BCTC Radiography Handbook
Revised September 2023
- Forward
- Welcome
- Radiography Mission Statement, Values, and Goals
- Admission Policy
- Program Faculty
- Clinical Affiliates and Clinical Instructors
- Program Competencies
- Radiography Program Curriculum
- Course Descriptions
- Program Commitment
- Program Grading Scale
- ARRT Code of Ethics
- Technical Standards
- Goal of Clinical Education
- Clinical Obligations
- Student Responsibilities in the Clinical Facility
- Weekend & Evening Shift Assignments in the Clinical Setting
- Clinical Site Assignments
- Transportation
- Didactic Requirements
- Reasonable Accommodation
- Radiography Attendance
- Classroom, Laboratory, Clinic Assignments
- Clinical Expectations
- Attitude is Everything
- American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) Radiography Examination
- Pre-Application Review
- Kentucky State Certification
- JRCERT Standards
- Clinical Documentation
- Competency Evaluation
- Patient Care Competency
- Simulation of Performance
- Professional Development
- College Policy and Resources
- Withdrawal Policy
- Academic Integrity Policy
- Plagiarism/Cheating Statement
- Class Communications/Email Policy
- Recorded Class Sessions Policy
- Financial Aid and Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
- Radiography Program Grievance Policy
- Complaints
- Radiation Safety Rules
- Dose Limits
- Dosimeter Procedure
- Clinical Supervision
- Injuries/Incident
- Infection Control Policies
- Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Policy
- Uniforms
- Grooming
- Cell Phones Policy
- Radiologic Technologist Standards
- Compliance Process
- Early Release Policy
- Social Media Policy
- Content Development
- Policies
- JRCERT Mammography Statement
- Forms and Evaluations
This Radiography Handbook is designed to inform students of the policies of the Bluegrass Community and Technical College (BCTC) Radiography Program. The content outlines the responsibilities of the student for participation in the program. This document, along with the course syllabi, are the contract for the Radiography Program.
BCTC Equity and Unity Statement
BCTC welcomes and respects people of all cultures, religions, ages, socio-economic statuses, sexual orientations, gender identities, national origins, languages, and abilities. We celebrate individual differences as we evolve to be the face of a unified world. Our differences strengthen our resolve to deliver the highest standard of education in the Bluegrass Region.
In this program, we build an inclusive culture that encourages, supports, and celebrates diversity.
You belong. You should engage and participate. You matter.
BCTC does not discriminate based on race, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities. For inquiries regarding non-discrimination policies, contact BCTC-TitleIXOfficer@kctcs.edu.
The faculty and staff of Bluegrass Community and Technical College, Allied Health Department, and Radiography Program welcome you as a student radiographer. We hope you will find this to be a warm, friendly environment in which to learn and grow into a competent radiographer.
Welcome to the field of Radiologic Technology (Radiography). This will be an entirely new world for many. As a student radiographer, you will be part of a large medical team working in a branch of medicine known as Diagnostic Radiology. Radiographers (also called radiologic technologist) assist physicians known as radiologists, who specialize in interpretation and the use of x-rays, other forms of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation to diagnose and treat various diseases and injuries. We are the eyes to create images for those diagnoses. Radiographers play a vital role in the science dedicated to saving lives and alleviating human suffering.
The education of radiographers is somewhat different from other academic settings; part will be didactic (classroom) as well as practical hands on which will take part in the clinic. Students will be working with staff, physicians and other radiographers. At the completion of a student’s education, he or she will be qualified to work in a hospital, clinic, physician’s office, public health institution or an industrial medical clinic as a radiographer.
As a student, there will be a number of things expected. Many responsibilities you have not had before, and it will be necessary for you to maintain the highest of professional standards. While the faculty and staff at BCTC, as well as technologists at clinical sites, are here to assist and guide you, your own drive, determination and motivation will determine how successful you are in this program. We are happy you are here in this journey. Congratulations on taking the first step towards your career!
The Radiography Faculty
Bluegrass Community and Technical College
The program is accredited by:
Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology
20 North Wacker Drive, Suite 2850
Chicago, Illinois 60606
(312) 704-5300
DISCLAIMER: These program regulations are subject to change at the discretion of the program coordinator and faculty. Should changes be required, they will not be made capriciously, but for valid and necessary reason. Students will be notified of said changes. Students will be notified of any changes in writing.
Consistent with the vision and mission statements of BCTC, the Radiography Program will be a leader in workforce development by providing a quality education in the field of Radiologic Technology. The program will utilize a competency-based evaluation system to prepare graduates with the necessary skills to administer the production of high-quality medical imaging. Faculty emphasizes critical thinking, effective communication and encourages students to continue their professional development after graduation. A variety of clinical environments along with instruction in the classroom and laboratory, will provide program participants with a well-rounded educational experience.
Radiography Values
- Intellectual, professional and personal growth of students’ faculty and staff
- Excellence in teaching, advising, and supporting students
- Student success through individualized attention
- Climate of mutual respect and collaboration
- Interactive and adaptive relationship with the radiography community
- Lifelong learning
- Cultural diversity and human dignity
- Continuous improvement of the program
Radiography Goals and Student Outcomes
- Students/Graduates will demonstrate clinical competence.
- Students will utilize proper radiation protection practices.
- Students will provide appropriate speed when performing radiographic images.
- Students will properly position for radiographic procedures.
- Students will utilize and demonstrate appropriate technical factors for procedures.
- Students/Graduates will demonstrate effective communication skills with patients and
health care workers.
- Students can demonstrate effective communication skills to patients (bedside manner).
- Students can work alongside other healthcare professionals efficiently and effectively.
- Students/Graduates will demonstrate the critical thinking skills needed in the Radiology
- Students will demonstrate appropriate measures to correct inadequate images.
- Students will critique images for positioning precision.
- Student will identify different pathologies and recognize what technical adjustments need to be made.
- Students will display appropriate critical thinking and problem-solving skills during trauma procedures.
- Students/Graduates will grow and develop professionalism.
- Students will be involved with and understand professional growth.
