Board of Directors Meeting September 13, 2023
BCTC Leestown Campus, Building C, Room 126
164 Opportunity Way
Lexington, KY 40511
6:00 p.m.
- Welcome/Introductions
- Business Meeting
- Approval of Minutes, June 14, 2023
- Future Meeting Dates
- Swearing-in of New Faculty and Student Representatives
- Board Member Term Expirations
- Information/Discussion
- Global Learning Center
- President’s Report
- Budget Update
- Enrollment Report
- Diversity Equity & Inclusion Report
- Human Resources
- Announcements
- President Search Update
- Adjourn
Members Present
- Ron Walker, Jr., Chair
- Robert McNulty, Vice Chair
- Dr. Greg Feeney, Acting President & CEO
- Colleen Merrill, Faculty Representative
- Jacob Allen, Staff Representative
- Tyea Alexander, Student Representative
- Sannie Overly
- Olivia Scholz (virtual attendance)
- Theodore Vittos (virtual attendance)
- Richard Webb (virtual attendance)
Members Absent
- Thomas Stephens
Staff Present
- Lisa Bell, VP, Finance and Operations (virtual attendance)
- Deborrah Catlett, AVP, Human Resources & Professional Development
- Dr. Karen Mayo, Acting Provost
- Jane Gemberling, SAA, Advancement
- Ross Johnson, Instructional Media
- Erin Howard, Associate Dean for Global Learning
- Shelbie Hugle, Interim Public Relations Director
- Alix McCord, Outgoing Student Representative
- Mark Manuel, VP, Advancement
- Raeanne Powers, Professional & Organizational Development Manager (virtual attendance)
- Dr. Carlous Yates, AVP, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
- Dr. Angela Provart, President, Pauly Group (virtual attendance)
I. Welcome Introductions
Board Chair Ron Walker called the September 13, 2023, meeting of the Bluegrass Community & Technical College Board of Directors to order at 6:01 p.m. The September meeting was held in person at the Leestown Campus, 164 Opportunity Way, Lexington, KY, and via Teams. Mr. Walker requested everyone in attendance to introduce themselves and it was determined that a quorum was present.
II. Business Meeting
III. Information/Discussion
Erin Howard, Associate Dean of Global Learning, gave an overview of the services that are offered by the Global Learning Center: Latinx & Immigrant Services, Refugee Career Pathways Program, International Student & Scholar Services, Northern Region Migrant Education Center and Study Abroad.
- Staff Update. Four new staff members have been added since June: Ruth Gonzales, Director of Latinx Student Services; Eddy Andrade, Immigrant Career Navigator; Yahia Morsy, CCIP Coordinator; and a new International Student Services Director who will start on October 2nd.
- Community College Initiative Program (CCIP). This new program has a current enrollment of 14 students from India, Indonesia, Turkey, the Dominican Republic, Ghana, Ivory Coast, South Africa, and Brazil. Students are sponsored by the U.S. Department of State and funded by a grant from NOVA/US Dept. of State. Students will complete a short-term technical certificate.
- Innovative Scholarship Fund Update. This $1.3 million allocation by KCTCS through the Kentucky legislature funds the
- The Kentucky Humanitarian Assistance Scholarship provides funding for displaced students pursuing an undergraduate postsecondary certificate or degree. In Fall 2022, BCTC supported 71 students with scholarships and services. For Fall 2023, there are currently 103 students on the program roster; applications continue to be received; anticipated roster will be around 150 students.
- The International Innovative Exchange supports U.S. native and foreign undergraduate students participating in international exchange programs.
- The BCTC Global Program offered an exchange with Ekurhuleni West TVET College (EWC) in South Africa to 12 students and 4 faculty/staff in May.
- The Study Abroad Programs sent students to Greece, Berlin and Japan through the Kentucky Institute for International Studies; the University Scholarship Leadership Symposium in Bangkok, Thailand, by invitation of the UN Humanitarian Affairs Asia; and equine farms in England and Ireland through the BCTC Equine, International Internship program.
- Partnership Outcomes.
- Ekurhuleni West TVET College. A Memorandum of Understanding has been signed with EWC to solidify student exchanges in CIT, IET, CET and Business Studies. The Department of State has awarded a $200,000 grant to fund this endeavor. This partnership is in the building phase and moving quickly into the sustaining phase.
- Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow, Scotland. An articulation agreement for AAS Business Studies students to transfer to Bachelor’s programs has been signed. Next steps include establishing a recruitment process, identifying scholarship resources, implementing successful COILS, and exploring articulation processes for additional programs.
- BCTC Kenya Partnerships. BCTC has partnerships with 6 postsecondary institutions. Next steps include developing learning communities, programs, and teams, and hosting a recruitment seminar for all partner institutions.
- Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Hidalgo in Pachuco, Hidalgo, Mexico. BCTC is developing a partnership in COIL with the Film Program.
- ISA Ireland, Atlantic Technological University in Donegal, Ireland. Student exchange and faculty/staff visit set to establish partnership.
- Dr. Feeney introduced Shelbie Hugle, the Interim Director of Public Relations. An update on the state of BCTC’s social media accounts was shared, along with a new initiative - #FollowFeeney - designed to increase BCTC’s social media presence.
- A Performance Based Funding workgroup has been established to recognize intentional current efforts and identify issues that need to be developed and/or addressed. Preliminary results show increased graduation rates, including increases in minority populations.
- Work Force recorded its highest income to date last year. BCTC went from being last to 2nd on the TRAINS list.
