Nursing | BCTC


Learn key nursing skills and practice them in a variety of real-world settings.

Program Contact
Dr. Stacy Richey
Director of Nursing
(859) 246-6739
GET STARTED TODAY 855.246.2477


What is Associate Degree Nursing (ADN)?

Use the skills and knowledge you'll gain to fulfill the nurse's role. 

  • Enhance human flourishing
  • Show sound nursing judgment
  • Continually develop a professional identity 
  • Have a spirit of inquiry to improve the quality of patient care

Encompassed within these roles are the core components of: 

  • Context and environment
  • Knowledge and science
  • Personal/professional development
  • Quality and safety
  • Relationship-centered care
  • Teamwork

We organized the Associate Degree Nursing curriculum around a defined conceptual framework. The framework combines general education and nursing courses. The nursing courses match up classroom & clinical instruction in real-world agencies. Learning at the school and having hands-on experience are equally essential!

BCTC's mission is to transform the Bluegrass Region - one student, one employer, and one community at a time. Our program supports this mission by preparing you for success.

How are you prepped for success?

Instructors teach theory and basic nursing skills on campus. With them, you gain valuable experience caring for all in various healthcare settings. This includes community agencies, hospitals, long-term care facilities, clinics, and childcare centers.

Bluegrass ADN program has three campuses that prepare students to become registered nurses. 

Getting Started

How to Apply

The following must be completed before entering the first nursing course, but these courses are not required to be completed before applying:

  • Any math course that meets the AA or AS degree with a grade of "C" or better
  • General Psychology (PSY 110)
  • Anatomy & Physiology I (BIO 137) with a grade of "C" or better
  • Prior to enrolling in Nursing 101, students must provide documentation of required immunizations, CPR certification, active status within the last 3 years on the Medicaid Nurse Aide Registry or its equivalency.

Candidate's questions can be addressed at pre-admission conferences. Therefore, each candidate must attend a pre-admission conference prior to applying to the Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) Program.

View Available Conference Dates

Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) is a Selective Admissions program. 

Students must follow all Selective Admissions steps to be considered for the program.

Selective Admission: Associate Degree Nursing

All students in the ADN Program must submit to a criminal background check as a prerequisite for clinical practice. Students who fail to submit to a background check or to allow the College access to the report will be ineligible for clinical placement and unable to achieve the objectives of nursing course work. Those who do not pass the background check are afforded the opportunity to explain the circumstances surrounding the situation, but if the student is ineligible for clinical placement he/she will be given the opportunity to withdraw from the Program.

The criminal background check will include but is not limited to: Social Security Fraud; Criminal Background; Sex Offender Search; Abuse Registry; OIG Medicare Sanctioned List; Licensure, Certification and Designation.

Situations in which a person does not have a satisfactory background check will be reviewed by the Assistant Dean for Nursing on a case-by-case basis. Convictions involving the following crimes, but not limited to these crimes may serve to disqualify a person from participating in required clinical learning experiences.

  • Any felony, whether listed below or not
  • Crimes involving drugs, including but not limited to unlawful possession or distribution
  • Crimes of physical violence to include any type of abuse (child, spousal, or of the elderly), abduction such as kidnapping, manslaughter, murder, robbery, sexual crimes, possession of a restricted fire arm or any related weapons offenses, assault and battery
  • Conviction of a misdemeanor related to abuse, neglect or exploitation

All background checks must be done by CastleBranch. The cost of the background check will be borne by the student.


The following immunizations are required for all students involved in clinical activities in the nursing program. These requirements have been established to help protect health care providers and their patients during encounters with one another in clinical settings. Clinical facilities providing student experiences for the program may have additional requirements for students with which students must comply in order to continue in the nursing program.

Students must have completed or started a series prior to beginning the nursing program. Your personal healthcare provider can provide you with appropriate documentation which will be submitted to the nursing faculty on the first day of class.

  1. Tuberculosis Screening
    • Proof of negative 2 step ppd or negative IGRA test, or quantiferon.
    • If known positive, physician documentation of the positive test and a negative chest x-ray is required current within five years.
  2. MMR
    • Proof of immunity to rubella, rubeola, and mumps.
    • One of the following may be used as documentation:
      • Documentation of two MMR vaccines.
      • Documentation of positive rubeola, rubella, and mumps titers.
  3. Hepatitis B
    • A series of three injections at recommended intervals or documentation of a protective Hepatitis B surface antibody titer.
    • If the Hepatitis B titer is negative after the initial series of three injections, the series of three injections should be repeated and a repeat titer drawn.
  4. Varicella
    • Proof of immunity to varicella by one of the following:
      • Positive antibody titer.
      • Immunization with varicella vaccine.
  5. Tdap Vaccine
    • Current within 10 years
  6. Influenza Vaccine - Due in October.
  7. COVID 19 Vaccine


  • Urine Drug Screen: Completed by a BCTC approved company.
  • Proof of Health Insurance: Must provide letter of coverage from insurance provider Current within 10 years.