- Students will exhibit a professionalism in the clinical setting.
Admission Policy
Admission to the Radiography Program is open to all qualified students regardless of economic or social status, and without discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, marital status, beliefs, age, national origin, sexual orientation, or physical or mental disability.
Selection of students for the program will be made by the president of the college or the president’s designee after considering the recommendation of the Radiography Admissions Committee.
Membership of Radiography Admissions Committee:
Radiography Program Coordinator
Radiography Faculty Member
Division Chairperson/Dean
Admissions Offer or Dean of Student Affairs
Counselor and/or Faculty
Each applicant must submit the following by the college’s deadline in order to be considered by the committee:
- Completed application for admissions to the college prior to the published date.
- Transcripts of all postsecondary education or training which occurred outside the Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTCS).
- Applicant’s ACT scores are not required for admissions.
Additional Requirements Prior to Program Admission:
- CPR certification must be obtained prior to enrolling in any clinical course/practicum and certification must be kept current throughout the program.
- An individual must earn a grade of “C” or better in all program pre-requisite courses
Possible Additional Requirements:
- An individual college may require at least a four-hour observation/work experience in a Radiology Department with documentation returned to the college
- An individual college may require an interview or pre-admission conference prior to consideration for admission to the radiography program.
Preference May be Given to:
- Applicants who have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher (4-point scale) in 10 hours or more of college credit applicable to the radiography program
- Applicants who have completed the science and mathematics courses listed in the Radiography Curriculum with a grade of “C” or better
- Applicants who are registered and/or licensed in an allied health or nursing profession
- Applicants who have active status on a state nurse aide registry
Program Prerequisites:
- BIO 137 – Anatomy & Physiology I
- BIO 139 – Anatomy & Physiology II
- MAT 150 – College Algebra
- Digital Literacy
Retention and Progress in the Program:
- Student who withdraws from or earns less than a grade of “C” in any course within the Radiography Program will be dropped from the Radiography Program.
- An individual must earn a grade of ‘C’ or better in the program curriculum courses to remain in the radiography program.
- Readmission to the Radiography Program will be dependent upon available resources.
- In order to be considered for readmission by the Radiography Admissions Committee, the applicant must submit a written request to the Radiography Program Coordinator and meet current admission guidelines.
- Students who wish to apply for readmission to the program must do so three (3) months prior to the expected date of enrollment.
Further Considerations:
- If more than one year has elapsed since the end of enrollment in the Radiography Program, an applicant must repeat all radiography courses unless the student has demonstrated current competency by passing exams equivalent to comprehensive course final examinations (both written and clinical skills) if available at the college to which the student is applying for admission.
- A student may be readmitted to the Radiography Program one time. The Radiography Admissions Committee may recommend readmission a second time, if a student furnishes sufficient evidence of remedial study, additional preparation, or resolution of factors contributing to unsuccessful course completion.
- Application is not a guarantee of readmission to the program.
- If an individual student fails the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) certification exam three (3) times, he or she must repeat all of the Radiography courses of the curriculum.
- Applicants who wish to transfer from one radiography program to another must:
- meet all admission requirements of BCTC
- apply at least three months prior to the expected date of enrollment
- notify the program coordinator of BCTC in writing, stating anticipated entry date and reason for transfer
- submit a letter of recommendation to BCTC from the program director of the previous institution
- submit an official transcript for evaluation by the Radiography Admissions Committee
- If more than one year has elapsed since enrollment in a radiography program, the entire sequence of radiography courses must be repeated.
- Acceptance of any transfer student will be dependent upon available resources
- The Radiography Admissions Committee of BCTC will review all documentation and make recommendations as to admission as a transfer student.
*Only core course material will be accepted toward the above acceptance process. The student should contact the Department Chair for further information.
*Department reserves the right to conduct an interview with each candidate.
Program Faculty
Position/Title | Faculty Information |
Program Coordinator |
Lesley Klosterman, MSRS, R.T., (R) (T)
Clinical Coordinator |
Morgan Gagle, BSRS, R.T., (R); Instructor
Program Clinical Instructors |
Clinical Affiliates and Clinical Instructors
Clinic Name | Address | Phone Number | Contacts |
(University of Kentucky) Albert B. Chandler Medical Center |
800 Rose Street Pavilion H Lexington, Kentucky 40536 |
(859) 323-5075 |
Veronica Scott - Manager Taylor Houchens - Clinical Preceptor UK Clinic – Josh Mullins Turfland – Aaron Belt |
Baptist Health – Alysheba Way | 1775 Alysheba Way Lexington, Kentucky 40509 |
(859) 260-4510 |
Heather Hawthorne - Director Radiology Angie Bryant - Supervisor Kathy Earlywine – Contact Person Rachel Hunter - Clinical Preceptor |
Baptist Health – Central | 1740 Nicholasville Road Lexington, Kentucky 40503 |
(859) 260-6155 |
Heather Hawthorne - Director Radiology Angie Bryant - Supervisor Ryan Newsome - Clinical Preceptor, 1st years Rachel Hunter - Clinical Preceptor |
Baptist Health - Southland | 100 Southland Drive Lexington, Kentucky 40503 |
(859) 260-6676 |
Heather Hawthorne - Director Radiology Angie Bryant - Supervisor Toni Randall – Contact Person Rachel Hunter - Clinical Preceptor |
Bluegrass Community Hospital | 360 Amsden Ave Versailles, Kentucky 40383 |
