Board of Directors Meeting March 2, 2022
Leestown Conference Center, C-136
164 Opportunity Way
Lexington, KY 40511
6:00 p.m.
- Welcome/Introductions - Ron Walker, Jr., Board Chair
- Business Meeting
- Approval of Minutes, December 1, 2021 - Ron Walker, Jr., Board Chair
- Information/Discussion
- President's Report - Koffi Akakpo
- Addicts & Allies for Education Program Report
- Newtown North Update - Wayne Cowan
- Budget and Financial Review - Lisa Bell
- Enrollment Report - Dr. Greg Feeney
- Foundation Report - Mark Manuel
- Diversity Equity & Inclusion Report - Dr. Carlous Yates
- President's Report - Koffi Akakpo
- Announcements - Ron Walker, Jr., Board Chair
- Adjourn - Ron Walker, Jr., Board Chair
Members Present
- Ron Walker, Jr., Board Chair
- Robert McNulty, Vice Chair
- Dr. Koffi Akakpo, President & CEO
- Katelyn Collins, Student Representative
- Joshua Hoekstra, Secretary and BCTC Representative
- Laura Hood, SGA President for 2021-22
- Sannie Overly
- Olivia Scholz (virtual attendance)
- Thomas Stephens
- Ted Vittos (virtual attendance)
- Richard Webb (virtual attendance)
Staff Present
- Lisa Bell, VP, Finance and Operations
- Wayne Cowan, Dean of Facilities Planning & Capital Construction
- Jane Gemberling, SAA, Advancement & Organizational Development
- Dr. Greg Feeney, Provost
- Mark Manuel, VP, Advancement & Organizational Development
- Ray Mizell, Instructional Media
- JoEllen Reed, Director, Advocacy & Community Relations (virtual attendance)
- Michelle Sjogren, AVP, Strategic Communications
- Dr. Carlous Yates, VP, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
- Alex Bosse – EOP Architects
- Jason Dunn – EOP Architects
- Sylvia Kidwell, President, Addicts & Allies for Education (student organization)
- Richard Polk – EOP Architects
I. Welcome/Introductions
Board Chair Ron Walker, Jr., called the March 2, 2022, meeting of the Bluegrass Community & Technical College Board of Directors to order at 6:04 p.m. The March meeting was held in person in Building C, Room 136, at Leestown Campus, 164 Opportunity Way, Lexington, and via Teams. Mr. Walker performed a roll call to determine which members were present. Quorum was achieved.
II. Business Meeting
Mr. Walker called for a motion to approve the minutes from the December 1, 2021, meeting of the BCTC Board of Directors. Mr. McNulty made a motion to approve the minutes and Ms. Overly seconded. A few corrections were suggested. The motion passed unanimously.
