Give Later
Give Later
There are specific types of gifts which you can plan for today that will benefit the college in the future. They also provide a way to leave a lasting legacy that strengthens those priorities you deem most important.
These planned gifts include:
Your Will
Through a simple bequest, you may be able to make a significant gift that will create a legacy and have a lasting impact on the students, faculty, and programs at Bluegrass Community and Technical College. A bequest may be made in the form of property such as cash and securities, a percentage of an estate, or the residue of the estate (property remaining after other bequests have been filled). The Development Office can offer recognition avenues for different levels of deferred giving.
Gifts of Life Insurance
Life insurance provides an effective way to benefit the college, and is generally easier on your pocketbook. Your gift of life insurance will provide the college with a substantial deferred gift while you pay relatively modest premium payments. A gift of an insurance policy that is paid-up or partially paid-up may be advantageous if your family responsibilities are not as substantial as they were in the past. Generally, life insurance policies with limited cash values can be purchased at a cost which does not exceed $700 annually. Charitable policies must be owned by the college.
Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT)
A Charitable Remainder Trust allows the beneficiary to receive a current income tax deduction and an immediate income stream from the assets placed in the trust. At the end of the trust agreement, all of the remaining trust assets pass to Bluegrass Community and Technical College.
Charitable Lead Trust (CLT)
A Charitable Lead Trust provides a means to give to Bluegrass Community and Technical College for a specific period of time, with the remaining trust assets distributed to your designated heirs. The College receives an annual amount for the length of the trust agreement, while trust assets are distributed to your designated heirs.
Property That Has Risen In Value
With gifts of appreciated property to Bluegrass Community and Technical College, individuals may avoid paying capital gains taxes and may receive a deduction for the full value of the gift.
Property That Has Decreased In Value
With gifts of depreciated property to Bluegrass Community and Technical College, there are advantages to selling the property. By selling the property and contributing the proceeds, a donor may receive the deductions for both the capital loss and the charitable gift.
Personal Property (Books, Works of Art, Furnishings)
With gifts of personal property, tax deductions may depend on the appraised value and how the gift will be used by Bluegrass Community and Technical College. The foregoing is not intended as legal advice. Please consult your professional advisors.