Board of Directors Meeting June 12, 2024
BCTC Leestown Campus, Building C, Room 136
164 Opportunity Way
Lexington, KY 40511
6:00 p.m.
- Welcome/Introductions - Ron Walker, Jr., Board Chair
- Business Meeting - Ron Walker, Jr.
- Approval of Minutes, March 13, 2024
- Future FY25 Meeting Dates
- December 11, 2024 – combined with Foundation Board
- March 12, 2025
- June 11, 2025
- New Student Representative Swear-in
- FYE 2025 Budget Committee Report
- President’s Evaluation Update
- Reports
- President’s Report - Dr. Greg Feeney
- Financial Report - Lisa Bell
- Enrollment Report - Dr. Karen Mayo
- Area Updates
- Culture and Engagement - Dr. Carlous Yates
- Workforce and Economic Development - Dr. Erin Tipton
- Organizational Development - Deborrah Catlett
- Announcements - Ron Walker, Jr.
- Adjourn - Ron Walker, Jr.
Members Present
- Ron Walker, Jr., Chair
- Robert McNulty, Vice Chair
- Dr. Greg Feeney, President & CEO
- Colleen Merrill, Faculty Representative
- Jacob Allen, Staff Representative
- Rider Burton, Student Representative
- Sannie Overly (virtual attendance)
- Thomas Stephens
- Theodore Vittos (virtual attendance)
- Richard Webb
Members Absent
- Olivia Scholz
Staff Present
- Lisa Bell, VP, Finance and Operations/IT
- Deborrah Catlett, AVP, Organizational Development
- Shelbie Hugle, AVP of Public Relations, Marketing, and Admissions
- Dr. Karen Mayo, Provost
- Mark Manuel, VP, Advancement
- Ray Mizell, Instructional Media
- Tonya Spivey, EAA, Office of the President
- Dr. Erin Tipton, VP, Workforce and Economic Development
- Dr. Carlous Yates, VP of Culture and Engagement
I. Welcome/Introductions
Board Chair Ron Walker called the June 12, 2024, meeting of the Bluegrass Community & Technical College Board of Directors to order at 6:00 p.m. The June meeting was held in person at the Leestown Campus, 164 Opportunity Way, Lexington, KY, and via Teams. Mr. Walker requested everyone in attendance to introduce themselves and it was determined that a quorum was present.
II. Business Meetings
Mr. Walker called for a motion to approve the minutes from the March 13, 2024, meeting of the BCTC Board of Directors. A motion to approve the minutes was made by Mr. Robert McNulty and seconded by Mr. Richard Webb. The minutes from the March 13, 2024, meeting were approved.
The meeting dates for FY2025 are September 11, December 11 (joint dinner with BCTC Foundation Board), March 12, and June 11. All meetings will begin with dinner at 5:30 PM. The meetings will begin at 6:00 PM at the Leestown Conference Center and a Teams link will be provided for those who cannot attend in person.
The Board Chair, Mr. Ron Walker, welcomed and swore in the new Student Representative, Rider Burton.
On behalf of Ms. Olivia Scholz, Budget Committee Chair, Mr. Tom Stephens presented the FYE 2025 Budget Committee Report. The FYE 2025 budget includes a $3 per semester credit hour tuition increase, approximately $2 million in compensation adjustments for faculty and staff; this includes 3.5% above the pay band minimum, a maximum cost of living adjustment of 3%, which the Board of Regents will vote on at the June meeting, and eight new staff positions. After a detailed review of the budget, the committee voted to recommend that the budget be approved and submitted to KCTCS as read and as printed. Mr. Tom Stephens brought the motion to the Board for approval and Mr. Robert McNulty seconded the motion. With no further discussion, the motion to approve the FYE 2025 budget for submission to KCTCS as read and as printed passed unanimously.
The Board Chair, Mr. Ron Walker, excused the BCTC staff members from the meeting, allowing the Board of Directors to enter an Executive Session regarding the President’s evaluation. With a quorum present, the Executive Session began at 7:09 p.m. and ended at 7:26 p.m. No action was taken during the Executive Session.
III. Reports
- The Strategic Plan Progress Report will be presented at the Board of Directors meeting on September 11, 2024, after the data is finalized. The Strategic Plan Board Committee will meet in August, prior to the board meeting.
- The college closed on the 1919 Rolling Hills Lane building for $3.5 million. This is the old Amazon Building located in Winchester, KY.
- This August will mark our 85th year as a college. The year-long celebration will kick off at Convocation on August 9th. All board members were invited to attend the event and future events celebrating this milestone. This is a great opportunity to enhance our name and work with the community.
- The board members received a copy of the Senate Joint Resolution (SJR) 179.
- The joint resolution is directing the Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTCS) to determine and report findings and actions to improve and advance the existing system. There are 11 items KCTCS will need to address.
- A report is due back to the legislature in December. An update will be provided at the September board meeting.
- Nathan Smith, Associate Dean of Student Success, received a Fulbright U.S. Scholar
Program award in international education administration to Germany for the 2024-25
academic year from the U.S. Department of State and the Fulbright Foreign Scholarship
- This program helps international education professionals and senior higher education officials from the United States create empowering connections with the societal, cultural and higher education systems of other countries.
- Dr. Feeney thanked everyone who attended the Community Partner Event in April. The community event was well attended. If anyone would like to contribute to the President’s Student Success Fund, they should reach out to Mark Manuel for more information.
