Board of Directors Meeting June 1, 2022
Leestown Conference Center, M-128
164 Opportunity Way
Lexington, KY 40511
6:00 p.m.
- Welcome/Introductions - Ron Walker, Jr., Board Chair
- Business Meeting
- Approval of Minutes, March 2, 2022 - Ron Walker, Jr., Board Chair
- FYE 2023 Budget Committee Report
- Information/Discussion
- President's Report - Dr. Koffi Akakpo
- Orthotic & Prosthetic Technology Program Update - Michael Madden
- Jumpstart Program Update - Dr. Connie Lamb/ Dr. Valdis Zeps
- Strategic Plan Progress Report - Aaron Gay
- Budget and Financial Review-FYE 2022 - Lisa Bell
- Enrollment Report - Dr. Greg Feeney
- Foundation Report - Mark Manuel
- Diversity Equity & Inclusion Report - Dr. Carlous Yates
- Announcements - Ron Walker, Jr., Board Chair
- Adjourn - Ron Walker Jr., Board Chair
Approved by the BCTC Board of Directors on 09/14/2022
- BCTC Board of Directors, Chair: Ron Walker Jr.
- BCTC Board of Directors, Secretary: Dr. Joshua Hoekstra
Members Present
- Ron Walker, Jr., Board Chair
- Robert McNulty, Vice Chair
- Dr. Koffi Akakpo, President & CEO
- Katelyn Collins, Staff Representative
- Joshua Hoekstra, Secretary and BCTC Representative
- Laura Hood, Student Representative
- Sannie Overly
- Olivia Scholz (virtual attendance)
- Thomas Stephens (virtual attendance)
- Theodore Vittos (virtual attendance)
- Richard Webb
Members Absent
- None
Staff Present
- Lisa Bell, VP, Finance and Operations
- Dr. Greg Feeney, Provost (virtual attendance)
- Ross Johnson, Instructional Media
- Mark Manuel, VP, Advancement & Organizational Development
- Liza Merryman, EAA, President’s Office
- Michelle Sjogren, AVP, Strategic Communications
- Dr. Carlous Yates, VP, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Guest Staff Present
- Aaron Gay, Dean of Institutional Effectiveness
- Dr. Connie Lamb, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs; Director of Nursing
- Michael Madden, Director of Orthotic & Prosthetic Technology
- Dr. Valdis Zeps, Academic Dean of Allied Health, Natural Science, & Nursing
I. Welcome/Introductions
Board Chair Ron Walker, Jr., called the June 1, 2022, meeting of the Bluegrass Community & Technical College Board of Directors to order at 6:00 p.m. The June meeting was held in person in Building M, Room 128, at Leestown Campus, 164 Opportunity Way, Lexington, and via Teams. Mr. Walker requested everyone to introduce themselves to determine which members were present. Quorum was achieved.
II. Business Meeting
Mr. Walker called for a motion to approve the minutes from the March 2, 2022, meeting of the BCTC Board of Directors. Mr. McNulty made a motion to approve the minutes and Mr. Hoekstra seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
- The Budget Committee met on Friday, May 27, 2022, to review the 2023 fiscal year (FY)
- Olivia Scholz was nominated as the new Budget Committee Chair.
- Lisa Bell discussed some highlights of the 2023 FY budget (II.B., Page 10 of the Board
- Core values of the college as well as actual data
- Tuition increases of $3.00 per credit hour per semester
- Enrollment increase
- Employee compensation increase
- Increase in costs of new building projects
- As the Committee Chair, Ms. Scholz recommends the budget be approved as is to submit to KCTCS (Kentucky Community and Technical College System) as soon as possible.
- Lisa Bell additionally addressed the employee compensation increase.
- There is currently a $2,000,000 place holder, which may be adjusted when the Board of Regents meets next week on June 9th and 10th when raises are determined and finalized.
- Regarding the fund balance, Dr. Akakpo’s vision to keep the balance above $10,000,000 is achievable, even with additions to budget.
A motion to approve the 2023 FYE budget was made by Richard Webb and seconded by Josh Hoekstra. The motion passed unanimously.
III. Information/Discussion
- Enrollment Update
- Graduation by Race (Page 11 of the Board Packet)
- Among Asian, Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, and White/Caucasian students, White students were the only demographic with a decrease in percent of students earning credentials. This is mostly due to more students from other demographic backgrounds earning credentials.
- BCTC’s goal is to ensure ALL students are successful.
- Graduation by Gender (Page 12)
- The percentage of male students earning credentials has steadily decreased since Spring of 2021, with 8.9% decrease from Spring 2021 to Spring 2022.
- The percentage of female students earning credentials increased by 8.4% from Spring 2021 to Spring 2022.
- There were 2,770 credentials awarded in the 2022 FY (Page 13):
- 1,345 Degrees
- 1,347 Certificates
- 168 Diplomas
- Retention Rates (Pages 15 – 17)
- Retention rates across the board were extremely low during the 2021 AY (Academic Year) due mostly to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
- Retention rates continued to be low going into the 2022 AY due to the continuing lack of normalcy “post” pandemic.
