
The use of tobacco is prohibited throughout all BCTC campuses including buildings, grounds, and parking areas. It also applies to college vehicles and other college property.
What resources are available to help those who would like to quit using tobacco?
The following tobacco cessation resources and programs are available for employees and students:
- Tobacco-Free Kentucky (new window)
- Tobaccofree Earth (new window)
- American Cancer Society (new window)
- Lexington-Fayette County Health Department - Tobacco Use Cessation and Prevention (new window)
What about the rights of tobacco users?
This policy does not remove any person s right to use tobacco, but it does prohibit such behaviors on college property. The policy is built on a foundation of respect for both tobacco users and those who do not use tobacco, engendering an environment of mutual respect and a healthy lifestyle.
Why not build designated smoking shelters?
Tobacco use has a strong social component. Research indicates that designated areas would actually promote more tobacco use on campus. Shelters would also be expensive, and threats associated with secondhand smoke would remain.
Why does BCTC need a new policy?
The previous policy allowed designated areas and did not address public health concerns. That policy, which prohibited smoking within 20 feet of buildings and allowed smoking in designated areas, was not working and many members of the BCTC community asked that the policy be reviewed.
How is the policy being communicated?
Posters, yard signs, banners, information on the college website, emails from the college president, information disseminated in student orientation sessions are examples of methods used to communicate the new policy. Notices have been included in new employee materials and will be included in new materials distributed to outside groups using college facilities.
How is the policy being enforced?
As with other college policies, compliance is an expectation for all employees, students and visitors. Initial enforcement will involve education, awareness, intervention and referral for smoking cessation support. Progressive disciplinary procedures will then be used as necessary and appropriate for violations. Employees may contact their supervisor or the Human Resources Department for assistance regarding specific enforcement concerns. Students may contact the Assistant Vice President of Student Rights and Responsibilities.
What should I do if I see someone using tobacco on college property?
Faculty, staff, and students who see individuals using tobacco products on college property should respectfully inform these individuals of the policy prohibiting tobacco use anywhere on college grounds. Individuals who do not feel comfortable approaching someone violating the policy can notify the Human Resources Department or the Assistant Vice President of Student Rights and Responsibilities.
How should managers/supervisors talk to employees about the policy?
We recommend managers/supervisors remind employees of this policy and seek their cooperation with compliance. Supervisors are encouraged to communicate the college's smoking cessation assistance opportunities to employees and consult with Human Resources prior to implementing disciplinary action.
What can supervisors do to help personnel comply with the policy?
A face-to-face meeting with the employee to discuss concerns is always the best place to start. The following tips can help:
- Gain agreement that the problem exists.
- Emphasize that you don t expect or require the employee to quit tobacco use, but that the employee must comply with the BCTC tobacco-free policy while on BCTC property.
- If the employee indicates an interest in quitting, direct him or her to available cessation resources.
Is there any change to existing break policies to allow smokers to go off campus to smoke?
No. Non-exempt employees will continue to get the same breaks and meal periods currently in effect.