Lisa Bell gave a general update of the FYE 2024 Budget Reports, Budget Narrative, Yearly Comparison, and Current Year Visuals, Revenue, and Expenses.
- The FYE 2023 budget is final, and the auditor’s report has been issued; however, the external auditors will not be certifying that report until after the forensic audit is completed.
- Based upon a recommendation from the auditor of public accounts, System Office returned $2.1 million in fund balance. This adjustment will more accurately reflect BCTC’s fund balance per the general ledger and is noted on page 43 of the board report under other adjustments.
- Based upon a recommendation from the auditor of public accounts, System Office returned
$23,785,472 to the 16 independently accredited colleges comprising KCTCS. BCTC received
$3,310,108 for FY 2024.
- The college gave a one-time acknowledgement to faculty and staff for years of service.
- A portion of the funds were used to purchase the 1919 Rolling Hills Lane property.
- The bookstore commission revenue is $550,000.
- Discussion occurred regarding the bad debt expense and how the college plans to reduce the debt.
Dr. Mayo presented the enrollment report for the year.
- The college increased enrollment by 13.2% from academic year 2022-23 to 2023-24, which totals an additional 1,951 students.
- The underrepresented minority (URM) student enrollment increased by 16.9%, which totals 639 students.
- Dual credit enrollment increased by 39.4% compared to last year. That is 1,371 additional students from the previous year.
- Summer enrollment is up 10.4% compared to this time last year.
- Fall enrollment is up 5.8% compared to this time last year.
- A detailed enrollment report is being reviewed weekly by the enrollment workgroup to develop intentional strategies to increase enrollment.
IV. Area Updates
- Dr. Yates reviewed the CPE Diversity Report score.
- The college received a 27 out of 34.
- The college received a perfect score on the narrative section but lost points in the following quantitative categories: 3-year graduation rate for low-income, degrees conferred for URM and low income, and workforce diversity.
- The college is improving the 3-year graduation rate for low-income students.
- The Office of Culture and Engagement purchased a banner space on the HBCU Career Center job board to increase diverse candidates viewing of BCTC’s job postings. The banner is directly linked to the BCTC Job Seekers website.
- The Global Team is taking a group of students to Ireland, Iceland, Kenya, Scotland,
England, Italy, South Africa, and Japan this summer. This is a great opportunity for
the students to engage with other international students and learn about their culture
and education system.
- Dr. Yates and Rider Burton shared their experience from the South Africa trip.
- Dr. Tipton shared the results from the Winchester Needs Assessment for the 1919 Rolling
Hills Lane building.
- The assessment was sent to 140 organizations with a return of 38 responses (21 manufacturing, 11 non-profit/government, and 6 other).
- They requested assistance in welding, industrial maintenance technician training, production, and supervisory essential skills.
- TRAINS Funding and Workforce Solutions Impact
- TRAINS funding accessed by Central Kentucky Business and Industry for this fiscal year is $1.461 million. This is approximately 25% of the total allocation KCTCS received from the state legislature.
- Last year, Workforce Solutions secured $834,000 in TRAINS funding.
- Workforce training is happening across 14 counties, with an increase in healthcare.
- Workforce is supporting UK Healthcare and Baptist Health with short term training for their upcoming expansions. The college partnered with Baptist Health to host a Nurse Aide event at the Leestown Campus.
- Workforce is working with Goodwill Industries to offer six cohorts of short-term training for participants in the areas of welding, data entry operator, culinary (not for credit), and electrical. Currently, 40 students have participated and completed these short-term credentials.
- Career Services and Adult Learner Enrollment
- The Education First Employer program is a network of Kentucky companies who offer benefits to students, helping them to complete their educational credentials and flourish in the workplace.
- The Director of Adult Learner Enrollment is working closely with individuals who have earned their GED and helping them take the next step at BCTC.
- Regional Campuses
- Ty Howard is the new Danville Campus Director.
- Finalizing the search for the Winchester Campus Director.
- The campus directors at Georgetown-Scott County and Lawrenceburg are doing an amazing job with fundraising for dual credit scholarships.
Deborrah Catlett provided an overview of the Huron study on the KCTCS classification and compensation structure.
- KCTCS Classification and Compensation Process
- Job profiles were established.
- The college HR Directors mapped their college positions to the new job profiles using job descriptions and the Job Analysis Questionnaire.
- Huron benchmarked jobs using different data sets in our geographic region.
- College positions were then assigned pay bands.
- On May 1st, employees were notified of their new job family, sub family, job band, pay changes, etc.
- Outcomes from the study include a new salary schedule system-wide, changes in faculty promotion awards, college investment, compensation playbook, and clear communication to employees.
- Employee Compensation Cost
- On July 1, positions adjusted to the band minimum is $699,562.88.
- The college commitment to provide employees with a 3.5% above the minimum will cost $423,509.96.
- The Board of Regents will vote on a cost-of-living adjustment at the June meeting. The college budgeted 3% for the adjustment, which is $1,039,023.
- The college budgeted 3.5% above the minimum pay band for vacant positions, which totals $32,267.
- The total budget commitment is $2,222,249, with $370,690 being grant funded.
- The college will continue to review salaries on a yearly basis. There will be a system-wide extensive review every three years.
V. Announcements - Ron Walker, Jr.
- No announcements
- The board thanked everyone for their hard work and dedication to meeting the needs of every student.
VI. Adjourn
A motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Robert McNulty and seconded by Mr. Richard Webb. The meeting was adjourned by acclamation at 7:27 p.m.