(859) 873-3111
Jerry Preston - Manager/Clinical Preceptor |
Bourbon Community Hospital | 9 Linville Dr Paris, Kentucky 40361 |
(859) 987-3600
Sherry Eubank – Manager/Clinical Preceptor |
Ephraim McDowell Regional Medical Center | 217 South Third Street Danville, Kentucky 40422 |
1 (800) 686-4121 ext. 1247 |
Doug Ruggles - Manager Sarah Jenkins - Clinical Preceptor |
Frankfort Regional Hospital | 299 Kings Daughters Drive Frankfort, Kentucky 40601 |
(502) 226-7695 |
Kristy - Manager Heather Wells - Clinical Preceptor |
Georgetown Community Hospital | 1140 Lexington Road Georgetown, Kentucky 40324 |
(502) 868-1270 |
Kristi Rulli - Director Radiology Stephanie Frye - Manager Kelly Browning – Clinical Preceptor |
Good Samaritan Hospital | 310 S.Limestone Street Lexington, Kentucky 40508 |
(859) 218-9452 |
Megan Young - Clinical Preceptor Ashley Carter - Clinical Preceptor |
Lexington Clinic | 1221 S. Broadway Lexington, Kentucky 40504 |
(859) 258-4115
Megan Smith - Director Callie Teague - Clinical Preceptor Angie Christiansen - Clinical Preceptor |
Lexington Clinic - Beaumont | 3085 Lakecrest Circle Lexington, Kentucky 40513 |
(859) 258-8600 |
Callie Teague - Clinical Preceptor Johnette Hagermann – Contact Person |
Lexington Clinic - East | 100 N. Eagle Creek Drive Lexington, KY 40509 |
(859) 258-4000 |
Callie Teague - Clinical Preceptor Cathy Jones – Contact Person |
Lexington Clinic Picadome - South Broadway | 1221 S. Broadway Lexington, Kentucky 40504 |
(859) 258-4000 |
Callie Teague - Clinical Preceptor Karen Cobb – Contact Person |
Lexington Diagnostic Center | 1725 Harrodsburg Road Suite 100 Lexington, Kentucky 40504 |
(859) 278-7226 |
Margot Handcock - Manager Melissa Meredith - Clinical Preceptor |
Marcum & Wallace Memorial Hospital | 60 Mercy East Irvin, Kentucky 40336 |
(606) 726-2106 |
Marshall Jenkins - Director Marshall Jenkins - Clinical Preceptor |
Saint Joseph Hospital Outpatient – Fountain Court | 211 Fountain Court Suite 130 Lexington, KY 40509 |
(859) 629-7300
Matt Wilson – Contact Person |
Saint Joseph - Main | 1 Saint Joseph Drive Lexington, Kentucky 40504 |
(859) 313-2295
Cassie Overby - Director Roselyn Graves - Clinical Preceptor |
St. Joseph - East | 150 N. Eagle Creek Lexington, Kentucky 40509 |
(859) 967-5200 or (859) 967-5213 |
Josh Reedy - Manager Jessica Dawes - Clinical Preceptor |
Veteran’s Administration Medical Center | 101 Veterans Drive Lexington, Kentucky 40502 |
(859) 233-4511 ext. 4267 |
Mark Kidd - Supervisor |
Veteran’s Administration Medical Center - Leestown |
2250 Leestown Road Lexington, Kentucky 40511 |
(859) 233-4511 |
Mark Kidd - Supervisor |
Program Competencies
Performing clinical competencies prepares the individual to become a radiographer. The radiographer is prepared to administer ionizing radiation for medical diagnostic imaging purposes. Emphasis is placed on radiation protection and quality patient care. The curriculum is comprised of specialized courses in radiography with concentrated study in the basic science, mathematics and general education. Students enrolled in the Radiography Program must achieve a minimum grade of “C” in each radiography course. Upon completion of the program, the graduate is eligible to apply to take the examination for registration as a radiographer by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT). Radiographers may find positions in hospitals, health clinics, and physicians’ offices. research laboratories and some industrial firms.
Note: CPR certificate must be obtained prior to enrolling in IMG 100 and certification must be kept current throughout the program.
Upon completion of this program, the graduate will be prepared for a successful career in the radiology technology profession by gaining:
General Education
- Knowledge of human cultures, the physical and natural worlds
- Through study in the sciences and mathematics, social sciences, humanities, histories, languages and arts
- Intellectual and practical skills
- Inquiry and analysis
- Critical and creative thinking
- Written and oral communication
- Quantitative literacy
- Information literacy
- Teamwork and problem solving
- Personal and social responsibility
- Civic knowledge and engagement (local and global)
- Intercultural knowledge and competence
- Ethical reasoning and action
- Foundations and skills for lifelong learning
- Integrative learning
- Synthesis and advanced accomplishment across general and specialized skills
Technical Objectives
Accurately demonstrate anatomical structures on imaging receptors.
Determine exposure factors to achieve optimum radiographic results (or images) with minimum radiation exposure to the patient.
Evaluate radiographic images for appropriate positioning and image quality.
Practice radiation protection for the patient, self, and others.
Provide patient care and comfort.
Recognize emergency patient conditions and initiate life-saving first-aid and basic life support procedures.
Evaluate the performance of radiologic systems, know the safe limits of equipment operation, and report malfunctions to the proper authority.
Exercise independent judgment and discretion in the technical performance of medical imaging procedures.
Participate in radiologic quality assurance programs.
Collaborate with members of the health team.
Radiography Program Curriculum
General Education
Course | Course Description | Credit Hours |
BIO 137 | Human Anatomy & Physiology I | 4 |
BIO 139 | Human Anatomy & Physiology II | 4 |
ENG 101 | Writing 1 | 3 |
MAT 150 MA 109 |
College Algebra Higher-Level Quantitative Reasoning Course |
3 3 |
PHY 172 or PHY 152 or PHY 171 |
Physics for Health Science (preferred) Introductory Physics Applied Physics |
2 3 4 |
Heritage/Humanities | 3 | |
Social/Behavioral Science | 3 | |
Digital Literacy | 0-4 | |
CLA 131 or AHS 115 or AHS 120 |
Medical Terminology from Greek & Latin Medical Terminology Medical Terminology |
3 3 1 |
Total | 23-27 |
Radiography Courses
Course | Course Description | Credit Hours |
IMG 100 | Radiography I | 7 |
IMG 101 | Clinical I | 4 |
IMG 110 | Radiography II | 7 |
IMG 111 | Clinical II | 4 |
IMG 201 | Clinical III | 3 |
IMG 210 | Radiography IV | 4 |
IMG 211 | Clinical IV | 6 |
IMG 220 | Radiography V | 4 |
IMG 221 | Clinical V | 6 |
Total | 45 | |
Total Credit Hours for the Program | 68-72 |
Course Descriptions
Complete course descriptions are available in the online KCTCS catalog (new window). You may also use the KCTCS catalog course search to find information about courses.