- BCTC is focused on enrollment and retention with both the Strategic and Budget Plans for FY 2023.
- Graduation by Race (Page 11 of the Board Packet)
- This is a brand-new program at BCTC, which started about nine months ago.
- Mr. Madden has a 40-year history of teaching and experience in this field.
- Program Accreditation
- Successfully completed NCOPE candidacy for Accreditation. One of only six programs in the country.
- The next step is to move into CAAHEP Accreditation.
- Recruitment
- The program is limited to 14 students and is very lab and time intensive.
- There is a great emphasis on Career Awareness. Many people do not even know this is a career option so spreading the word about these types of programs is especially important.
- Lab Developments
- Donations, grants, and purchases (tools, drills, sewing machines, medical supplies).
- Several pieces of equipment were built by the students and instructors themselves using purchased supplies, which can be very cost effective.
- Value Added Enhancements: expanding opportunities with certifications for students directly out of high school.
- Working with Bardstown City Schools and Scott Co High via dual credit. There is currently one prerequisite program course being offered.
- Being a new program, a major focus is curriculum development.
- Nursing Program Update
- Dr. Lamb discussed the Nursing shortage due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic,
the transition back into “normalcy,” and what BCTC Nursing is doing to help solve
the problem.
- BCTC Nursing is using an “all hands-on deck approach.” Many faculty members are working weekends and holidays to support local hospitals.
- Kentucky is currently 20% short of the needed volume.
- Governor Beshear declared a state of emergency in December regarding the nursing shortage.
- BCTC Nursing is committed to addressing this head on. Focus is on ensuring graduations and enrollment.
- There are now Fall AND Spring Admission cycles – previously it was only once a year – but now will be able to award 255 degrees each AY.
- Proposal to increase enrollment included expansion to Winchester campus - approval has been received from the KY Board of Nursing. Recruitment and enrollment have begun and BCTC is approved to enroll 60 students at the Winchester campus for the 2023 AY.
- Dr. Lamb discussed the Nursing shortage due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic,
the transition back into “normalcy,” and what BCTC Nursing is doing to help solve
the problem.
- Jumpstart Program Update
- BCTC has been working with the University of Kentucky (UK) Healthcare to launch the Jumpstart Program, which happened on May 17, 2022, in Garrard County, KY.
- This program allows students to complete healthcare prerequisites in high school via the BCTC Dual Credit Program. Students begin in their first year of high school and by the Spring of their senior year will be ready to enroll in the BCTC nursing program by the Fall after graduation.
- Students will have the option to accept a full tuition scholarship to the University of Kentucky, also guaranteeing employment within UK after graduation.
- BCTC’s associate nursing pass rates all surpass national and state benchmarks.
- Mr. Gay discussed the current report, which is based off a 5-year trend data. (2017
– 2021 AY).
- BCTCs wraparound services ensure our steady number of increases. Enrollment growth has only shown a slight growth over the 5-year trend, with a decreasing trend in the most recent terms, some of which can be attributed to Covid-19.
- Data surveys, like the Student Satisfaction Survey, shows how our staff has helped to ensure things like better financial process aid so that students are able to enroll.
- Programs that have been put into place to complete more than one certification at once have increased our credential numbers steadily.
- Mr. Gay explained why developmental subject areas were negatively affected when all courses were moved to an online format during the pandemic. These students already struggle with the subject and need more hands-on/in-person assistance and teaching.
- 2022 – 2026 Strategic Plan
- The BCTC Strategic Plan is now following the CPE 4-year trend.
- The focus for the 2022-2026 plan is access; success; resources; and diversity, equity, and inclusion.
A motion to approve the BCTC 2022-26 Strategic Plan, as presented by Mr. Gay, was made by Robert McNulty, seconded by Richard Webb. The motion was unanimously approved, and the finalized document was re-sent to all Board members.
- Mission Statement Revision
- KCTCS Colleges have been approved to revise mission statements.
- BCTC’s current mission statement is very wordy. Proposed revised statement is as follows: “Bluegrass Community and Technical College (BCTC) transforms the Bluegrass Region-One student, one employer, and one community at a time. BCTC is a member of the Kentucky Community and Technical College System.”
A motion to approve the revised Mission Statement was made by Sannie Overly and second by Olivia Scholz. The motion was unanimously approved.
- FY 2022 Budget Narrative is on Page 18 of the Board Packet.
- Discussed recurring vs non-recurring funds.
- Estimating 2022 net income of approximately $4,200,000; most are related to Covid grants. Since the pandemic began BCTC has received $38,400,000 in federal and state Covid funding.
- Discussed FY ending fund balances.
- FY 2021 ending fund balance was $26,584,280.
- FY 2022 ending fund balance is estimated at $22,000,000.
- FY 2023 ending fund balance projected at $10,700,000.
- Enrollment for the Fall session is up by 6.6%. See page 24 of the Board Packet to
view details on BCTC efforts to focus on enrollment.
