Board of Directors Meeting December 7, 2022
Leestown Conference Center, C-136
164 Opportunity Way
Lexington, KY 40511
6:30 p.m.
- Welcome/Introductions - Ron Walker, Jr., Board Chair
- Business Meeting - Ron Walker, Jr., Board Chair
- Approval of Minutes, September 14, 2022
- New Staff Representative Swear-in, Jacob Allen
- New Leadership Executive Team Member Introduction, Laurie Preston
- Capital Strategic Needs Analysis (SNA) 2024 - 2030
- March Meeting Location
- Information/Discussion
- President’s Report - Dr. Koffi Akakpo
- Budget Update - Lisa Bell
- Enrollment Report - Dr. Greg Feeney
- Foundation Report - Mark Manuel
- Diversity Equity & Inclusion Report - Dr. Carlous Yates
- HR/Organizational Development Report - Deb Catlett
- Announcements - Ron Walker, Jr., Board Chair
- Adjourn - Ron Walker, Jr., Board Chair
Members Present
- Ron Walker, Jr., Board Chair
- Robert McNulty, Vice Chair
- Dr. Koffi Akakpo, President & CEO
- Jacob Allen, Staff Representative
- Alix McCord, Student Representative
- Joshua Hoekstra, Secretary and Faculty Representative
- Richard Webb
- Sannie Overly
- Olivia Scholz (virtual attendance)
- Theodore Vittos (virtual attendance)
Members Absent
- Thomas Stephens
- Lisa Bell, VP, Finance and Operations
- Dr. Greg Feeney, Provost
- Mark Manuel, VP, Advancement
- Deborrah Catlett, AVP, Human Resources & Professional Development
- Dr. Carlous Yates, AVP, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
- Laurie Preston, AVP, Strategic Communications
- Jane Gemberling, SAA, Advancement
- Ross Johnson, Instructional Media
I. Welcome Introductions
Board Chair Ron Walker, Jr., called the December 7, 2022, meeting of the Bluegrass Community & Technical College Board of Directors to order at 6:30 p.m. The December meeting was held in person in Building M, Room 128, at Leestown Campus, 164 Opportunity Way, Lexington, and via Teams. Mr. Walker requested everyone in attendance to introduce themselves to determine which members were present.
II. Business Meeting
Lisa Bell presented the SNA proposal letter, which lists BCTC’s prioritized capital requests, for Board approval to submit to KCTCS.
- The number one priority continues to be the expansion and completion of the master construction plan for the Newtown campus.
- The second priority on the list is the Equine Training Program Facility. Dr. Akakpo explained the need for this expansion and the funds that have been allocated thus far. BCTC must own the space to use the allocated funds.
- The third priority is the expansion of the Winchester campus with the addition of a second building. This keeps within the master plan, as the original plan consisted of three buildings, but was later determined two buildings on site was an adequate amount.
Lisa Bell discussed the progress of the Newtown North Campus construction prospect and upcoming Administration Building renovation. Jeff Bennett has been hired as the new Associate Vice President of Facilities and Operations.
Ron Walker asked for a motion to be made to approve the SNA priorities and projects. The motion was moved by Robert McNulty and seconded by Olivia Scholz. The motion passed unanimously.
III. Information/Discussion
- The KCTCS Board Handbook has been updated by the System Office. Board members will
receive this when it becomes available.
- Dr. Akakpo reviewed Basic Statutory Responsibilities, Board Composition, Officers of the Board of Directors including positions, elections, and terms), Duties of Officers, and Operational Matters including bylaws, frequency of meetings, term limits, and legal compliance.
- Dr. Akakpo asked the Board to consider a retreat in March or April.
- Dr. Akakpo requested a Board Review to be included during the retreat.
- Chair Walker affirmed the value of attending the ACCT (Association of Community College Trustees) Leadership Conference with Dr. Akakpo and the value of meeting in a retreat type environment.
- Robert McNulty shared a past retreat experience while suggesting an upcoming Board retreat, which could be joined by community leaders and/or be a part of a regional campus Board meeting.
- Enrollment was discussed with focus on the increased retention of male students, specifically black male students.
- General board agreement occurred that both College and Foundation Board members should have BCTC business cards with QR codes on the back to use for promotion of BCTC services.
- Lisa Bell gave a general update of the FY 2023 Budget Reports, Budget Narrative, Yearly Comparison, as well as Current Year Visuals, Revenue, and Expenses.
- Applications as of November 1, 2022:
- Spring 2023 – 2,545 (increase of 390 apps from 2022)
- Fall 2023 – 936 (increase of 92 apps from 2022)
- Enrollment
- Dr. Feeney compared Fall 2022 enrollment to Fall 2021, with Fall 2022 having over 600 more students enrolled than Fall 2021, while highlighting the significance of Dual Credit contributing to this increase.
- Noticeable changes in enrollment numbers of specific populations were highlighted. BCTC is taking the appropriate steps to address these changes.
- A question was brought up regarding expanding the “A Few Good Men” program to include males other than minority students.
- Two new members have been onboarded to the Foundation, Director of Advancement, Daniel King, and Foundation Accountant, Jennifer Pevely.
- The Newtown North Groundbreaking held on October 4 was discussed. Many community leaders joined in the celebration.
- The Georgetown/Scott County Dual Credit endowment fund now totals over $800,000.00.
- Since July 2022, BCTC has raised over $114,000.00 for student support.
- BCTC Coordinator of Academic Diversity and Inclusion, Savannah Sipple-McGraw, in conjunction with the Office of DEI, hosted the inaugural Building an inclusive Campus Conference which was held on November 11. Over 160 people registered for the hybrid format.
- BCTC’s Black Faith Leaders hosted a Heart 2 Heart dinner on November 14. Since the Black Faith Leaders initial meeting in June 2022, over $11,000.00 has been raised as an endowment to support African American student retention and completion
- KCTCS Student Services Department announced a new grant to support initiatives focused on black, male students. BCTC has submitted a funding request to increase retention and completion of male students of color, “Boosting, Belonging, and Amping Academic Success.”.
- The Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Celebration will be held on January 12 from 11:00 am – 12:30 pm, which will include a full program with lunch, guest speakers, and special performances. Dr. Yates encouraged all BCTC staff to register. An online viewing option will be available once in-person registration is full.
- HR has onboarded 33 new employees since July 1.
- A new applicant tracking system has been launched by the KCTCS System Office.
- The Office of Professional Development (PD), led by Raeanne Powers, is working on a PD portal for all employees. BCTC has encumbered $79,000.00 to date for PD this year. Over 40 PD opportunities have been offered to employees.
- Health insurance open enrollment reached 100% completion in October.
IV. Announcements
There were no announcements.
V. Adjourn
A motion was moved by Robert McNulty to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned by consensus at 7:40 p.m.