Nursing at the technical level involves the provision of direct care for individuals and is characterized by the application of verified knowledge in the skillful performance of nursing functions. Therefore, in order to be considered for admission or to be retained in the program after admission, all applicants should possess the following:

  • Sufficient visual acuity, such as is needed in the preparation and administration of medications, and for the observation necessary for patient assessment and nursing care.
  • Sufficient auditory perception to receive verbal communication from patients and members of the health care team and to assess health needs of people through the use of monitoring devices such as cardiac monitors, stethoscopes, IV infusion pumps, doptones, fire alarms, etc.
  • Sufficient gross and fine motor coordination to respond promptly and to implement the skills, including the manipulation of equipment, required in meeting health needs.
  • Sufficient communication skills (speech, hearing, writing) to interact with individuals and to communicate their needs promptly and effectively, as may be necessary in the individual s interest.
  • Sufficient intellectual and emotional functions to plan and implement care for individuals.

Scholarships and Opportunities

Through a collaborative program with UK HealthCare and Kentucky school districts, get started on a healthcare-focused program at BCTC and earn credits for college and high school graduation at the same time. Learn more about the HealthCare Jumpstart program.

What are my degree, diploma, and certificate options?

Graduates of the Associate Degree Nursing program are awarded an Associate of Applied Science Degree and are eligible by coursework to take the NCLEX-RN. Successful completion of the NCLEX-RN and licensure by a state Board of Nursing permits the graduate to seek employment as a Registered Nurse.

What Else Do I Need to Know?


The Associate degree nursing program at Bluegrass Community and Technical College at the Leestown and Lawrenceburg campuses located in Lexington and Lawrenceburg Kentucky is accredited by the following organizations:

ACEN logo

Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN)
3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400
Atlanta, GA 30326
(404) 975-5000

The most recent accreditation decision made by the ACEN Board of Commissioners for the Associate degree nursing program is continuing accreditation.

View the public information disclosed by the ACEN regarding this program at ACEN Program Search (new window).

Kentucky Board of Nursing Logo

Kentucky Board of Nursing (KBN)
312 Whittington Parkway
Louisville, KY 40222
Phone 800-305-2042

View the public information disclosed by the KBN regarding BCTC ADN programs (new window).

Program Information

Shelby Fisher, MSN, RN
ADN Program Coordinator
Leestown Campus
(859) 246-6845

Dixie Webb, MSN, RN, CNE
ADN Program Coordinator
Lawrenceburg Campus
(859) 246-6818

Susan Hedgecock
ADN Program Coordinator
Winchester Campus
(859) 246-6827

We want you to know the costs associated with entering the nursing program. This is a list of approximate costs associated with entering and completing the Associate Degree Nursing Program at Bluegrass Community and Technical College. All costs are subject to change without notice.


Item Approximate Cost

See our Tuitions & Costs page for the current tuition rate.

Uniforms and Accessories

Approx. $175.00

Nursing Books (Approximately)

$1000.00 - $1200.00

Laptop for testing

$300 - 800.00

(Chrome notebooks not allowed)

CPR for Health-Care Providers or Red Cross

CPR for the Professional Rescuer*


MMR (2)* 

See Health Care Provider

TB Skin Test (PPD)* 2-step PPD

See Health Care Provider

Hepatitis B Series* (or titer)

See Health Care Provider

Varivax Series*# (times 2 or titer)

See Health Care Provider

Influenza Vaccine




Liability Insurance*

Included in tuition fee

Castlebranch account (Background check, drug screen and immunization tracker)


Nursing Skill pack

$50.00 - 150.00 each semester

Examsoft testing software

~$50 per semester

ATI resource including Live Review course

~$1000.00 per semester

(** Tuition and Fees may be subject to change.)
(*Validation of each of these items is due on the first day of classes.)


Item Cost
License, Licensing Exam $400.00
Nursing Pin $45.00 - $75.00
Pictures $50.00
Standardized Exams $110.00

Lawrenceburg Campus
1500 Bypass North, US 127
Lawrenceburg, KY 40342-9465
(859) 246-6850

Leestown Campus
164 Opportunity Way
Lexington, KY 40511-2623
(859) 246-6200

Winchester Campus
2020 Rolling Hills Lane
Winchester, KY 40391
(859) 737-3098

Associate Degree Nursing Program Philosophy

The philosophy of the Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) program is congruent with the Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTCS) mission statement and is supported by the works of the National League for Nursing (NLN) Education Competencies and Quality and Safety Education in Nursing (QSEN).

The nursing faculty believe nursing is holistically evolving, blended with science, and the art of caring. Nursing demonstrates the provision of patient-centered care based on quality standards and evidence based practice through the inclusion of theoretical concepts.

Learning in an educational setting is enhanced by a teacher-student relationship and clearly defined student learning outcomes. The nurse educator's responsibility is to structure and facilitate optimal conditions for critical thinking from simple to complex. The student brings to this relationship the willingness to learn and is accountable for his/her education.

The ADN graduate, having achieved the graduate outcomes is prepared to practice in a variety of settings with the parameters of individual knowledge and experience according to the standards of practice.


  • National League for Nursing. (2010). Outcomes and Competencies for Graduates of Practical/Vocations, Diploma, Associate Degree, Baccalaureate, Master's, Practice Doctorate, and Research Doctorate Programs in Nursing.  New York, NY:  National League for Nursing.
  • Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) Institute. (2018). Retrieved from QSEN Competencies (new window). 

Program Evaluation

Lexington Campus Initial Admission Cohort
Year BCTC Number Tested BCTC Annual Pass Rate BCTC 3 Year mean NCLEX Pass Rate ADN National NCLEX Pass Rate
2024 29 86.2% 61.1% 90.63%
2023 26 84.6% 74.2% 87.75%
2022 42 92.9% 45% 77.91%
2021 41 95.1% 55% 78.78%
Lawrenceburg Campus Initial Admission Cohort
Year BCTC Number Tested BCTC Annual Pass Rate BCTC 3 Year mean NCLEX Pass Rate ADN National NCLEX Pass Rate
2024 39 87.2% 89.5% 90.63%
2023 38 92.1% 87.9% 87.75%
2022 28 89.3% 88.6% 77.91%
2021 36 82.4% 91.1% 78.78%
Winchester Campus Initial Admission Cohort
Year BCTC Number Tested BCTC Annual Pass Rate BCTC 3 Year mean NCLEX Pass Rate ADN National NCLEX Pass Rate
2024 25 80% N/A 90.63%
  • percentage of initial admission students who complete the ADN program in four semesters
  • percentage of PN Bridge Admissions students who complete the ADN program in 3 semesters
Campus and Cohort Group Cohort Year Completion Rate
Lexington Campus - initial admission 2023-2024 81%
Lexington Campus - PN Bridge admission 2023-2024 64%
Lexington Campus - initial admission 2022-2023 70%
Lexington Campus - PN Bridge admission 2022-2023 81%
Lawrenceburg Campus - initial admission 2023-2024 81%
Lawrenceburg Campus - PN Bridge admission 2023-2024 64%
Lawrenceburg Campus - initial admission 2022-2023 70%
Lawrenceburg Campus - PN Bridge admission 2022-2023 81%
Winchester Campus - initial admission 2023-2024 83%
Winchester Campus - PN Bridge admission 2023-2024 100%
Survey Class of 2020 Class of 2019 Class of 2018
Response Rate 20/103 = 19% 64/104 = 62% 53/94 = 56%
Recommend this program to others 85%   87%
Satisfaction with BCTC nursing program 89%   92%
BCTC prepared me for the role of the RN 95%   87%
Satisfaction Survey 2021 (n=6) 2018 (n=19) 2017 (n=15)
Demonstrates professional behaviors 100% 95% 100%
Demonstrates clinical reasoning skills 100% 100% 93%
Demonstrates communication skills 100% 95% 93%
BCTC nursing program prepares their graduates for the role of RN 100% 95% 100%

Number of graduates who are working as a RN at six months post-graduation

Graduation Class Response Rate Job Placement at Six Months
2021 Alumni survey (graduate 2020) 20/103 = 19% 100%
2020 Alumni survey (graduate 2019) 64/104 = 62% 100%
2019 Alumni Survey (graduate 2018) 53/94 = 56% 100%

Please provide your email address to receive a copy of the Associate Degree Nursing Student Handbook.


Additional Information


Each individual is a unique, holistic being with bio-psychosocial, cultural and spiritual dimensions in constant interaction with the environment. All human beings have in common certain functional patterns that contribute to their health, quality of life, and achievement of human potential;

The dynamic process of mastering core competencies is essential to the practice of contemporary and futuristic nursing. This process illustrates the personal, progressive, and lifelong professional development of the nurse through the accumulation, analysis, and synthesis of knowledge, scientific findings and human experience. The components of this A.D.N. conceptual model include: core values, integrating concepts, program outcomes and nursing practice;