Didactic Courses
- IMG 100: Radiography I
- IMG 110: Radiography II
- IMG 210: Radiography IV
- IMG 220: Radiography V
Clinical Courses
- IMG 101: Clinical I
- IMG 111: Clinical II
- IMG 201: Clinical III
- IMG 211: Clinical IV
- IMG 221: Clinical V
Program Commitment
Class | Days | Times | Hours Per Week |
Class | Monday, Wednesday, Friday | 10:00 - 11:50 a.m. | 6 hours |
Laboratory | Wednesday or Friday |
8:00-9:50 a.m. or 12:30-2:20 p.m. |
2 hours |
Clinic | Tuesday, Thursday | 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. | 16 hours |
Class | Days | Times | Hours Per Week |
Class | Monday, Wednesday, Friday | 10:00 a.m. - 11:50 a.m. | 6 hours |
Laboratory | Monday, Wednesday |
8:00 a.m. - 9:50 a.m. or 12:30 p.m. - 2:20 p.m. |
2 hours |
Clinic | Tuesday, Thursday | 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. | 16 hours |
Weekend |
Friday, Saturday or Saturday, Sunday |
Variable | 16 hours |
Class | Days | Times | Hours Per Week |
Clinic | Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday | 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. | 30 hours a week for 6 weeks |
Class | Tuesday | 8:00 - 11:30 a.m. | Part of the above hours |
Class | Days | Times | Hours Per Week |
Class | Tuesday, Thursday | 9:00 - 10:30 a.m. | 3 hours |
Laboratory | Tuesday or Thursday | 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. | 1 hour |
Clinic | Monday, Wednesday | 8:00 a.m - 4:00 p.m. | 16 hours |
Friday | 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. | 4 hours | |
Weekend |
Friday, Saturday or Saturday, Sunday |
Variable | 16 hours |
Evening | Monday, Wednesday, Friday | 3:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. | 48 hours (2 weeks) |
Class | Days | Times | Hours Per Week |
Class | Tuesday, Thursday | 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. | 3 hours |
Laboratory | Tuesday or Thursday | 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. | 1 hour |
Clinic | Monday, Wednesday, Friday | 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. | 16 hours |
Friday | 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. | 4 hours | |
Weekend |
Friday, Saturday or Saturday, Sunday |
Variable | 16 hours |
Evening | Monday, Wednesday, Friday | 3:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. | 24 hours (1 week) |
Program Grading Scale
Didactic Courses | Clinic Courses |
100 - 92 = A | 100 - 96 = A |
91 - 83 = B | 95 - 90 = B |
82 - 75 = C | 89 - 85 = C |
0 - 74 = E | 0 - 84 = E |
- Each written skill must average 85% to pass course
- Each laboratory (hands on) skill must average 85% to pass course
*Students are encouraged to contact instructor early for remedial help.
*Students should utilize open laboratory sessions to strengthen their hand-on abilities for Laboratory skills competency.
ARRT Code of Ethics
The Code of Ethics forms the first part of the Standards of Ethics. The Code of Ethics shall serve as a guide by which Certificate Holders and Candidates may evaluate their professional conduct as it relates to patients, healthcare consumers, employers, colleagues, and other members of the healthcare team. The Code of Ethics is intended to assist Certificate Holders and Candidates in maintaining a high level of ethical conduct and in providing for the protection, safety, and comfort of patients. The Code of Ethics is aspirational.
- The radiologic technologist acts in a professional manner, responds to patient needs, and supports colleagues and associates in providing quality patient care.
- The radiologic technologist acts to advance the principal objective of the profession to provide services to humanity with full respect for the dignity of mankind.
- The radiologic technologist delivers patient care and service unrestricted by the concerns of personal attributes or the nature of the disease or illness, and without discrimination on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, familial status, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, veteran status, age, or any other legally protected basis.
- The radiologic technologist practices technology founded upon theoretical knowledge and concepts, uses equipment and accessories consistent with the purposes for which they were designed, and employs procedures and techniques appropriately.
- The radiologic technologist assesses situations; exercises care, discretion, and judgment; assumes responsibility for professional decisions; and acts in the best interest of the patient.
- The radiologic technologist acts as an agent through observation and communication to obtain pertinent information for the physician to aid in the diagnosis and treatment of the patient and recognizes that interpretation and diagnosis are outside the scope of practice for the profession.
- The radiologic technologist uses equipment and accessories, employs techniques and procedures, performs services in accordance with an accepted standard of practice, and demonstrates expertise in minimizing radiation exposure to the patient, self, and other members of the healthcare team.
- The radiologic technologist practices ethical conduct appropriate to the profession and protects the patient’s right to quality radiologic technology care.
- The radiologic technologist respects confidences entrusted in the course of professional practice, respects the patient’s right to privacy, and reveals confidential information only as required by law or to protect the welfare of the individual or the community.
- The radiologic technologist continually strives to improve knowledge and skills by participating in continuing education and professional activities, sharing knowledge with colleagues, and investigating new aspects of professional practice.
- The radiologic technologist refrains from the use of illegal drugs and/or any legally controlled substances which result in impairment of professional judgment and/or ability to practice radiologic technology with reasonable skill and safety to patients.
Technical Standards
In keeping with the goals of the Radiography Program, the highest priority is placed upon developing graduates who are competent, caring technologists, possessing the skills of life-long learning needed to incorporate new knowledge, and methods into their practices adapting to a changing medical environment. The faculty has determined that certain technical standards are prerequisites for admissions, progression, and graduation of the Radiography Program.
An individual must be able to independently, with or without reasonable accommodation, meet the following technical standards of general abilities and specifically those of observation, communication, motor, intellectual, conceptual, integrative, and quantitative abilities; as well as essential behavioral and social attributes. Individuals unable to resolve deficiencies in these technical standards, with or without reasonable accommodation, are counseled to pursue alternate careers.
In addition to academic standards, the following technical standards are required for admission to the radiography curricula. Radiography involves the provision of direct care for individuals and is characterized by the application of verified knowledge in the skillful performance of radiological technical functions. Therefore, all applicants should possess sufficient:
- Visual acuity such as is needed in the accurate preparation and administration of contrast media and for the observation necessary for patient assessment and nursing care.
- Auditory perception to receive verbal communication from patients and members of the health care team and to assess health needs of people through the use of monitoring devices such as cardiac monitors, stethoscopes, intravenous infusion pumps, fire alarms, etc.
- Gross and fine motor coordination to respond promptly and to implement the skills, including the manipulation of equipment, positioning and lifting patients required in meeting health needs related to radiography.
- Communication skills (verbal, nonverbal and written) to interact with individuals and to communicate their needs promptly and effectively.
- Intellectual and emotional functions to plan and implement care for patients.
General Abilities (visual and auditory)
The student is expected to possess functional use of the senses of vision, touch, hearing, and smell so that data received by the senses may be integrated, analyzed, and synthesized in a consistent and accurate manner. A student must also possess the ability to perceive pain, pressure, temperature, position, vibration, and movement that are important to the student’s ability to gather significant information needed to effectively evaluate patients. A student must be able to respond promptly to urgent situations that may occur during clinical training activities and must not hinder the ability of other members of the health care team to provide prompt treatment and care to patients.
Motor Ability (Gross and fine motor coordination)
A student must develop the psychomotor skills reasonably needed to perform or assist with procedures, treatments, management and operation of diagnostic equipment utilized in the general and emergent care of patients required in practice as a radiologic technologist.
The prospective radiologic technology student must possess sufficient strength, motor coordination and manual dexterity to be able to:
- Grasp securely with two functional upper limbs
- Stand and walk up to 85% of work time
- Reach above shoulder level intermittently for 90% of work time
- Lift up to 25 pounds unassisted
- Transport, move, lift or transfer patients from a wheelchair or gurney to an x-ray table or to a patient bed and physically place patients in the proper position for the examination according to established standards necessary to diagnostic procedures
- Walk without assistance of canes, crutches, walkers and/or humans
- Twist, bend, stoop/squat, and move quickly
Communication Ability/Language capabilities
The student must communicate effectively both verbally and non-verbally to elicit information and to translate information to others. Each student must have the ability to read, write, comprehend and speak the English language to facilitate communication with patients, their family members, and other professionals in health care settings. In addition, the student must be able to maintain accurate patient records and present information in a professional and logical manner. The student must communicate effectively verbally and in writing with instructors and other students in the classroom setting as well.
Observational Ability
The student must have sufficient capacity to make accurate visual observations and interpret them in the context of laboratory studies, medication administration, and patient care activities. In addition, the student must be able to document these observations and maintain accurate records.
Ability to Manage Stressful Situations
The student must be able to adapt to and function effectively in stressful situations in both the classroom and clinical settings, including emergency situations. Students will encounter multiple stressors while in the Radiologic Technology Program. These stressors may be, but are not limited to personal, emotional, patient care/family care, faculty, peer, and/or program related.
Intellectual, Conceptual, Integrative and Quantitative Abilities
The student must be able to develop and refine problem-solving skills that are crucial to practice as a radiologic technologist. Problem solving involves the ability to comprehend three-dimensional relationships and understand the spatial relationships of body structures; to measure, calculate, reason, analyze, synthesize objective and subjective data; to make decisions that reflect consistent, thoughtful deliberation and sound clinical judgment. A student must have the capacity to read and comprehend medical literature. Each student must demonstrate mastery of the above skills and the ability to incorporate new information from peers, teachers, and the medical literature to formulate sound judgment in patient assessment and diagnostic planning.
Behavioral and Social Attributes
Integrity, compassion, flexibility, motivation, effective interpersonal skills, and concern for others are personal attributes required of those in the radiologic technology practice. Personal comfort and acceptance of the role of an independent practitioner functioning under supervision is essential for education and practice as a radiologic technologist. The student must possess the emotional health required for full use of his or her intellectual abilities, exercise of sound judgment and prompt completion of all responsibilities in the classroom setting. In the clinical setting and care of patients, a student will need to develop mature, sensitive, and effective relationships with patients and other members of the health care team. Each student must have the emotional stability required to exercise thoughtful, sound judgment and to complete assessment and interventional activities. The ability to establish rapport and maintain sensitive, interpersonal relationships with individuals, families, and groups from a variety of social, emotional, cultural and intellectual backgrounds is critical for practice as radiologic technologists. The student must be able to tolerate physically taxing loads and still function effectively under stress, adapt to changing environments, display flexibility, graciously accept constructive criticism, manage difficult interpersonal relationships during their education, learn to function cooperatively and efficiently in the face of uncertainties inherent in clinical practice.
Goals of Clinical Education
- gain clinical experience
- apply theory from class and laboratory
- think critically
- gain confidence in areas of:
- positioning
- patient interaction
- evaluation of images
- equipment components and manipulation
- professional interaction
- perform competency evaluation
Clinical Obligations
The student will be instructed to properly:
- Demonstrate patient care skills of:
- blood pressure measurement, accurate within 5 points
- pulse measurement, noting rate, rhythm, and volume
- respiration measurement, noting rate and quality
- body temperature measurement using the oral method
- hand washing techniques
- opening sterile packages and placing items on a sterile tray avoiding contamination of any items
- sterile gloving techniques avoiding contamination
- use of body mechanics in relationship to patient, wheelchair, radiographic table, portable radiography and gantry
- entering and retrieving of patient records
- certification in CPR
- Evaluate a requisition by:
- identifying procedures to be performed
- recalling the patient's age and name
- identifying mode of transportation to the clinical area
- pronouncing (within reasonable limits) the patient's name
- correlating patient history and exam with physician's order
- Stock and ready physical facilities by:
- providing a clean room and appropriate linens
- exhibiting orderly cabinets and storage space
- having appropriate size image receptors available for use
- furnishing emesis basins and drugs for use as needed
- providing appropriate syringes and needles
- turning on and warming up radiographic equipment
- rotating tube and table into position necessary for exam
- restocking linens, equipment and supplies
- observing and reporting quality assurance maintenance
- Demonstrate patient/technologist relationship by:
- selecting and verifying the correct patient
- assisting patient to the radiographic room and on to the table
- having patient clothed for exam and draped for modesty
- talking with patient in a concerned professional manner, maintaining confidentiality
- never leaving patient unattended
- giving correct positioning and breathing instructions
- practicing correct isolation procedures when appropriate
- Perform positioning by:
- placing the patient accurately on the table or at the upright unit for each examination
- aligning center of part to be demonstrated to the center of image receptor.
- placing the central ray of the beam to the center of the image receptor
- positioning patient/anatomical part correctly
- collimating to the area of interest
- removing artifacts from the area of interest
- assisting the radiologist with the procedure and administration of any contrast media as necessary
- preparing for and producing appropriate routine and portable radiographic images
- Equipment:
- manipulating the tube in various directions (vertical, horizontal, longitudinal, rotational)
- moving and locking the bucky tray
- identify and operate all tube and table locks
- maneuvering the table in various directions
- inserting and removing image receptor from bucky tray
- limit the field size to area of interest
- select correct technical factors on control panel
- manipulating the C-arm and mobile radiography units
- marking the image receptors with appropriate markers and identification.
- select the appropriate size image receptor and/or field size for each examination.
- adjust technical factors for changes in pathology, SID, grid ratio, orthopedic devices, collimation, etc.
- using aseptic technique, fill syringe
- post processing of digital images
- loading and unloading image receptors (film and/or digital)
- processing image receptors (film and/or digital)
- storage and handling of image receptors
- Show evidence of radiation protection by:
- coning or collimating to part(s)
- using selective shielding where appropriate
- using lead aprons and gloves where appropriate
- wearing dosimeters
- selecting correct exposure factors
- close door when x-raying patients to protect controlled area
- Evaluate a radiograph by determining if:
- anatomical parts are correctly demonstrated
- appropriate detail is present
- distortion is minimized
- proper contrast and density are visualized
- appropriate exposure index is achieved
- correct compensation for pathology is made
- markers and identification are present and in correct locations
- evidence of radiation protection
- optimal, diagnostic, or repeat needed
- gonadal shields in proper placement
- Handle a patient with trauma/injury by:
- taking preliminary images to assess extent of injury prior to moving patient
- making sure immobilization devices are secure
- checking vital signs as appropriate
- observing patient for changes in breathing, consciousness, color, and/or bleeding
- modifying radiographic positioning to accommodate injury
- Assist with exams and complete forms in special imaging areas:
- observe radiation therapy, nuclear medicine, ultrasound, MRI, angiography and cardiac catheterization
- complete required documentation
Student Responsibilities in the Clinical Facility
- Be assigned to specific clinical areas by the BCTC Clinical Coordinator.
- Room evaluation must be filled out by the assigned radiographer at the end of each rotation. This is due the first clinical day following a rotation. Students must also complete the self-evaluation portion of the form.
- Be responsible to designated personnel while in the clinical facility.
- Be responsible for all clinical assignments given by supervising radiographer or BCTC faculty.
- Assist with all work assigned to their clinical area, and not leave the clinical area without the knowledge of a radiographer or assigned BCTC faculty member.
- Perform all related duties as instructed by the radiographer in the area or BCTC faculty
- Maintain clean equipment
- Keep the radiographic room in order and supplied at all times
- Assist with ordering of supplies
- Be responsible for recording their radiographic procedures as outlined in Trajecsys. Trajecsys MUST be kept up to date.
- Wear proper uniforms at all times in the clinical setting.
Patient Care
- Correctly identify patients.
- Respect the patient's rights to modesty. All patients must be properly robed and draped based on exam.
- Assist in transporting patients to and from the department.
- Be responsible for the patient's safety. Patients are to be assisted on and off the radiographic table and aided as needed to prevent physical harm.
- Be familiar with first-aid supplies within the radiographic room as well as the departmental emergency cart. It must be remembered that in an acute emergency, solicit help as best you can, and stay with the patient to aid him/her until help arrives. Know the code calling procedure for assistance.
Radiation Protection
- Do not operate equipment without direct or indirect supervision.
- Close doors to radiographic rooms during the x-ray exposure.
- Practice radiation protection at all times for patient, self and others.
- Repeats must be preformed with the supervision of a licensed technologist.
Weekend and Evening Shift Assignments in the Clinical Setting
In keeping with the educational philosophy of the program, which is “to prepare the student to be able to assume the duties and responsibilities of a staff radiographer at entry level competency”, the student is scheduled for weekend and evening shift assignments. The weekend and evening shifts allow the student to gain additional radiographic confidence while also allowing the student to have valuable emergency and operating room experiences. The variety of "non-routine" radiographic cases demands the student adjust to different positioning methods, radiographic techniques, patient care considerations, and interpersonal interactions. Two students per class per week may be assigned to weekend hours or evening shift at each clinical affiliate that have evening and weekend rotations. All weekend and evening shift absences must be made up.
The goals of weekend and evening shift hours are to:
- provide experience not obtained during day clinical education.
- function with a reduced staff.
- assume responsibility for completing necessary patient exam documentation.
- learn to work more independently.
- learn to improvise and use non-traditional positioning methods to obtain quality radiographs when working with emergency and trauma patients.
Rules and Regulations for Weekend and Evening Shifts
Weekend and evening shift assignments are located on student clinical schedules.
- Students MUST receive (1) thirty-minute dinner break between the 3rd and 5th hour of assigned clinical time. The senior staff radiographer will designate the student dinner break time.
- Students are not to receive continuous assignments as patient transporters or clerical help.
- Competency evaluations may be completed during weekend or evening shift hours by the ARRT or state certified registered radiographer.
- All radiographic examinations observed or participated in should be documented in Trajecsys.
- All stated policies are in effect during weekend and evening shift assignments.
- Students receive one weekend assignment during IMG 111, 211 and 221. Students are assigned 2 weeks of evening rotations in IMG 211 and 1 week of evening rotations in IMG 221.
- All weekend and evening shifts must be made up and will count as an absence for their assigned weekend.
- The senior radiographer assumes responsibility for student supervision, guidance, and direction.
- All repeat radiographic examinations are to be performed in the presence of a radiographer.
- It is every student's responsibility to notify the Clinical Coordinator via voice mail and the clinical facility if late or absent.
- The weekend and evening shift radiographers will complete clinical evaluations for the rotation.
Clinical Site Assignments
Bluegrass Community and Technical College Radiography Program have affiliation agreements with various major clinical sites and several additional outpatient clinics. Students will be assigned to multiple clinic site rotations throughout the program. Student placement within a clinic site is determined by the program faculty and related to the student’s clinical needs and clinical abilities for each semester.
Important: If a student is requested to leave a clinic site assignment by the clinical facility for any reason and not return, that student may be asked to withdraw from the program. No additional clinic assignments will be made.
There is no guarantee of clinic site assignments location; students are responsible for their own transportation to and from assigned clinical sites for the duration of the program.
Didactic Requirements
Candidates must successfully complete coursework addressing the topics listed in the ARRT Content Specifications for the Examination in Radiography. These topics are presented in a format suitable for instructional planning in the ARRT Radiography Curriculum (2022). The faculty of BCTC develop the curriculum using these resources as a guide.
Reasonable Accommodation
Students with disabilities who require accommodations (academic adjustments and/or auxiliary aids or services) for a course, must contact BCTC’s Student Accessibility Services (SAS). Students should not request accommodations directly from the instructor.
- SAS Email: BL-SAS@kctcs.edu
- SAS Toll-Free Phone: 1 (866) 774-4872 ext. 6534
SAS Bookings: Schedule an appointment with SAS
Radiography Attendance
Attendance is an important and integral part of the student’s employment preparation process; therefore, faculty expect students to attend all class/laboratory/clinic sessions. When absent from a class/laboratory/clinic session, students miss pertinent information and instruction that assists meeting class objectives. Absences result in lack of academic progress and subsequently, a failure to succeed. Attendance is taken in every class, laboratory and clinical assignment and recorded in the student’s file. If there is an unavoidable absence, the student must inform the instructor in advance, as soon as possible, and be fully responsible for obtaining lecture notes and/or assignments given during class/laboratory/clinic time missed. Please see syllabi for complete attendance Policy.
Classroom, Laboratory, Clinic Assignments
Only those persons officially registered for classroom, laboratory, or clinic may attend during officially scheduled sessions.
Clinical Expectations
Clinical Preceptors Expectations from Students
- Preparation - to be on time, prepared and ready to learn on each and every clinical day.
- Motivation – Be eager to learn, observe and participate in exams and patient care activities. Illustrate this motivation verbally, asking “Can I do this exam?” and non-verbally, jumping up to get an exam as it comes off the printer and the like.
- Rooms - be aware of what procedures are performed in the assigned area or room and what supplies are needed in the room. Prepare exam rooms for procedure—anticipate needs of patient, technologist, colleagues and physician.
- Maintain paperwork - Part of the clinical experience is maintaining proper documentation.
- Students are expected to keep track of performed competency evaluations and are required to keep a current list with them on all times while in clinic.
- It is the student’s responsibility to obtain evaluations each week in clinic; this
includes both the technologist assessment and student weekly self-assessment form.
The forms must be generated within three days of completion of the rotation.
- These evaluations are used for:
- Formative evaluation of performance
- Formative evaluation of clinical site
- These evaluations are used for:
- Be curious - There are many resources in the clinical setting that can be utilized
by the student. If there is a question, ask or research. Sources include:
- Textbooks
- Radiography reports
- Radiographers
- Clinical instructors
- Support staff
- Radiologist
- Seek out learning opportunities—don't wait to be told what to do.
- Assertive - Assertive is defined as to declare positively. In order to learn radiography, procedures must be performed and a positive declaration to do exams increases the learning opportunity. Work on assertiveness, not aggressiveness.
Duties of Clinical Preceptors
Support – The student can expect the Clinical Preceptor to be supportive. Support is identified as:
- Technical
- Learning
- Clinical problems
- Morale
- Quizzer - To continue the learning experience beyond the classroom, laboratory and competency evaluation, quizzing students on all aspects of the radiographic exam should be expected.
- Facilitate relationships between students and technologist
- Translate “tech talk” for students
- Monitor student progress
- Read and follow handbook
- Attend Clinical Preceptor meetings regularly
- Maintain open communication with clinical site and program faculty
Expectations for Students
First Year Students | Second Year Students |
Clinical Preceptor may and can choose competency evaluation exams | Clinical Preceptor will be pulling random exams from competency evaluations or Clinical Documentation Log to review clinical procedures |
Students will critique films for clinical preceptor(CP) will choose and give students an exam to critique (not group critique) | Students can choose studies to review with CP during department down time |
CP will assist with a clinic plan | Students will pull radiologist report on interesting cases or cases you want to follow-up |
CP will perform the necessary clinical documentation and assist students with appropriate documentation | Lunch-not always as a group - check with CI or supervising radiographer |
Lunch-not always as a group - check with CP or supervising radiographer |
Clinical Preceptors from BCTC are scheduled a certain amount of time per week which provides the CP with a flexible schedule. Department Clinical Preceptors are available when the students have questions or concerns. Students should seek-out the Clinical Preceptors when needed.
Attitude is Everything
Having a Positive Attitude
- Remember your attitude is everything. It determines how other people perceive you.
- You are the only one who can decide to be cheerful or miserable.
- The attitude you choose can make all the difference in your happiness and success.
- Before you leave the house, choose to have a great day.
- Treat everyone you meet with respect and kindness.
- When things are not going well, remember, it's not forever. There will be a new hour, a new situation.
- Try to stay optimistic and share your optimism with those around you. Go out of your way to see the good in everyone.
