Strategic Plan | BCTC

Strategic Plan

We invite you to share our plans for the future by exploring our Strategic Plan and related objectives and measures!

2022-2026 Strategic plan

BCTC's 2022-2026 Strategic Plan was revised and approved by the Board of Directors on March 12, 2025

Objectives Initiatives
Goal 1: Access
1.1: Improve access through targeted initiatives. 1.1.1: Enhance overall recruitment by developing a comprehensive plan involving general, campus, and program recruitment.
1.1.2: Strengthen efficient and effective academic scheduling practices to provide students opportunity to fulfill course needs.
1.1.3: Improve accessible, interactive, and relational academic advising and timely completion of credentials.
1.2: Increase student enrollment by demonstrating BCTC’s accessibility through nonacademic wrap-around services. 1.2.1: Utilize staff and faculty to directly recruit students.
1.2.2: Promote dual credit enrollment and matriculation at BCTC.
1.2.3: Develop and launch marketing campaigns emphasizing BCTC’s mission and role within the community.
1.2.4: Reduce non-academic barriers that impede student access.
1.2.5: Enhance assessment practices to create comprehensive placement.
1.2.6: Pursue initiatives to reduce technological disparities across BCTC students.
1.3: Increase the number of programs and initiatives focused on access and customized workforce training through community and industry initiatives. 1.3.1: Develop new job training and experiential learning opportunities in collaboration with community, business, and industry partners to increase skilled talent within Kentucky’s workforce.
1.3.2: Recruit experts from the community onto campus to enrich student education and facilitate communication with specific program industries.
1.3.3: Increase outreach campaigns to expand programs with neighboring colleges, businesses, and industries.
1.4: Identify and address barriers in recruiting and onboarding underserved students. 1.4.1: Improve underserved student access and enrollment in selective admissions programs.
Goal 2: Success
2.1: Improve student retention through targeted academic support and student services. 2.1.1: Strengthen initiatives to develop high quality teaching, supportive learning environments, and community and global partnerships.
2.1.2: Enhance institutional technologies to improve institutional processes, functions, and services for students.
2.1.3: Enhance targeted support services available to part-time students to improve engagement and retention.
2.1.4: Implement student recovery programs and surveys to gather data on students who do not complete their programs.
2.1.5: Bolster services and initiatives to improve completion and retention rates for underserved students.
2.2: Improve faculty and staff usage of available tools to advance student success. 2.2.1: Expand targeted training related to student success software and applications such as Starfish, Bookings, Presence, and Blackboard.
2.2.2: Strengthen and promote usage of professional development for student success.
2.3: Increase college and career readiness throughout the student population by 2026. 2.3.1: Cultivate professional qualities in students to prepare them for success.
2.3.2: Develop innovative programs to strengthen use of guided pathways.
2.3.3: Establish early interventions to cultivate college readiness.
2.3.4: Advance the Kentucky Graduate Profile through curriculum and targeted programming.
Goal 3: Resources
3.1: Increase college resources through fundraising and development. 3.1.1: Pursue grant and fundraising opportunities to support targeted student populations and initiatives.
3.1.2: Develop and expand partnerships to support BCTC programs and minimize expenses.
3.1.3: Expand fundraising to provide additional grant and scholarship opportunities for under-resourced students.
3.2: Maximize college resources to promote efficient operations throughout the college. 3.2.1: Practice good stewardship to support improving and enhancing employee compensation, compression, and pay equity.
3.2.2: Provide safe and welcoming physical facilities.
3.2.3: Work to meet space needs to fulfill area missions by guiding the evolution of Lexington Campuses with respect to growth of Newtown Campus and related transitions at Leestown and Cooper Campuses.
3.2.4: Provide equitable distribution of up-to-date technology and infrastructure resources.
3.3: Improve participation in professional development and bolster targeted training. 3.3.1: Develop and support a comprehensive Teaching and Learning Center with a focus on professional development opportunities that promote inclusive student engagement, meaningful academic interaction, clarity of instruction, effective course design, and assessment that focuses on new technology and applications.
3.3.2: Create an efficient process for accessing technologies and receiving training to improve the quality of instruction in various learning modes.
3.3.3: Expand and support opportunities for training and involvement with the Kentucky Graduate Profile.
3.4: Be a great place to work. 3.4.1: Enhance faculty and staff support through campus engagement.
3.4.2: Encourage faculty and staff to take greater agency in strengthening morale.
3.4.3: Enhance onboarding process to ensure all employees feel welcome and have information to succeed at the college.
3.4.4: Enhance assessment of the college by thorough review of the work climate survey.
3.5: Increase the number of skilled faculty and staff employed at BCTC by 2026. 3.5.1: Expand strategies to increase recruitment and college visibility.