- Finalizing collaboration with Fayette County Public Schools (FCPS) to serve as convener for next-generation funding through Ford. BCTC will collaborate with all FCPS technical programs and serve as a conduit for forming advisory boards. This collaboration will be mutually beneficial to FCPS, BCTC and impacted industries.
- Secured $1.5 million funding to endow a future scholarship for African American students entering the nursing field.
- Nathan Smith, Associate Dean of Student Success, is one of ten individuals nationwide to win an annual award recognizing outstanding first year student advocates.
- The Danville Nursing program had a 100% board pass rate.
- This year BCTC was recognized by Fayette County Public Schools as a Golden Apple Award winner for achievements in dual credit programming. Dr. Rebecca Simms was instrumental in facilitating this dual credit growth and success. As a result, FCPS has agreed to fund Dr. Simms position for an additional year. This will also enhance BCTC’s efforts as convenor of the Ford funding to focus on the advisory boards.
Lisa Bell gave a general update of the FY 2023 Budget Reports, Budget Narrative, Yearly Comparison, as well as Current Year Visuals, Revenue, and Expenses.
- The current financial position for FYE 6/30/2023 is an estimated net operating loss (pending the completion of System Office processes).
- Despite the net operating loss, the estimated fund balance is healthy.
- Budget for FYE 6/30/2024 was based on approximately half of the tuition increase. After the budget was submitted, the KCTCS Board of Regents approved a $4/semester credit hour student tuition rate increase and a $2,000 recurring compensation increase for all full-time employees meeting the employment criteria.
- State appropriation, System Office Services and System-Wide Contracts decreased.
- Fall tuition revenue exceeds budget by 3%.
- Changes in Bad Debt Expense have occurred due to the 2019 KCTCS decision to suspend the use of the Department of Revenue for collections. Since Fall 2019 we have not been able to pursue collection of bad debt but have only been able to place a hold to prevent future enrollment. However, accounts receivable from Spring 2020 through Fall of 2021 (partial) were paid off through HEERF grants. KCTCS is pursuing the use of commercial collection agencies for bad debt collection.
- Budgeted 4 staff and 2 faculty positions for FYE 6/30/2024.
Dr. Mayo presented the Enrollment report.
- Fall enrollment is 10.8% (+1,036 students) higher than the same time last year. This figure does not include the 8-week session and final dual credit enrollment.
- Anticipated fall enrollment, calculated at the end of November, will be an increase of 5.1% for an anticipated total enrollment of 10,846 students.
- We are seeing an increased return of students to campus and an increased in-person course interest.
- Enrollment has returned to pre-pandemic levels.
Dr. Yates shared updates on programs and events in the areas of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
- BCTC is the first and only KCTCS college to be listed on the Campus Pride Index. Campus Pride is a national ranking of safe and inclusive campus communities. As a result of BCTC’s efforts, several colleges in the system have reached out to learn more about creating inclusive communities on their campuses.
- BCTC celebrated Juneteenth on June 15th.
- The Office of African American Student Initiatives (AASI) launched the Bridge to Summer Success program over the summer. AASI received a $50,000 grant from the KY Governor’s Everybody Counts Initiative to help sustain this program over the next two years. This extra funding allowed the program to include an excursion to Nashville, TN. The goal for 2024 is 30 participating students.
- Students were welcomed back to campus with two signature events during Welcome Week: Welcome Back Pride Event and Welcome B(l)ack Fest. Both events were well attended and well received by the community.
- Let’s Talk DEIB is a lunch and learn that is open to anyone with a KCTCS email.
- Building an Inclusive Campus conference focuses on empowering our faculty and staff.
- BCTC has been working with black faith leaders in the community to build an endowed scholarship for African American students. The fund currently sits at $14,000.00. The Go Gold Sunday initiative ends October 29 with a goal of reaching $30,000.00. Each participating church is being asked to donate $500 toward the scholarship.
- The partnership with the YMCA continues to grow. BCTC employees receive 50% and students receive 10% off their membership fees. This fall employees were offered a free trial week.
- Other partnerships include Black Achievers, Power Scholars, Big Brothers Big Sisters, United Way, and Fayette County Public Health.
Deborrah Catlett shared the update for Human Resources.
- BCTC Recruitment. During FY2023, 110 new full-time employees were onboarded, and 52 current employees advanced internally. In FY2024 to date (July and August), 31 new full-time employees were onboarded. Over half of the new employees in FY2024 were faculty in disciplines that have been difficult to recruit.
- Huron Classification & Compensation Study. KCTCS Board of Regents is reviewing the Class & Comp Study. Updates will be provided as they are available.
- Professional Development. The fall kick-off event was re-named the Fall Convocation and was held at the STEAM Academy with record attendance.
- Presidential Search. A contract has been signed with The Pauly Group, a search timeline has been determined, the selection committee has been appointed and the job will be posted, and recruitment will begin after tonight’s meeting.
IV. Announcements
There were no announcements.
V. Presidential Search Update
Mr. Walker introduced Dr. Angela Provart from the Pauly Group who shared insight into the process that has occurred to date and laid out the timeline for the search.
- The Board discussed the proposed schedule for the final interviews and amended the schedule to coincide with the regularly scheduled Board meeting.
- The Community Forum schedule was discussed. The Board agreed to allow the Selection Committee to determine the Community Forum format.
- The Board reviewed the draft Position Profile and suggested changes. A motion to approve the Position Profile as amended was made by Olivia Scholz and seconded by Dick Webb. The Position Profile was approved as amended by acclamation.
VI. Adjourn
A motion to adjourn was made by Sannie Overly and seconded by Colleen Merrill. The meeting was adjourned by acclamation at 7:47 p.m.