III. Information/Discussion
- Addicts & Allies for Education Program Report
- Ms. Sylvia Kidwell shared her journey from addiction to recovery to education at BCTC
- The Board was invited to join the Addicts & Allies for Education remembrance event and walk on March 18
- Covid Update
- KCTCS has decided to drop the mask requirement and masks are now optional
- As of this week, BCTC has 10 positive student cases, 1 positive employee case, 1 quarantined student, and 0 quarantined employees
- Enrollment Update
- As of this morning, 8,363 students are enrolled (decrease of 471 students or 5.3%)
- Demographic enrollment comparison (spring 2021 vs. spring 2022)
- African American (11.9% vs. 12.2%)
- Hispanic (7.5% vs. 8.7%)
- Demographic earning credentials (fall 2021)
- African American (11%)
- Hispanic (6%)
- Demographic earning certificates (fall 2021)
- African American (8.8%)
- Hispanic (6.9%)
- Faculty and staff continue to work hard to address the enrollment deficit and improve the number of African American and Hispanic students earning credentials and certificates
- Budget Update
- Leadership has been active in Frankfort during the legislative session
- The Governor’s budget did not include funding for a new building on Newtown campus
- House budget includes funding request for this building
- Received $2 million from the City of Lexington (ARPA funds) towards the Newtown North project
- Chair Walker encouraged Directors to advocate with the Governor and their legislators
on behalf of BCTC funding
- Buildings on Newtown campus allow more programs to move from Cooper to Newtown
- Richard Polk with EOP Architects shared the proposal for the Newtown North campus
update. Included in his presentation were the following items:
- Campus improvements:
- Temporary and permanent traffic flow and circulation alternate solutions
- Signage
- Entrances
- New parking and resurfacing current lots
- Utilities
- Creating a quad environment to better define the campus
- High visual impact from Newtown Pike
- New Building
- New Building Details
- Building will bring client-based services on one campus in the location where the served population lives
- 26,000 sq ft
- Will house cosmetology, dental hygiene and testing center
- Testing center provides proctor testing for BCTC and other institutions, industry testing, general for specific fields (crosses workforce and academic programs)
- Programs were consulted before plans were developed
- Improved functionality and flexibility for programs including classrooms and clinics
- Natural lighting will be incorporated into cosmetology and dental hygiene spaces
- Will have a public-friendly entrance
- Public spaces will be open concept and provide easy circulation for public and students
- Includes student/staff break area
- Handicap accessibility will meet and/or exceed code
- Anticipated groundbreaking is early June 2022
- Campus improvements:
- Reduced enrollment impacts tuition revenue
- We are experiencing a shortfall from budget
- Last year and this year we were able to utilize Higher Education Emergency Relief Funding (HEERF) grants to reimburse college for lost revenue
- We will be whole at the end of the FY based on last 5 years of average revenue
- Grants end starting in March and running thru August
- Will not be able to include lost revenue next year
- Budget planning for next FY is currently occurring and we will be very conservative
in our planning
- Budget planning committee will bring recommendation to Board at June meeting for approval and submission to KCTCS Board of Regents
- We have seen a decrease in bookstore revenue due to reduced enrollment
- Budget for this FY is $309,700
- Revenue is $285,351 as of today
- We are on track to meet and/or exceed budget
- KCTCS IT Support Center for employees has generated revenue
- BCTC provides shared services to KCTCS
- System Office has reimbursed us $63,450 to date
- Currently providing IT support through call center, online chat, and Teams for staff and some students at Henderson, Madisonville and Jefferson
- Celebration for additional funding from LFUCG for Newtown North building project
- $2 million to apply directly to project (which applies directly to fund balance)
- Provided handout with details of 5.3% change in enrollment from 2021
- Dual credit enrollment is up by 15.4%
- As number of high school graduates continues to shrink, we need to focus more on dual credit population
- Largest "campus" is online with 6,795 students
- 2nd largest campus is Newtown with 1,914
- 3rd largest campus is dual credit
- Smallest campus is Cooper with 59 students
- We need to place programs on active campuses so our students can be more active and involved
- Dual credit enrollment is up by 15.4%
- Initiatives to improve recruitment and retention
- Admissions Office:
- Share the Love campaign
- For every application received between February 14 to 27, a local donor giving $1 (up to $500) to the HEART food pantry
- Current application numbers for fall 2022: 2,619 (vs. 2,034 same time last year) =
28% increase
- Focus is moving applications to enrollment to completion
- Utilizing the same initiatives this year as used for fall 2021
