Board of Directors Meeting March 13, 2024
BCTC Leestown Campus, Building C, Room 136 164 Opportunity Way Lexington, KY 40511
6:00 p.m.
- Welcome/Introductions - Ron Walker, Jr., Board Chair
- Business Meeting - Ron Walker, Jr.
- Approval of Minutes, December 6, 2023
- Future Meeting Dates
- Committee Assignments
- Reports
- President’s Report - Dr. Greg Feeney
- Financial Report - Lisa Bell
- Enrollment Report - Dr. Karen Mayo
- Area Updates
- Provost - Dr. Karen Mayo
- Finance and Operations/IT - Lisa Bell
- Public Relations, Marketing, and Admissions - Shelbie Hugle
- Advancement - Mark Manuel
- Announcements - Ron Walker, Jr.
- Adjourn - Ron Walker, Jr.
Members Present
- Ron Walker, Jr., Chair
- Robert McNulty, Vice Chair
- Dr. Greg Feeney, President & CEO
- Colleen Merrill, Faculty Representative (virtual attendance)
- Jacob Allen, Staff Representative
- Tyea Alexander, Student Representative
- Sannie Overly (virtual attendance)
- Olivia Scholz (virtual attendance)
- Thomas Stephens
- Theodore Vittos (virtual attendance)
- Richard Webb
Staff Present
- Lisa Bell, VP, Finance and Operations
- Deborrah Catlett, AVP, Organizational Development
- Dr. Karen Mayo, Provost
- Shelbie Hugle, AVP of Public Relations, Marketing, and Admissions
- Ross Johnson, Instructional Media
- Tonya Spivey, EAA, Office of the President
- Dr. Erin Tipton, VP, Workforce and Economic Development
Staff Absent
- Mark Manuel, VP, Advancement
- Dr. Carlous Yates, VP of Culture and Engagement
Board Chair Ron Walker called the March 13, 2024, meeting of the Bluegrass Community & Technical College Board of Directors to order at 6:00 p.m. The March meeting was held in person at the Leestown Campus, 164 Opportunity Way, Lexington, KY, and via Teams. Mr. Walker requested everyone in attendance to introduce themselves and it was determined that a quorum was present.
Mr. Walker called for a motion to approve the minutes from the December 6, 2023, meeting of the BCTC Board of Directors. A motion to approve the minutes was made by Bob McNulty and seconded by Richard Webb. The minutes from the December 6, 2023, meeting were approved.
The remaining meeting date for FY2024 is June 12. The first meeting for FY2025 is scheduled for September 11 at the Leestown Conference Center. The meetings will begin at 6:00 PM, with dinner at 5:30 PM.
Mr. Walker reminded everyone that committee meetings need to be scheduled in May prior to the June 12 meeting.
The following committee assignments were reviewed and confirmed.
Finance Committee
- Mrs. Olivia Johnson Scholz
- Mr. Thomas Stephens
- Mr. Jacob Allen
- Ms. Sannie Overly
Presidential Review Committee
- Mr. Bob McNulty
- Mr. Ron Walker
- Ms. Tyea Alexander
- Mr. Richard Webb
Strategic Planning Committee
- Mr. Ted Vittos
- Ms. Colleen Merrill
- Dr. Feeney has attended several Rotary/Kiwanis tours in our community sharing the story of BCTC.
- The board report has been organized to focus on our strategic plan (Access, Success, DEIB, and Resources). It also includes student stories, photos highlighting events during the quarter, and it gives a better understanding of what we are doing as a college. The board liked the new format and stated that it was easy to follow and understand.
- Toyota donated $15,000 to go towards the Dual Credit Scholarship. This was in addition to their $250,000 donation.
- Meetings continue with area superintendents to strengthen our partnership.
- Recently served on the Fayette County Public Schools search committee for the new principal of the Technical High School called The Hill.
- The college continues to closely monitor legislative activity.
