Board of Directors Meeting December 6, 2023
BCTC Leestown Campus, Building C, Room 136
164 Opportunity Way
Lexington, KY 40511
The December 6, 2023, Board of Directors meeting will be held in person as well as live-streamed, via Microsoft Teams, beginning at 6:00 p.m.
Microsoft Teams Information
Meeting ID: 232 808 993 434
Passcode: UruAct
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- Welcome/Introductions
- Business Meeting
- Approval of Minutes, September 13, 2023
- Information/Discussion
- President’s Report
- Enrollment Report
- Advancement Report
- Announcements
- Executive Session (closed)
- Adjourn
Members Present
- Ron Walker, Jr., Chair
- Robert McNulty, Vice Chair
- Dr. Greg Feeney, Acting President & CEO
- Colleen Merrill, Faculty Representative
- Jacob Allen, Staff Representative
- Tyea Alexander, Student Representative
- Thomas Stephens
- Richard Webb
Members Absent
- Sannie Overly
- Olivia Scholz
- Theodore Vittos
Staff Present
- Lisa Bell, VP, Finance and Operations
- Deborrah Catlett, AVP, Human Resources & Professional Development
- Dr. Karen Mayo, Acting Provost
- Jane Gemberling, SAA, Advancement
- Ross Johnson, Instructional Media
- Shelbie Hugle, Interim Director, Public Relations
- Mark Manuel, VP, Advancement
- Raeanne Powers, Manager, Professional & Organizational Development
- Dr. Carlous Yates, AVP, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging
- Pam Duncan, General Counsel, KCTCS
- Sonny Fentress, Director, BCTC Foundation
- Dr. Larry Ferguson, Acting President, KCTCS
- Claudia Goggin, Secretary, BCTC Foundation
- Florence Huffman, Director, BCTC Foundation
- Dr. Coos Ockers, Director, BCTC Foundation
- Dr. Angela Provart, President, Pauly Group
I. Welcome/Introductions
Board Chair Ron Walker called the December 6, 2023, meeting of the Bluegrass Community & Technical College Board of Directors to order at 6:02 PM. The December meeting was held in person at the Leestown campus, 164 Opportunity Way, Lexington, KY. Chair Walker thanked everyone for their commitment and service to BCTC and requested everyone in attendance to introduce themselves. It was determined that a quorum was present.
II. Business Meeting
Chair Walker called for a motion to approve the minutes from the September 13, 2023, meeting of the BCTC Board of Directors. A motion to approve the minutes was made by Dick Webb and seconded by Tom Stephens. The minutes from the September 13, 2023, meeting were approved.
III. Information/Discussion
Dr. Feeney shared gifts of appreciation with College and Foundation Directors, KCTCS staff and Dr. Provart.
- Amazon Building Purchase. The purchase is still in process. BCTC has complied with all requests and is waiting on the seller. The Board will be updated as the process continues. This has been a unique experience as BCTC is working with the realtor’s attorney rather than the organization’s attorney. BCTC is patiently optimistic about the purchase.
- Workforce Update. Dr. Erin Tipton reports that Workforce development this semester is ahead of schedule compared to the same time last year.
- President’s Search. Dr. Feeney thanked everyone who has been involved in the President’s Search process. It has been a busy week and has taken a lot of work to get to the point of selecting the next President. Appreciation was expressed to Raeanne Powers for keeping the process running smoothly, and for the work done by Shelbie Hugle, Katelynn Ralston and her team, and the IT team.
Dr. Mayo presented the Enrollment Report.
- Fall 2023 enrollment closed with an increase of 12.1% or 1,253 students over the same time the previous year.
- Spring 2024 enrollment continues with a current increase of 15% or 749 students. The anticipated spring enrollment goal is 10,249 students or a 6.2% increase – BCTC is on track to meet that goal.
- Enrollment increases are due largely to students returning to in-person classes and a significant increase in Dual Credit students.
Mark Manuel presented the Advancement Report.
- The Advancement Office has moved to the Oswald building on Cooper campus.
- The BCTC Foundation mailing address will continue to be 500 Newtown Pike, Lexington, KY, 40508.
- Total revenue through the end of November is $355,000.00.
- Total investments are $3,822,242.39 with a breakdown of $1,665,056.72 in the BCTCF and $2,157,185.67 in Fund 11 (correction to the report as provided).
- The golf scramble successfully raised $5,800.00.
- The GoodGiving Challenge ended December 1.
- Total amounts for donations and matches will not be available until January, but donations are estimated to be $59,000.00.
- Anderson County did not participate in the GoodGiving Challenge but raised $100,000.00 in a separate fundraising effort. An additional $100,000.00 has been pledged as well.
- Grants Update.
- Since September, $26,000.00 has been added to Foundation funds and $875,000.00 to College funds.
- Staff are currently managing 75 grants.
IV. Announcements - Ron Walker, Jr.
- The interview process for the President’s search has been completed and finalists have been selected. Appreciation was expressed to everyone who has been involved in the selection process.
- The Board will go into Executive Session to make a final decision on the direction the College will be heading.
- KRS 61.810(1)(f) regarding open meetings of public agencies and exceptions to open meetings was read.
- A quorum of Directors is required.
V. Executive Session
BCTC Foundation Directors and BCTC staff were excused. With a quorum present, the closed Executive Session began at 6:24 PM and ended at 7:48 PM. No action was taken during the closed Executive Session.
- Chair Walker called for a candidate to be nominated for President of BCTC. A motion to select Dr. Greg Feeney was made by Dick Webb and seconded by Jacob Allen. There was no discussion. The Board unanimously approved the nomination of Dr. Greg Feeney as candidate for President of BCTC.
- Chair Walker made a recommendation to Dr. Ferguson on behalf of the Board of Directors to select Dr. Greg Feeney as BCTC President. Dr. Ferguson accepted and supported the recommendation.
- The candidate has been contacted.
VI. Adjourn
With no further business appearing, it was moved by Tom Stephens to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned by acclamation at 7:50 PM.