- Open enrollment started March 1 – any student who enrolls during open enrollment is
eligible for incentives
- Incentives for fall 2021 semester resulted in 4.8% increase in registrations during fall open enrollment
- BCTC First Initiative
- Weekly data report tracks every student who is registered for an online course at another KCTCS college
- We reach out to these students as some do not realize that the online course is through another college
- They are eligible for our wrap around services but that is easier if they are working with a BCTC instructor
- We look at the data to see if they are registered for courses that we don’t offer and evaluate if courses need to be added
- Retention Initiative
- Student engagement through student groups is more powerful than faculty and staff interaction
- Student Group information:
- All student groups have faculty/staff advisors
- Groups are based on department or student interests
- Groups hold/host events, participate in competitions, host training
- Groups provide leadership and community service opportunities
- Several groups were highlighted
- A Few Good Men – established by Diversity Task Force aimed at recruiting and retaining African American male students
- Becoming Her – established by African Student Association – which is similar to A Few Good Men but focuses on female students
- Latinx
- International Student Association
- Sexuality and Gender Alliance
- Addicts & Allies for Education
- Phi Beta Lambda – provides leadership for business-related programs
- Student Government Association
- Phi Theta Kappa – honor society
- Laptops for students
- New laptops are given as part of the enrollment incentive program
- Refurbished laptops are used for the loaner laptop program
- Have also purchased new laptops for this program
- Surplus computer distribution process
- Desktop computers slated for surplus were given to students
- Students who received a desktop improved their GPA (+.25) and their retention was 26% higher
- Chair Walker acknowledged the efforts of faculty and staff, including work ethic and
dedication, and care and support for each other and for students
- These initiatives show that BCTC is establishing a culture where student success is a priority
- Funds Received
- $2 million from LFUCG
- $194,000 in grants since December meeting
- $10,000 from Catalyn in Winchester to support Biotech program
- $5,000 Kentucky Utilities to support WERK program (short-term certificate for homeless population)
- Funds Raised
- Increased endowment by $287,000
- Toyota donated $250,000 to establish and endowment for Scott County Dual Credit students
- Toyota has issued a challenge to other entities and the government for matches
- New endowment established in honor of a long-time accounting professor
- Donor with planned gift started their endowment early
- Scholarships
- Good Giving resulted in $63,581.36
- Regional campuses did a great job raising funds this year
- Some regional campuses are going to start endowments from these funds
- $25,000 anonymous donation from current donor
- Current anonymous donor fully funds 2 scholarships every year
- Good Giving resulted in $63,581.36
- Other Items of Note
- House budget bill includes $52.2 million plus authority to do some other things
- Den Dedication is May 26 at 10 a.m.
- Inaugural Day of Giving is April 21
- Will include a silent auction
- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration
- January 13
- Virtual presentation due to lack of students on campus (Covid restrictions)
- Streamed to all campuses and invited leadership and community members
- 159 participants
- Keynote speaker was Jay York
- Performance by Mykel Robinson-Collins – Lift Every Voice and Sing
- Painting created for MLK celebration by Dwayne Parker, student, and member of A Few Good Men will be displayed during the month in The Den and will be available for sale
- Presented Unsung Hero award to Kauai Thurman for diversity work as a recruitment specialist
- Black History Month (February)
- Cancelled some events and trips due to campus shutdown (kick-off, trip to African American Museum in Cincinnati, visit to NKU, NPHC yard show)
- Black History Month Campus Visits
- Offered Black History Trivia Giveaways at all campuses
- Met students, gave away prizes, offered educational opportunities
- Taste of Soul February 23 on Newtown Campus
- 261 students participated
- Virtual HBCU Transfer Fair on Feb 11
- 2nd Annual LGBTQ Conference
- February 25 – open to all KCTCS campuses with virtual option
- 261 individuals registered; 251 attended
- Keynote speaker Dr. Story
- Hosted a reception for those who attended in person
- This was a good opportunity for faculty and staff to engage with students
- Diversity Report for CPE
- Required by State of Kentucky
- Submitted March 1
- Score determines performance-based funding
- CPE tracks African American and Latino populations
- KCTCScoop Photo of the Day
- Submitted photos of the day for January 19 and February 16 events
IV. Announcements
There were no announcements.
V. Adjourn
Chair Walker expressed appreciation for the hard work that faculty and staff are doing. The meeting was adjourned by consensus at 7:29 p.m.