- Workforce Solutions is continuing with another successful year. They are in discussions
with the following industries to discuss training programs and meet workforce needs:
- Kentucky Transportation Cabinet for highway technician training.
- Solar Industry - workforce needs for solar installation technicians.
- Water Treatment Industry - workforce needs water treatment plant operators.
- Kentucky Distiller's Association for entry-level machine operators.
- Economic Impact Study
In FY 2022-23, BCTC added $417.6 million in income to the Bluegrass Regional economy, a value approximately equal to 0.9% of the region’s total gross regional product (GRP). In terms of employment, BCTC’s impact supported 5 ,645 jobs. The activities of BCTC and its students contribute to one out of every 89 jobs in the Bluegrass Region.
Lisa Bell gave a general update of the FY 2024 Budget Reports, Budget Narrative, Yearly Comparison, as well as Current Year Visuals, Revenue, and Expenses.
- Linda “Lyn” LeMieux is the new budget director. She has higher education experience, and her knowledge and expertise will significantly help the department.
- The current tuition revenue is exceeding the budget, as evident from the reports. This helps the college to accumulate and contribute to our fund balance, which remains strong due to our conservative budget development.
- It was noted on page 39 of the board report that a new note was added that states TRAINS grant revenue booked on college financial statements as a cost reduction. The TRAINS cost reduction was part of the other, non-credit tuition section but will now be a separate line item.
- The System Office has implemented a mandatory component to the student financial responsibility acknowledgement.
- The bookstore commission revenue is $308,158.
- The budget planning process has begun using the KCTCS policies and procedures as our basis and in keeping with BCTC’s 2022-2026 Strategic Plan. The board subcommittee will meet in May to discuss the budget details and then seek approval at the June board meeting.
- Based upon a recommendation from the auditor of public accounts, System Office returned $23,785,472 to the 16 independently accredited colleges comprising KCTCS, BCTC received $3,310,108.
Dr. Mayo presented the spring Enrollment report.
- Spring enrollment is up 13.4% (+1283 students) compared to the same time last year.
- International student enrollment is up for spring 2024 with a total of 78 students. That is a 79% increase for 2023-24.
- Credential Seeking enrollment is up 6.5% compared to this time last year.
- Dual Credit enrollment is up 34% compared to this time last year.
- The spring 2024 enrollment report will be sent to CPE on April 1.
- The fall 2024 enrollment projection is 12,239 students, which would be a 4.9% increase from last year.
- The college is working on the 5th year report for the site visit in 2025.
- BCTC is the first KCTCS school approved by SACSCOC to offer the following programs via Competency Based Education (CBE) modality: A+ Prep, Industrial Maintenance Mechanic Level I, Social Media Marketing, and Welder Helper.
- BCTC has submitted a SACSCOC prospectus seeking to become the first school in KCTCS to offer AA, AS, and AAS welding program via the Prison Education Program at Northpoint Training Center and Blackburn Correctional Complex.
- The Teaching and Learning Center developed a new faculty teaching institute which began in the spring with 13 new faculty. They are learning more about curriculum development and instructional best practices.
- In fall 2023, the Heart had over 250 in-person check-ins, and in January and February they had 177 in-person visits with 98 new students. Through a grant they were able to purchase a refrigerator so they could offer cold options to the students. It was noted that more carts are needed at the regional campuses. This is a great opportunity to help students be successful in their academic goals.
- BCTC Ready to Work (RTW) program experienced a significant increase in participants in the Fall semester. Across the system, referrals are up 60% for the RTW program over Fall 2022. At BCTC, we have witnessed a 100% increase as the RTW Coordinators served twice as many participants as they did in Fall 2023. Ready to Work is a program designed to support the success of students enrolled at the college or Adult Education receiving KTAP benefits.
- The student success and retention area are partnering with CPE Gear-Up Kentucky and Bryan Station High School to offer two pilot college readiness academy programs for current high school seniors.
- BCTC was selected to host two fellows participating in the prestigious Hubert H Humphrey Fulbright Program this semester. One from Eritrea (Airitreea) Africa and one the other from the Ivory Coast (South Africa)
- Grants
- The Refugee grant was approved for $400,000.
- The Department of State awarded BCTC $200,000 with our South African Partner Ekurhuleni West Technical and Vocational School (EWT) to develop dual degree programming in cyber and business studies.
- An additional $30,000 was received for the current NCAE-C cybersecurity subaward grant that will fund high school students to experience an “hour of cyber” and high school counselors and teachers to visit BCTC's Newtown campus to learn more about the various cybersecurity/computing degree options.
- In May and June, 45 students will be traveling abroad to South Africa, Ireland, Iceland, and England.
- BCTC’s overall Fall 2022 to Fall 2023 retention rate increased by 1.2%. URM Fall 2022 to Fall 2023 retention increased by 3.5%.
- BCTC overall 3-year graduation rate rose by 3.2% for 2022-2023. URM 3-year graduation rate increased by 7% for 2022-2023.
- Students that have applied for credentials have increased by 4.5%.
- There will be 3 graduation ceremonies this year due to construction at the normal
venue. Graduation will take place at Frederick Douglass High School on the following
dates and times:
- May 3rd at 7:00 p.m. – Nursing & Allied Health
- May 4th at 9:00 a.m. – Advanced Manufacturing, Skilled Trades, BCIS, CHLSS, Natural Sciences, and Humanities
- May 4th at 1:00 p.m. – Associate in Arts and Associate in Science
- Capital Construction Projects
- Newtown North Classroom Building is 26,400 square feet that will house cosmetology, dental hygiene, and the testing and assessment center. This project is supported, in part, by $2,000,000 federal award numbers SLFRP0292/SLFRP3418 awarded to Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government by the U.S. Department of Treasury.
- Newtown Administration Building renovation and building addition will go out for bid soon.
- Newtown Phase 2b-a – programming meetings with the architect have begun. This project is estimated to cost $58 million, but due to the increased cost of materials, the square footage will decrease by half.
- Winchester Campus Amazon Building – The legal team is finalizing the contract with hopes of closing soon. The building is approximately 85,000 square feet. The building will require IT infrastructure before we begin to use the facility.
- Other capital projects include the following:
- Fire Panel Upgrades – various campuses.
- Roof Replacements Projects for Leestown Building S and Megowan
- HVAC Upgrades for Leestown Buildings B, S, and Megowan.
- The spring distribution of surplus desktop computers were distributed to students in compliance with KCTCS administrative policy.
- The Admissions area has been merged with Marketing and Public Relations.
- Applications
- i. Spring applications increased by 226.
- Summer applications increased by 60.
- Fall applications decreased due to the new FAFSA application.
- The Office of Admissions is hosting several events in the months of March and April to encourage students to enroll at BCTC.
- FAFSA night at Shiloh Baptist Church is scheduled for March 19 from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.
- Social Media follower counts from July 1, 2023 – March 12, 2024, compared to the same
time last year are as follows:
- Facebook increased by 4.4%.
- Twitter increased by 0.9%. Approved 6/12/2024
- Instagram increased by 28.1%.
- LinkedIn increased by 10.4%.
- YouTube currently has 551 subscribers.
- Flickr currently has 76 followers.
- The BCTC I AM Bluegrass campaign starts this month. The new logo incorporates the college's mission and will be added to college communication, social media campaigns, and hashtags. There is a Spanish version of the logo.
- A video was shown that targets high school students using the tagline “Of course.”
- The Community Partner Reception with Dr. Feeney is scheduled for Monday, April 29th at the Signature Club of Lansdowne, beginning at 6:00 p.m.
- The scholarship reception is April 3rd from 5:00-6:30 p.m. at Lost Palm.
There were no announcements. Mr. Walker thanked everyone for their hard work and valuable information.
A motion to adjourn was made by Bob McNulty and seconded by Dick Webb. The meeting was adjourned by acclamation at 7:21 p.m.