2016-2022 strategic plan

Goals Objectives
Strategic Initiative 1. Increase student access and success while promoting excellence in teaching and learning.
1.1: Strategically manage college enrollment to optimize student access and success.
  • 1.1.1 Develop and implement enhanced strategies to remove barriers and increase enrollment.
  • 1.1.2 Improve processes and communication to support ease of access to financial aid and scholarships.
  • 1.1.3 Develop and implement strategic marketing and recruitment efforts to increase the matriculation rate of dual credit students to BCTC.
1.2: Strengthen academic and student services to support student engagement and completion.
  • 1.2.1 Integrate and intensify advising and career development services to guide each student’s academic program plan and to promote career pathways with emphasis on high-demand fields.
  • 1.2.2 Build upon the first-year-experience initiative as a primary retention strategy.
  • 1.2.3 Provide integrated academic resources for student support, both on-campus and online.
  • 1.2.4 Develop a completion strategy that moves students toward credit-bearing courses, transfer, or credential.
1.3: Increase the number of students who successfully transfer to Bachelor’s degree programs.
  • 1.3.1 Pursue early outreach to incoming students interested in transfer, particularly those from underserved populations.
  • 1.3.2 Engage with bachelor’s degree granting institutions to increase transfer and reverse transfer opportunities and support available to students.
1.4: Decrease gaps in academic achievement by supporting students who have barriers to success.
  • 1.4.1 Develop and implement academic strategies to actively facilitate persistence and completion for at-risk students.
  • 1.4.2 Strengthen partnerships to address barriers to retention such as transportation, child care, poverty, homelessness, and hunger.
1.5: Develop and support educational programs that prepare students for successful careers in a changing economy.
  • 1.5.1 Expand and integrate workforce, academic, and technical programs to prepare students for emerging and sustaining careers.
  • 1.5.2 Strengthen programs and job placement by using workforce data and meaningful employer involvement.
  • 1.5.3 Expand opportunities for experiential learning including learn-and-work programs, internships, and apprenticeships for students in career and technical programs.
  • 1.5.4 Strengthen students’ essential skills (e.g., professionalism) to enhance job placement and job performance of graduates.
1.6: Enhance college and career readiness of entering students.
  • 1.6.1 Use K-12 partnerships and other strategies to better prepare students for the demands of postsecondary education.
  • 1.6.2 Accelerate completion of developmental education requirements.
  • 1.6.3 Collaborate with adult education programs to support GED® completions, assist underprepared students, and improve transition of students to college.
1.7: Develop and support quality, engaging, pace-optimized learning environments.
  • 1.7.1 Infuse creative thinking and collaborative learning in courses, and explore new technology with IT to implement technology-rich activities, to enhance skills for tomorrow’s workplace.
  • 1.7.2 Improve strategies and assessments to support successful completion of gateway courses.
  • 1.7.3 Continue to explore and implement flexible options for class schedules and delivery of services.
Strategic Initiative 2. Cultivate an inclusive learning community.
2.1: Enhance college services and activities to recruit, retain, and graduate diverse students.
  • 2.1.1 Support and sustain outreach and retention efforts to increase access and success for underserved or underrepresented populations.
  • 2.1.2 Provide and maintain a culture of inclusion and support for international, migrant, and refugee students.
2.2: Advance cultural competency and inclusion to promote greater college diversity and equity.
  • 2.2.1 Recruit, hire, and retain a diverse faculty and staff to reflect the changing demographics of the student population.
  • 2.2.2 Provide and promote rich multicultural and inclusion experiences that enhance global awareness and cultural competencies of faculty, staff, and students.
2.3: Provide for college wide interaction, communication, and involvement of faculty, staff, and students.
  • 2.3.1 Engage faculty, staff, and students through a broad range of activities and learning to build community across campuses.
  • 2.3.2 Improve communication with students, faculty, and staff by connecting through multiple channels, including website, SharePoint, email, social media, and call center messaging.
Strategic Initiative 3. Enhance strategies for economic, workforce, and community development.
3.1: Provide educational opportunities to meet current needs and emerging trends in economic and workforce development.
  • 3.1.1 Improve educational support and outreach to business and industry by aligning academic offerings with workforce needs.
  • 3.1.2 Collaborate with workforce and governmental agencies, using internal and external data, to respond to economic development initiatives.
3.2: Actively engage in community outreach and development.
  • 3.2.1 Foster opportunities to increase community connections and partnerships.
  • 3.2.2 Develop and implement marketing and advocacy efforts to build public awareness of BCTC’s value and affordability.
  • 3.2.3 Expand arts and cultural opportunities for students and communities across all campuses.
Strategic Initiative 4. Build resources for an effective and sustainable college.
4.1: Maximize college budgetary, development, and human resources to promote efficient operations throughout the college.
  • 4.1.1 Conduct and communicate budget development, allocation, and management processes that focus on strategic needs, involve broad participation, and enhance efficiencies.
  • 4.1.2 Accelerate resource development efforts to enhance student support and scholarships, academic quality, and facilities expansion and renovation.
  • 4.1.3 Provide for training, services, and development resources to support a highly qualified and committed faculty and staff.
4.2: Plan and develop facilities and infrastructure for optimum learning environments.
  • 4.2.1 Plan and guide evolution of Lexington campuses with respect to growth on Newtown Campus and related transitions at Leestown and Cooper campuses.
  • 4.2.2 Plan and guide evolution of regional campuses with increased alignment of program offerings to local industry needs and attention to needed facilities and infrastructure.
  • 4.2.3 Support safe campuses through enhanced security, training, and facilities upgrades.
  • 4.2.4 Provide up-to-date technology and equipment resources for instructional and administrative support equitably across all campuses.
4.3: Utilize dynamic planning and assessment processes to monitor progress toward strategic goals.
  • 4.3.1 Enhance training using the assessment mechanism as a tool for continual improvement toward strategic goals.
  • 4.3.2 Seek continuous improvement through broad-based planning, use of data, and benchmark comparisons.
  • 4.3.3 Utilize data analytics to identify and impact performance-based funding metrics.

Planning resources

The following documents will assist BCTC Faculty and Staff with planning activities: