Accessibility Services | BCTC

Accessibility Services

Welcome to the Accessibility Services webpage at Bluegrass Community & Technical College!
We provide a full range of services to more than 500 students each year who have disabilities. We ensure equal access & full participation for persons with disabilities in higher education. We're guided by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
Questions about services?
Email Accessibility Services, call (859) 246-6963, or (859) 246-6994 Director.

No accommodation meetings will be held during finals week.



BCTC uses the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) as a guide to define disability. A condition that substantially limits a major life activity (such as walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, and learning) and is covered under the ADA makes a student eligible for services from Accessibility Services.

Services can be provided to students who are or who have:

  • deaf or hard of hearing
  • students with learning disabilities
  • traumatic brain injuries
  • chronic health conditions (such as diabetes, epilepsy, HIV/AIDS, psychiatric disabilities, etc.)
  • mobility, visual, speech and coordination impairments

Students with temporary conditions (such as a broken arm or leg) may also be eligible for services.

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Services, Resources, & Forms


Services are based on the individual need of each student. 

Services may include:

  • ensuring a physically accessible environment
  • assistance with academic advising and career counseling
  • supportive counseling
  • interpreters for students who are deaf or hard of hearing
  • adaptive equipment (FM listening devices, TTY, adaptive computer hardware...)
  • specialized computer software*
  • textbooks in audio or electronic format
  • enlarged, brailled or text in an audio format
  • note taking; readers; writers/scribes; tutors
  • testing accommodations
  • special parking permits

* - Dragon Naturally Speaking, Kurzweil 1000 and 3000, ZoomText, JAWS, MathType, Scientific Notebook, etc.

The Accessibility Services staff work inside and outside of BCTC. Inside, staff works with faculty, staff, and administrators. Outside, we work with rehabilitation counselors and other social service agencies. Our goal is to work with community agencies on your behalf on a regular basis. 

We can also help if you transfer to other educational institutions and/or programs. 

We maintain contact with the: 

  • Kentucky Department of Vocational Rehabilitation
  • Office for the Blind
  • insurance or worker compensation case managers
  • rehabilitation centers 
  • adult education centers

You're encouraged from the day you start your academic career to take part in our services. Students are not segregated or labeled because of their disability. You assume full responsibility for securing reasonable accommodations for a particular academic program. We're here to give support and advice to keep you going!

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Resources for Students and Faculty

Faculty Guide to the Americans with Disabilities Act


A Guide for Working Effectively with Students who Have Disabilities

What is the ADA?
The Americans with Disabilities Act is a federal law intended to stop discrimination against people with disabilities. It applies to employers, state and local government agencies, places of public accommodation, transportation facilities, telephone companies, and the U.S. Congress. Under Title II of the ADA, public colleges and universities are required to provide auxiliary aids and services to qualified students with disabilities. Providing auxiliary aids and services is not considered special treatment, but rather an equal opportunity to participate in the services, programs, or activities offered by the institution.

What are my responsibilities as a faculty member?
Campus compliance with the ADA is a shared responsibility, and faculty members play an important role in an institution s efforts. The ADA is a civil rights statute, ensuring that students with disabilities will have the opportunity to participate in postsecondary education without discrimination. For faculty members, providing reasonable accommodations or auxiliary aids and services is one way to prevent discrimination.

What is the purpose of the academic accommodations?
Students who have disabilities are capable individuals who experience some limitations that may require adaptation of materials, methods, or environments to facilitate learning. Accommodations may also ensure that when students are evaluated, they are able to demonstrate what they learned rather than the effects of their disability.

How do I decide which accommodations are appropriate for a particular student?
Because appropriate documentation is usually provided by the student to staff within the Accessibility Services office, faculty members are not responsible for making decisions about accommodations. Disability service professionals recommend the accommodations which will be most effective in assuring the student s access to academic programs. Students have the responsibility for requesting accommodations and services, and must provide documentation of conditions that may warrant academic accommodations. Before providing particular accommodations for a specific course, the disability specialist carefully considers the nature of the student s disability and how this disability may affect the student s ability to learn, and to demonstrate achievement, in the course.

How will I know that a student in my class is supposed to have an accommodation?
The Accessibility Services office will notify faculty members of the type of accommodations that will be provided each semester. Many of these accommodations, such as sign language interpreters, will be provided by the Accessibility Services office, while other accommodations, such as extended time for exams, will require the cooperation of the faculty member. Not every student needs every accommodation, and the Accessibility Services office is the best campus resource for working with each student to determine the accommodations that are needed for each individual student.

Occasionally a student may ask you to provide accommodations, but you never received notification from the Accessibility Services office. To protect yourself, the student, and your institution, you should recommend that the student channel any requests through the Accessibility Services office.

Students have a right to privacy in disability matters, and their confidentiality must be maintained. Please file notices of accommodation in a secure place and refrain from discussing their disabilities and necessary accommodations in the presence of fellow students or others who have no educational need to know.

