Board of Directors Meeting September 11, 2024
BCTC Leestown Campus, Building C, Room 136 164 Opportunity Way Lexington, KY 40511
6:00 p.m.
- Welcome/Introductions - Ron Walker, Jr., Board Chair
- Business Meeting - Ron Walker, Jr.
- Approval of Minutes, June 12, 2024
- Board Appointments
Ms. Hilary Morgan - New Board Member Swear-in
- Reports
- Strategic Plan Progress Report - Melinda LeMaster, Dean of Institutional Effectiveness
- President’s Report - Dr. Greg Feeney
- Financial Report - Lisa Bell
- Enrollment Report - Dr. Karen Mayo
- Area Updates
- Provost - Dr. Karen Mayo
- Finance and Operations/IT - Lisa Bell
- Public Relations, Marketing, and Admissions - Shelbie Hugle
- Advancement - Mark Manuel
- Announcements - Ron Walker, Jr.
- Adjourn - Ron Walker, Jr.
Members Present
- Ron Walker, Jr., Chair
- Robert McNulty, Vice Chair
- Dr. Greg Feeney, President & CEO
- Colleen Merrill, Faculty Representative
- Jacob Allen, Staff Representative
- Julia Terrell, Staff Representative
- Rider Burton, Student Representative
- Hilary Morgan
- Olivia Scholz (virtual attendance)
- Thomas Stephens
- Theodore Vittos (virtual attendance)
- Richard Webb
Members Absent
Staff Present
- Lisa Bell, VP, Finance and Operations/IT
- Deborrah Catlett, AVP, Organizational Development
- Shelbie Hugle, AVP of Public Relations, Marketing, and Admissions
- Melinda LeMaster, Dean of Institutional Effectiveness
- Dr. Karen Mayo, Provost
- Mark Manuel, VP, Advancement
- Ray Mizell, Instructional Media
- Tonya Spivey, EAA, Office of the President
- Dr. Erin Tipton, VP, Workforce and Economic Development
- Dr. Carlous Yates, VP of Culture and Engagement
I. Welcome/Introductions
Board Chair Mr. Ron Walker called the September 11, 2024, meeting of the Bluegrass
Community & Technical College Board of Directors to order at 6:00 p.m. The September
meeting was held in person at the Leestown Campus, 164 Opportunity Way, Lexington,
KY, and via Teams. Mr. Walker requested everyone in attendance to introduce themselves
and it was determined that a quorum
was present.
The Board Chair, Mr. Ron Walker, requested everyone to pause in a moment of
silence to reflect on the tragedy of September 11, 2001.
II. Business Meetings
Mr. Walker called for a motion to approve the minutes from the June 12, 2024 meeting of the BCTC Board of Directors. A motion to approve the minutes was made by Mr. Richard Webb and seconded by Mr. Robert McNulty. The minutes from the June 12, 2024 meeting were approved.
The Board Chair, Mr. Ron Walker, welcomed and swore in the new board member, Ms. Hilary Morgan.
The Board Chair, Mr. Ron Walker, welcomed and swore in the new BCTC Staff Representative, Ms. Julia Terrell. The former staff representative, Mr. Jacob Allen, was also present and was recognized for his service on the board.
III. Reports
- Melinda LeMaster, Dean of Institutional Effectiveness, provided a twoyear update on
the 2022-2026 Strategic Plan.
- The Strategic Plan has four goals: Access, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI), Success and Resources.
- The college is making progress on all 14 objectives.
- For each of the four goals, two key areas of progress were identified and highlighted in the presentation.
- Ms. Colleen Merrill reported the Strategic Plan Committee met to review and discuss the two-year progress report. The committee requested that both the faculty and staff work climate survey results be included in the progress report. The results were added to the report and shared with the board in the presentation.
- Dr. Greg Feeney shared that enrollment is up across the college and a detailed enrollment report will be shared by Dr. Karen Mayo later in the meeting.
- Several student welcome back events were held and were well
received. - The board members received a copy of the Senate Joint Resolution (SJR) 179. There
have been discussions at the system-level related to SJR 179 and the anticipated DEI
- The joint resolution is directing the Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTCS) to determine and report findings and actions to improve and advance the existing system. There are 11 items KCTCS will need to address.
- The KCTCS recommendation is that we preserve college-level accreditation and focus
on increasing shared services and seamless integration across the Kentucky Community
and Technical College System.
- This recommendation will go to the Board of Regents next week for endorsement.
- The KCTCS board recommendation is that all members will have a full vote, there were a few half votes.
- There has been discussion over the organization and focus of the local college boards.
- There is an increased focus on shared services.
- KCTCS would provide additional collaboration regarding academics and shared curriculum.
- Dr. Quarles will present to the legislators on December 11.
- DEI Legislation
- There are four main components:
- Hiring requirements – The college has practices in place, but no requirements.
- Selective admission – The college is an open access institution.
- Required training – College employees complete training that meets the federal government requirement.
- DEI statements – The college is currently reviewing thestatements.
- There are four main components:
Lisa Bell gave a general update of the Budget Reports, Budget Narrative, Yearly Comparison, and Current Year Visuals, Revenue, and Expenses.
- The financial reports detailed on pages 41-45 of the board packet will be provided at each board meeting, with data being pulled on the 15th day of the month prior to the board meeting.
- The FYE 24 operating loss of $6.4 million was primarily attributed to $17 million in capital project expenditures. It was noted that excluding these expenditures, the college’s financial position remains strong.
