Plans and Procedures
Influenza Action Plan/COVID-19*
- Review, update and adhere to the BCTC Pandemic Flu Plan.
- Public awareness campaign:
- Encourage employees and students with symptoms to stay home
- Post prevention flyers. CDC recommends:
- Practice good hand hygiene by washing your hands often with soap and water, especially after coughing or sneezing. Alcohol-based hand cleaners are also effective.
- Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. If you do not have a tissue, cough or sneeze into your elbow or shoulder; not into your hands.
- Stay home if you are sick for at least 24 hours after you no longer have a fever.
- Frequently clean your living area especially commonly-used surfaces such as doorknobs, refrigerator handles, remote controls, computer keyboards, countertops, faucet handles, and bathroom areas.
- Monitor your health by checking for fever.
- Send announcements to the campus community providing information and updates.
- Post information links on the BCTC website: BCTC pandemic flu plan, CDC, LFUCG.
- Educate employees on Safety Committee.
- Purchase, install and refill Hand Sanitizing devices where needed.
- Purchase and distribute disinfectant wipes for employee desks.
- Wipe down common areas often and use thorough cleaning procedures using sanitizing machines and products such as disinfectants with virucidal claims - classrooms occupied by infected people will be subjected to a detailed cleaning.
- So that detailed cleaning may be conducted, confirmed or suspected cases of influenza
should be reported as follows :
- VP Finance & Operations
- Provost - Students
- Human Resources - Employees
- Develop academic alternatives for conducting in person classes.
- Monitor developments related to potential pandemic situations.
- Engage with System Office and state and local stakeholders groups to enhance preparedness.
*Action Plan will be updated as information becomes available or conditions change related to the COVID-19 virus.
Additional COVID-19 Resources on KCTCS website.
Creating a Safe and Comfortable Learning Environment
At Bluegrass Community and Technical College, we take great care to provide a safe learning and working environment for students, faculty, and staff.
Safety and Security At BCTC
Stay Safe on Campus! Sign up for SNAP text alerts today!
Crisis Management Plan
- Crisis Management Teams
- Response Plan
- The Safety and Security Manual - Cooper Campus
(Cooper Campus is under the jurisdiction of the University of Kentucky and complies with UK's policies and protocols)
Emergency Procedures Guide
Security and Safety Policies
Responsible Unit(s): Finance and Operations, Operation Manager-Security & Safety, Supervisors
Reference: KCTCS Administrative Policies and Procedures, Section Employee Rights and Responsibilities
Revised: 4/15/2009
Based on KCTCS policy, employees must help create the pleasant and safe working conditions that KCTCS intends, resulting in better performance for the organization overall and personal satisfaction for employees. Therefore, college employees should not have family members, friends, or children spend extended periods of time with them during normal working hours.
BCTC is sensitive to our employees' child-care circumstances; however, the college cannot permit children to remain in the workplace because of the legal liability. As necessary, supervisors may grant leave at their discretion in emergency or unforeseen circumstances.
Children of faculty, staff, or students must be accompanied and attended by an adult while on campus. The college campus is not suited for small children, and children should not be left unattended at any time while on campus, neither in the buildings, nor on the grounds, including in automobiles. If children are discovered left unattended, parents will be located and instructed to remove the children from campus.
Adults who bring children to campus will be asked to control the actions of the children and remove them from the campus if the children disturb college operations. Due to safety concerns, children are not to be taken to classrooms, laboratories, or clinical sessions unless they are to take part in the educational program.
Accident and Emergency Reporting Policy and Procedures
Hazardous Waste Management Plan
Chemical Hygiene Plan
Bloodborne Pathogen Plan
- Bloodborne Pathogen Plan - 2019
Public Posting Policy
Bluegrass Community & Technical College (BCTC) is an open environment that embraces the diversity of ideas and people. We allow public messages and messengers, provided they do not disrupt the operation of the campus business, do not result in violence or threats of violence, do not violate the law and do not create safety risks. We strive to maintain an environment at BCTC where students, faculty, staff and our community stakeholders can gain knowledge and information that will help them achieve their better lives.
Therefore, BCTC provides a place for public posters, fliers and similar items to be displayed on BCTC's designated bulletin boards, on each campus. This is the only place public messaging may be posted. Materials may not be posted or laid on any other surface, including designated BCTC departmental bulletin boards, at any BCTC facility. Materials found outside the designated bulletin boards will be removed. Flyers that contain or advocate violence or any illegal activity will be immediately removed. Bulletin boards will be maintained, and items mentioned above may remain 30 days. After that time, they may be removed. All materials will be removed from bulletin boards at the end of each academic term.
Any flyers, posters or other materials created by BCTC marketing for official BCTC programs or departments are exempt from the removal schedule but may be removed by the program sponsor, the relevant department representative or the marketing department.