Will accommodations compromise the integrity of my class or academic program?
No. When providing accommodation for disabilities, institutions of higher education are not required to lower academic standards or compromise the integrity of the school or program. Essentially, accommodations and auxiliary aids and services are provided to level the playing field for the student who has a disability, enabling the student to compete with their non-disabled peers. Once you have provided accommodations, you should grade the work of a student who has a disability as you would grade the work of any other student. There is no need to give them a break by being unduly lenient. To grade students more harshly because they have had the opportunity for additional time for exams or other instructional modifications would nullify the effect of the accommodations.

What else can I do?
Don t be afraid to ask a student to describe how he or she learns best. You can also make your course more disability-friendly by including information on your course syllabus that encourages students with disabilities to contact the Disabilities Support Services office for assistance in receiving accommodations. If you need additional information or specific resources, please contact your campus Accessibility Services office.


  • Americans with Disabilities Act: Responsibilities for Postsecondary Institutions Serving Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students - Questions and Answers Jeanne M Kincaid, Esq. & Sharaine J. Rawlinson, M.S.W., 1999
  • Don t Cry For Me: I m in Compliance Jeanne M. Kincaid, Esq., 1997
  • Disability Compliance for Higher Education - 2000 Year Book LRP Publications, 2000
  • ADA Questions and Answers for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Individuals National Center for Law and Deafness
  • Community Colleges and the ADA: How to Make Sure OCR Doesn t Come Knocking on Your Door LRP Publications, 1999
  • Nondiscrimination in Higher Education - What s the Law? NETAC Teacher Tipsheet, 1999

Voter registration information and forms are available for persons with disabilities in the Accessibility Services offices. All printed forms and information are available in alternative text formats. Individuals with disabilities may receive assistance completing forms upon request.

Kentucky Voter Registration is available online (new window).

Attendant Care Services are not provided by BCTC.

If you will need attendant care services, contact your local Department of Vocational Rehabilitation (new window).

All students wishing to apply for financial aid should contact the Financial Aid Office.

Do this as early as possible to avoid delays in receiving any aid for which you may be eligible. Even if you are a client of Vocational Rehabilitation, you must complete a Free Federal Application for Student Financial Aid (FAFSA).

Applies only to the BCTC Cooper Campus.

A student may qualify for a permit to park in spaces designated for individuals with disabilities if they have a permanent or temporary physical or mental impairment that substantially limits mobility. Applications are available in the Accessibility Services office, 242 Moloney Building.

The student completes Section I of the application and the student's physician completes Section II. When the completed application is returned to the Accessibility Services office, it is forwarded to the Application Review Committee. When necessary, the Accessibility Services staff can issue a temporary permit until a decision is received from the Committee. Parking areas for students with disabilities are patrolled and tickets issued 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Permits or license plates issued by government agencies are not sufficient for parking in spaces designated for students with disabilities.

Students and visitors on other BCTC campuses may park in spaces designated for persons with disabilities with a valid government issued permit or license plate.

Resources for High School Counselors

All students wishing to apply for financial aid should contact the Financial Aid Office.

Do this as early as possible to avoid delays in receiving any aid for which you may be eligible. Even if you are a client of Vocational Rehabilitation, you must complete a Free Federal Application for Student Financial Aid (FAFSA).

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Online forms

The links below will open in a new window.

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Process for obtaining accommodations

New Student

  1. Student self identifies as a person with a documented disability.
  2. Student completes online intake form. Request Services
  3. Student submits appropriate documentation to the Accessibility Resource Center. Documentation Guidelines
  4. Student assesses the physical and/or instructional environments.
  5. Student identifies specific accommodations that are needed.
  6. Student attends an intake meeting with the director of Accessibility Resource Center.
  7. Student completes the Accommodation Letter Request form.
    1. Student’s accommodation letter is sent to the instructor(s).
    2. The responsible agent is informed of needed physical accommodations (if applicable)
  8. Accommodations are provided by instruction or individual instructions.
  9. On-going evaluation of accommodations by the student. 

Current Students

  1. Student completes the Accommodation Letter Request form (new window).
    1. Student’s accommodation letter is sent to the instructor(s)
    2. The responsible agent is informed of needed physical accommodations (if applicable)
  2. Accommodations are provided by instruction or individual instructors.
  3. On-going evaluation of accommodations by the student.

If the student chooses not to self-identify

BCTC is not obligated to provide accommodations unless officially requested by students who meet the legal definition of disability and who provide documentation of a significant functional limitation. Students must identify themselves as having a disability, provide adequate documentation, and make an official request for accommodations with the Accessibility Resource Center to be considered eligible to receive accommodations at BCTC.

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Locations and Contact Information


470 Cooper Drive
Moloney Building, Room 242
Lexington, KY 40506-0235
Fax: (859) 246-4678
164 Opportunity Way
Building A, Room 134
Lexington, KY 40511-2623
Fax: (859) 246-4678
500 Newtown Pike
Science Education Center, Suite 101 M & Q
Lexington, KY 40508-120
Fax: (859) 246-4678

Contact Information

Email for more information

Email for more information

Delores "Dolores" Meaux

(859) 246-6822

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Non-discrimination Policies

BCTC does not discriminate based on race, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding non-discrimination policies:

Carlous B. Yates, Ed.D.


Vice President of Culture and Engagement

(859) 246-6937 

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