- Dual Credit Program Growth
- Dual Credit is a program where high school students can take prerequisite college courses through BCTC, with the option to graduate with an associate degree by the Spring of their senior year of high school.
- Enrollment for Spring is substantially up by 25.5%. It is expected to continue to increase.
- Dr. Akakpo began a discussion regarding the importance of Dual Credit. Only 55% of high school students in Kentucky continue into higher education. 32% of the 55% who begin higher education do not earn a credential. Statistics such as these are why the Dual Credit program for high school students is so important.
- Library
- In partnership with IT (Information Technology), Library Services has provided a student self-referral option for a semester long laptop check-out.
- 173 check-outs during the Spring 2022 semester.
- GAR and Graduation
- GAR (Graduation Achievement Recognition), a college-wide ceremony, was held on April 28, 2022.
- BCTC held their first in-person graduation ceremony since May 2019 at EKU (Eastern Kentucky University) on May 7, 2022.
- Summer Success Academies
- BCTC is continuing a strong partnership with the Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education (CPE) to serve the students of the Commonwealth through the BCTC Summer Academy.
- BCTC was awarded a $144,700 grant through the CPE Summer Bridge Program to support several academies in the Summer and Winter sessions.
- Workforce Solutions
- BCTC has had a significant increase in training projects this year.
- There are currently over 25 projects underway or completed with different companies and organizations across the region.
- Dual Credit Program Growth
- BCTC’s Inaugural Day of Giving was from April 28 – 29, 2022, with both online donations and a silent auction. $6,300 was raised and 40% were new donors.
- Todd Denham Memorial Scholarship
- The Todd Denham Memorial Scholarship was approved yesterday.
- This scholarship is in memory of Todd Denham, who was the person in charge of Economic Development in Winchester and Clark County.
- There was a tree planted at the BCTC Winchester campus in his honor.
- Callie Witt Memorial Fund
- BCTC lost an Equine Program student, Callie Witt, on the last day of the Spring Keeneland meet. Her parents have established the Callie Witt Memorial Fund.
- There will be a memorial held in late June 2022.
- BCTC has increased endowment by $430,500 during the 2022 FY, with currently $1,100,000 invested.
- BCTC has received $2,000,000 in funding from the LFUCG (Lexington Fayette Urban County Government) for the new Newtown North building project. BCTC is working closely with local governments to fund dual credit programs.
- The Den Dedication
- BCTC’s newest building at the Newtown campus, The Den, had a dedication ceremony last Thursday, May 26, 2022.
- The Den is one of two historical buildings on Newtown’s campus. It used to be the former “Laundry Building” of the Eastern State Mental Hospital, which was located on what is now BCTC Newtown campus.
- BCTC hosted several guest speakers, including the Mayor of Lexington, Linda Gorton, and the Lieutenant Governor of Kentucky, Jacqueline Coleman.
- Newtown North groundbreaking will be next month (July 2022).
- BCTC encourages 100% of the members of the Board to be donors. There is still 30 days to make this happen if it has not been done this FY.
- CPE Diversity Report
- BCTC tied with Jefferson for the highest score in the state (31/34).
- BCTC was the only school in the system without any red indicators on the CPE Diversity Metrics.
- Women’s History Month Panel
- Exploring Womanhood: A Panel Discussion with BCTC Women about Lived Experiences” was held on March 23, 2022.
- Link to the video
- Details of events can be found on Page 29 of the Board Packet.
- New DEI Positions & Alignments
- African American Student Initiatives – Interim Director Kauai Thurman
- Coordinator, LGBTQIA+ Student Initiatives – Peter Mottas (6 course hours of Faculty Release each semester)
- Coordinator, Academic Diversity, and Inclusion – Savannah Sipple (6 course hours of Faculty Release each semester)
- LGBTQIA+ Pride
- June is Pride Month, but BCTC celebrated with a Drag show in April 2022 so that more students could be present.
- A total of $3,000 was raised for Sexuality & Gender Alliance (SAGA) scholarships at the Crossings Lexington Drag Show event which was held on May 14, 2022.
- Safe Space Training certifications were awarded through Campuspride.org on May 27, 2022, to Christina Robinson, Peter Mottas, and Dr. Carlous Yates.
- Kentucky Association of Blacks in Higher Education (KABHE) Conference
- This conference was held at Northern Kentucky University on April 10 through 12, 2022.
- Two staff members won awards:
- BCTC faculty member Dr. Iddah Otieno - Dr. Joseph H. McMillan Faculty Award
- Tania Crawford Gross, BCTC Associate VP and Dean of Students - Dr. Carolyn Sundy Warrior Award.
- Dr. Yates was elected as President of the organization for a 2-year term.
- LeaderShape Courageous Dialogue Training was held on May 19, 2022.
IV. Announcements
- Chair Walker thanked Bob McNulty for standing in at The Den Dedication and appreciates all board member support.
- Board members who would like to switch committee membership were encouraged to let Mr. Walker know.
V. Adjourn
Chair Walker expressed appreciation for the hard work that faculty and staff are doing. The meeting was adjourned by consensus at 7:30 p.m.