Learning is an individual and lifelong process evidenced by changed behavior resulting from the acquisition of knowledge, practice and ethical comportment. Knowledge encompasses the realms of science and theory. Practice includes the ability to engage in a thoughtful, deliberate, and informed way. Ethical comportment involves the individual's formation within a set of recognized responsibilities; it includes the notions of "good practice" and "boundaries of practice". Learning in an educational setting is enhanced by a teacher/student relationship in which the teacher's responsibility is to structure and facilitate optimal conditions for critical thinking and learning through clearly defined student learning outcomes. The student brings to this relationship the willingness to learn and is accountable for his/her education. Recognizing that both the rate and style of learning differ with individuals, various strategies are utilized to facilitate the achievement of student learning outcomes, attainment of maximum potential, and promotion of continued learning;

The A.D.N. graduate, having achieved the graduate outcomes, is prepared to practice in a variety of settings within the parameters of individual knowledge and experience according to the standards of practice. The role of the A.D.N. graduate includes human flourishing, nursing judgment, professional identity, and spirit of inquiry. Encompassed within these roles are the core components of context and environment, knowledge and science, personal/professional development, quality and safety, relationship-centered-care, and teamwork.

Question Answer
How long does it take to complete the ADN program? Five semesters
Can I finish quicker if I take more nursing courses per semester? No. Each nursing course must be taken prior to or concurrent with the semester sequence in which you are enrolled.
What grade do I need to make to pass a nursing course? "C" = 77%
Do you accept nursing courses from other nursing programs? If you have taken courses in another program, you must make an appointment with the Program Coordinator to review your transcript.
How many days per week do I need to be on campus? Four days
What degree will I graduate with when I complete the program? Associate in Applied Science- Nursing
Where will I be able to work? Hospitals, long term care facilities, clinics, home health
How many students does the program admit? 90 at Lexington campus and 40 at Lawrenceburg campus
Can I work while I am in nursing school? Yes, but it is not recommend to exceed 20 hours per week.
Where do we go to do clinical? CHI-SJH, UK Healthcare, Baptist Health Lexington, VA Medical Center
What is the difference between a BSN nurse and ADN nurse? There are three tracks to become a RN, BSN, ADN, Diploma. All three programs, graduates sit for the NCLEX exam and will become licensed as a RN.
What does the job market look like for RN's in the Bluegrass area? In the past three years, >95% of our graduates were working as RN's by six months post graduation.
Can I take some nursing courses prior to be accepted into the program? No, you must be first accepted into the program before you can take any nursing courses. We encourage you to take the co-requisites prior to starting the program.
Can I take any courses on-line? Currently we do not have a long-distance program.
Can I apply to the program before taking the pre-requisites courses? Yes you can. You will be admitted on the contingency that the pre-requisites will be completed prior to starting the program.

Information for LPNs

On behalf of the faculty and staff of BCTC nursing programs, we welcome your interest in the Associate Degree Nursing program. We know that you have much to offer our program in terms of your experience and education and hope that you will consider our program as you progress toward your RN licensure.


A LPN may receive nine (9) credit hours for Nursing 101 through advanced standing. To earn this credit they must meet one of the following:

  • Has graduated within three years of admission to the BCTC nursing program and holds a current active unrestricted practical nurse license.
  • Has graduated more than three years prior to admission and verifies current employment as an LPN and holds a current unrestricted practical nurse license. Current employment is defined as one year of full-time employment as an LPN within the last three years.
  • Currently enrolled practical nursing student within KCTCS with plans to graduate prior to spring semester admission. (Must be licensed as LPN at the time of graduation from ADN program). 


Builds upon the basic nursing skills and concepts learned in the LVN/LPN experience. Assists the Practical Nurse to make the beginning transition to the RN role. Strengthens the four competencies of nursing practice including human flourishing, nursing judgment, professional identity, and spirit of inquiry and Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN). Emphasizes the concepts of nutrition, metabolism, endocrine, elimination, and integumentary. Upon successful completion of all components of the course, the student will be admitted to NSG 229 and will have earned by advanced standing, 16 credit hours in nursing.


  • Attend a scheduled pre-admission conference.
  • Submit a completed application for admission to BCTC if not a current student.
  • Official transcripts for ALL colleges, universities, and/or vocational schools attended since high school.
  • ATI:TEAS Exam results, must be current within 3 years.
  • Have taken nursing courses at an accredited college.
  • Successfully graduated from a PN program.

Kentucky Board Of Nursing
312 Whittington Pky, Suite 300
Louisville, KY 40222-5172
1-800-305-2042 or 502-429-3300, Ext. 238 or 243

Transfer Opportunities

Other Nursing Programs at BCTC

Length of Program

You can earn an associate in applied science degree in two years if you maintain full-time status.

This information should not be considered a substitute for the KCTCS Catalog (new window). You should always choose classes in cooperation with your faculty advisor to ensure that you meet all degree requirements.

Request Information