Instructions for Completing KCTCS FM84 - Injury Accident Form
Updated February 12, 2016
Date of Occurrence
Record the date that the incident occurred.
Time of Occurrence
Record the time that the incident occurred.
Enter injured person's name and designate student, employee, or visitor by checking the boxes to the right.
Employee/Student ID
Record student or employee ID number in the space provided.
Record the name of the college and the specific campus where the incident occurred.
Accident Location
Record the area on campus where the incident occurred (i.e., "outside of building on sidewalk" or "parking lot").
Apparent Nature of Injury
Check ALL boxes that directly describe the injury sustained. If the apparent nature of injury is not listed, use the space provided below the section to explain.
Part of Body Injured
Read each line carefully and check ALL boxes that apply to the area of the body to which the injury occurred. If appropriate, be sure to check the box that designates which side of the body the injury occurred (i.e., L - Left or R - Right). If the apparent nature of injury is not listed, use the space provided below the section to explain.
Describe the nature of the injury (cut, third finger, left hand, etc.)
In this section, explain the injury in your own words. Be as thorough as possible.
Describe medical attention provided or received and by whom
Record all medical treatment provided or received for the injury sustained.
Did the accident occur while in an instructional or work activity?
Determine if the injury sustained occurred during an instructional or work activity and respond "Yes" or "No". If accident or injury did NOT occur during an instructional or work activity, please proceed to Section D.
Please specify any machine, equipment, or tools involved
If the injury sustained during an instructional or work activity, specify any machine, equipment, or tools that were involved.
Were proper machine guards used?
If machinery was being used, specify if proper machine guards were being used.
Was the individual using Safety Equipment?
Check the appropriate box to record if safety equipment was being used by the individual.
Describe Safety Equipment
If Safety Equipment was being used, describe that equipment. (i.e., hard hat, safety goggles, hearing protection, gloves).
If Safety Equipment was not in use, explain
If the answer to the above question on use of Safety Equipment was "No", use the space provided to explain why prescribed equipment was not in use at time of injury.
Was individual given Safety Orientation?
If machines, equipment or tools were being used, was the injured given a safety orientation before using? Record response here.
Was this accident/injury due to faulty equipment?
Check the appropriate box to record if accident/injury was due to faulty equipment.
Did person have permission to use equipment?
Check the appropriate box to record if the person who was injured had permission to use the equipment that caused the injury. If permission was not given by an instructor or supervisor to use the equipment and it was still used, please explain why in space provided.
Was supervisor/instructor present at accident?
Was the supervisor/instructor present when the incident occurred? Respond with a "Yes" or "No" and a explanation if they were not present.
Describe any action taken to prevent recurrence
Use the space provided to document all actions put in place to prevent a similar incident/injury (i.e., policies or procedures).
Employee's/Student's description of accident (explain in detail)
This section should be completed by the person who was injured. Be as thorough as possible. Describe all events that led to the injury.
Employee's/Student's signature and date
Sign and enter date that the report is being completed.
Was family notified?
Record if a family member of the injured person was notified either by the injured person or another employee of the facility upon the request of the injured.
Was student provided with supplemental insurance form and instructions?
Students should be offered supplemental insurance forms and instructions by an Administrator. Completion of this form by the student is optional. Completed forms should be submitted to the appropriate college official for processing. Check boxes accordingly.
Witness' description of accident (explain in detail)
This section should be completed by any person who witnessed the injury.
List all non-student/non-supervisor witnesses and contact information
Record names of all witnesses to the incident/injury and their current contact information. Obtain additional witness descriptions of the incident/injury via email and include with this report.
Supervisor's/Instructor's description of accident (explain in detail)
FOR KCTCS EMPLOYEES ONLY; Supervisors or Instructors ONLY should complete this section. Include when and how notification of the incident was received as well as the description of the injury as described by the injured party.
Supervisor's/Instructor's signature and date
Sign and enter date that the report is being completed.
If report is completed by an individual other than the Supervisor/Instructor please provide name and signature
If anyone other than the injured person or administrator is completing this report, sign here and include the date the report was completed.
Administrator's Comments
FOR BUSINESS OFFICE USE ONLY; Designated Administrator (Chief Business Affairs Officer, Director of Human Resources, or Director of Safety & Security) should record comments in this section. Record date and time of notification and other pertinent information.
Administrator's Signature
Sign and enter date that the report is being completed.
"Date accident report received by Safety Coordinator" should only be completed by the EHS Coordinator/Administrator at System Office.
Once report is fully complete, email report and all additional documentation to the EHS Coordinator at System Office at the email address provided at the very bottom of the FM84.