- At the close of FYE 24, the college reported a bad debt expense of
$2 million. The college is working with collection agencies and implementing measures to improve debt recovery. - The waiver expense exceeded the budget by $800,000, largely due to an increase in dual credit enrollment, which contributes to the waiver costs.
- The college is approximately $1.2 million over the current budget for tuition revenue. Maintaining the current budget is critical to sustaining the compensation adjustments, which included a 3.5% increase above the minimum pay band and a 3% cost of living adjustment approved by the Board of Regents.
- The System Office (SO) changed the way they report their system-wide services and system-wide recovery charges. It is now incorporated with line-item “state allocation”.
Dr. Karen Mayo presented the enrollment report for the year.
- Fall enrollment is up 6.6% compared to this time last year, which totals an additional
668 students.
- Anticipate additional enrollments with the 12-week, second 8-
week, and dual credit. - Part-time students make up 61.8% of enrollment.
- Female students make up 60.2% of enrollment.
- Credential seeking students make up 76.3% of enrollment.
- URM students make up 29.1% of enrollment.
- The healthcare programs make up 15.9% of student enrollment.
- Students ages 25+ make up 31.4% of enrollment.
- F-1 International Students had an increase of 44.2% compared to this time last year.
- Adult Education has exceeded the state enrollment goal by 103%. Enrollment has increased by 59.45% over FY23.
- Anticipate additional enrollments with the 12-week, second 8-
- A detailed enrollment report is being reviewed weekly by the enrollment workgroup
to develop intentional strategies to increase
IV. Area Updates
- The Prison Education Program (PEP) will begin in Fall 2024, pending approval from
the Department of Education.
- The two facilities are Blackburn Correctional Complex and
Northpoint Training Center. - Anticipate enrolling 35 PEP students.
- The two facilities are Blackburn Correctional Complex and
- Nathan Smith, Associate Dean of Student Success, received a Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program award in international education administration to Germany for the 2024-25 academic year from the U.S. Department of State and the Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board.
- BCTC welcomed 14 scholars from 10 countries on August 5 & 6, as part of its second Community College Initiative Program cohort.
- In Fall 2024, a total of 186 sections with 70 unique classes are being taught using Open Education Resources (OER), impacting 2,876 students.
- Summer Credentials Awarded
- August 2024 – 1,374 students
- August 2023 – 1,168 students
- That is a 17.6% increase from last year.
- The Heart Food Pantry
- Summer 2024 – 91 unique students utilized
- Summer 2023 – 12 unique students utilized
- That is an increase of 550% in student utilization from last year.
- The Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) is a valuable resource for faculty, offering support with instructional needs at the college. BCTC, along with the other 16 community colleges and eight public institutions, has partnered with the Kentucky Graduate Profile initiative. This partnership ensures that our graduates develop and meet ten essential skills critical for success.
- Ms. Lisa Bell gave a report on the capital projects at the college.
- Newtown North Building
- This project was supported $2 million by federal award numbers SLFRP0292/SLFRP3418 awarded to Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government by the U.S. Department of Treasury.
- The building will house the cosmetology program, dental
hygiene, testing and the assessment center. - Classes will begin in January 2025.
- Newtown Administration Building & New Addition
- Asset Preservation Project - $9.7 million bond funds and fund balance of $1,264,880 for the historical renovation of the Administration Building.
- The new $5 million addition will have assembly space to
accommodate 300 people. - The anticipated completion date is spring 2026.
- Newtown Phase 2b-a, $58 million
- The college contributed $5.8 million, and the rest of the project will be funded by state bonds.
- The building will be approximately 85,000 square feet.
- The anticipated completion date is February 2027.
- 1919 Rolling Hills Lane
- The building was purchased for $3.5 million.
- Anticipated occupancy date is January 2025.
- The building will have four classrooms, a nursing lab, general education classes, and 10 offices.
- Other Capital Projects
- Roof replacement project for Leestown Building S and Newtown Megowan.
- HVAC upgrades for Leestown Buildings S and B, and Newtown Megowan.
- Utility Site Survey at Newtown Campus.
- IT Infrastructure server replacement.
- Newtown North Building
- The board packet for the year will feature the 85th anniversary theme, including details of year-long events and stories from alumni and retirees.
- The FOX56 BCTC Campus Corner tv segment was shown to the board. A different topic will be aired each month.
- FOX56 will be airing commercials highlighting our top 10 lowest enrollment programs.
- Last academic year (FY24), the college secured $7.4 million in grants, while this academic year (FY25) the total stands at $2.5 million.
- As of September 2024, 177 student scholarships have been awarded, which totals $372,000.
- A nursing donor visited our campus and was very impressed with our facilities. The Danville and Winchester campuses will participate in the Good Giving Challenge this December, while the remaining campuses will take part in KCTCS Giving Day in April 2025.
- A fundraising campaign is being planned to support the needs of the 1919 Rolling Hills building.
- The Foundation fall mailing went out on September 11.
- BCTC Foundation Golf Scramble will take place at The Woodford Club on Friday, September 13.
V. Announcements - Ron Walker, Jr.
- No announcements
- The board thanked everyone for their hard work and dedication to meeting the needs of every student.
VI. Adjourn
A motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Robert McNulty and seconded by Mr. Richard Webb. The meeting was adjourned by acclamation at 7:19 p.m.