Student Achievement Disclosure Information | BCTC

Student Achievement Disclosure Information

UPDATED 3/3/2025

  1. Full-time Retention Rate: Measured by the percentage of full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking students from the previous fall who either re-enrolled or successfully completed their program by the current fall. BCTC's goal is to meet or exceed the full-time retention rate for its comparison group median as reported by the U.S. Department of Education Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS).
    Source: IPEDS Data Feedback Reports
    Terms BCTC Retention Rate Comparison Group Median Achievement Status
    Fall 2022 to Fall 2023 65% 60% Met
    Fall 2021 to Fall 2022 64% 59% Met
    Fall 2020 to Fall 2021 60% 57% Met
    Fall 2019 to Fall 2020 63% 59% Met
  2. Transfer-out Rate: Measured by the total number of students from the cohort who are known to have transferred out of BCTC (without earning a degree/award) and subsequently re-enrolled at another institution within the same time period. The cohort includes all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking students. BCTC's goal is to meet or exceed the median transfer-out rate for its comparison group as reported in IPEDS.
    Source: IPEDS Data Feedback Reports
    Student Cohort BCTC Transfer-Out Rate Comparison Group Transfer-Out Rate Achievement Status
    Entering Fall 2020 transferred by Fall 2023 13% 16% Not Met
    Entering Fall 2019 transferred by Fall 2022 12% 14% Not Met
    Entering Fall 2018 transferred by Fall 2021 14% 16% Not met
    Entering Fall 2017 transferred by Fall 2020 15% 16% Not met
  3. Graduation Rate: Measured by the percentage of students from the cohort who completed a degree or certificate within three years. The cohort includes all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking students. BCTC's goal is to meet or exceed the median graduation rate for its comparison group as reported in IPEDS.
    Source: IPEDS Data Feedback Reports
    Student Cohort BCTC Graduation Rate Comparison Group Graduation Rate Achievement Status
    Entering Fall 2020 graduated by Fall 2023 38% 31% Met
    Entering Fall 2019 graduated by Fall 2022 35% 28% Met
    Entering Fall 2018 graduated by Fall 2021 35% 28% Met
    Entering Fall 2017 graduated by Fall 2020 30% 27% Met
  4. Graduation Plus Transfer-Out Rate: Measured by the percentage of students from the cohort who completed a degree or certificate within three years, or transferred out of BCTC (without earning a degree/award) and subsequently re-enrolled at another institution within the same time period. The cohort includes all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking students. BCTC's goal is to meet or exceed the median graduation rate for its comparison group as reported in IPEDS.
    Source: IPEDS Data Feedback Reports
    Student Cohort BCTC Graduation plus Transfer-Out Rate Comparison Group Graduation plus Transfer-Out Rate Achievement Status
    Entering Fall 2020 graduated or transferred by Fall 2023 51% 47% Met
    Entering Fall 2019 graduated or transferred by Fall 2022 47% 42% Met
    Entering Fall 2018 graduated or transferred by Fall 2021 49% 44% Met
    Entering Fall 2017 graduated or transferred by Fall 2020 45% 43% Met
  5. Licensure/Certification Pass Rates: Measured by the percentage of students in the Voluntary Framework of Accountability's Career and Technical Education completer/leaver cohort who achieve a passing grade on their first attempt of a licensure exam within one year. BCTC's goal is to meet or exceed the average rate for all KCTCS colleges, as reported in KCTCS Performance Measures.
    Source: Decision Support System (DSS)
    Student Cohort BCTC Pass Rate KCTCS Average Pass Rate Achievement Status
    2021 87% 85% Met
    2020 84% 85% Not met
    2019 88% 89% Not met
    2018 94% 91% Met