- Remember above all: You are in charge of you own attitude, no one else is in charge of your attitude and you are not in charge of anyone else's. Don't let the actions of others control your outlook.
Having a Positive Attitude with Co-workers
- Don't criticize or complain about people.
- Criticism and complaining about what someone does wrong will bring instant resentment. Pick up on what people do right and complement.
- Appreciate your co-workers.
- People are quick to pick-up on the bad in people. Pick-up on the good and concentrate on it.
- Follow the old saying: "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all"
- Smile, spread good feelings.
- Be a good listener.
- Listen more than you speak
- Encourage people to voice their opinions
- Follow the old saying: "think twice before you speak once"
- Admit when you're wrong.
- Everyone is human and prone to mistakes. (Admit it, don't lie about it, learn from
it, and move on)
Note: Do not point fingers at others; just try to fix the problem.
- Everyone is human and prone to mistakes. (Admit it, don't lie about it, learn from
it, and move on)
Having a Positive Attitude Toward Patients
- Always have a smile: a smile makes everyone feel better.
- Treat them the way you would want to be treated, the way you would want your parents or children to be treated.
- Always have a kind word, for this could be uplifting to even the sickest patients.
- Explain what you are going to do even when you think the patient can't hear you.
- Be sensitive to what they are going through. (Even if they are giving you a hard time). They are probably having a rough day.
American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) Radiography Examination
Upon successful completion of all program requirements, the student will be eligible to sit for the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists examination. The following is the content category taken from the ARRT content specification:
“The purpose of The American Registry of Radiologic Technologists® (ARRT®) Radiography Examination is to assess the knowledge and cognitive skills underlying the intelligent performance of the tasks typically required of radiographers. Using a nationwide survey, the ARRT periodically conducts a practice analysis to develop a task inventory which delineates or lists the job responsibilities typically required of radiographers.1 An advisory committee then determines the knowledge and cognitive skills needed to perform the tasks on the task inventory and these are organized into the content categories within this document. The document is used to develop the category can be linked to one or more activities on the task inventory. The complete task inventory is available at www.arrt.org.
The following table presents the four major content categories covered on the examination and indicates the number of test questions in each category. The remaining pages list the specific topics addressed within each category, with the approximate number of test questions allocated to each topic appearing in parentheses.
This document is not intended to serve as a curriculum guide. Although ARRT programs for certification and registration and educational programs may have related purposes, their functions are clearly different. Educational programs are generally broader in scope and address the subject matter that is included in these content specifications, but do not limit themselves to only this content. “
Content Category | Number of Scored Questions |
(A) Patient Care
33 |
(B) Safety
50 |
(C) Image Reduction
51 |
(D) Procedures
66 |
Total |
200 |
- 1 A special debt of gratitude is due to the hundreds of professionals participating in this project as committee members, survey respondents and reviewers.
- 2 Each exam includes an additional 30 unscored (pilot) questions.
- 3 SI units will become the primary (principle) units of radiation measurement used on the radiography examination.
Pre-Application Review
Students concerned a prior conviction record could compromise their career may have the option of an ARRT application pre-reviewed. The form is downloadable from the “Ethics Pre-application” section at www.arrt.org web site or may be requested by phoning the ARRT office at 651-687-0048.
Kentucky State Certification
The student will need to apply for a temporary certificate from the Cabinet for Human Resources Radiation Operator Certification Division prior to being employed in the state of Kentucky as a graduate technologist. The application can be found on the Kentucky Board of Medical Imagining & Radiation Therapy website (new window).
JRCERT Standards
The Standards can be found in the radiography laboratory located in 148 Building C, Leestown campus on the shelves in the control room. The standards are criteria by which the program operates and is evaluated. Please feel free to access this document, just make sure it is returned to the shelf.
If you have a concern or complaint about the program meeting the standards, you may contact any of the following:
- Program Coordinator or Assistant Dean – Vicki Partin (859) 246-6414 or
- 20 N. Wacker Drive, Suite 2850
Chicago, IL 60606-3182
(312) 704-5300
- 20 N. Wacker Drive, Suite 2850
Clinical Documentation
The program utilizes a Clinic Tracking System (Trajecsys) to track records using a web-based program, which students will purchase prior to the first clinical assignment. In this system, attendance, daily experience logs, clinical competencies, student evaluations, preceptor evaluations, and other items can be recorded for grading and program accreditation purposes. Students will be instructed in the use of Trajecsys before clinical assignments begin and will continue to use it throughout the program.
The student is responsible for the proper use of Trajecsys and the recording of information in a timely manner.
- All repeated examinations and competencies must be documented. Student should follow program Policy and Trajecsys guidelines.
- The completed log is due to the clinic instructor within the last week of the semester.
- Student should complete logs as they complete their competency examination.
- Student can be asked for the patient accession number that corresponds to their completed competency examination at any time throughout the semester. Failure to provide this information will result is subtraction of the completed competency (grade) and require a repeat of that competency
Competency Evaluation
Competency evaluations are designed to evaluate a student’s progress throughout the radiography program. Evaluations of radiological procedures, general patient care and didactic competency requirements will be performed. The following outlines competency evaluations. In the course of the two-year clinical experience, students will complete 64 competency requirements from the radiological procedures list.
As part of the educational program, candidates must demonstrate competence in the clinical activates identified below:
- 10 mandatory general patient care activities
- 36 mandatory imaging procedures
- 15 electives imaging procedures from a list of 34 procedures
- Two of the 15 elective imaging procedures must be selected from the fluoroscopy studies section.
- In addition to the 51 competency requirements, 12 final competency evaluations will be required during the final semester of the program.
One patient may be used to document more than on competency. However, each individual procedure may be used for only one competency (e.g. a portable femur can only be used for a portable extremity or a femur but not both).
It is the student’s responsibility to complete the clinical competencies. The student is responsible to seek out those needed examinations and have a faculty member, clinical instructor or a registered radiographer observe and evaluate his or her performance. Department protocols must be followed for each competency procedure (i.e. trauma exam completed to the full department protocol). Competency evaluations can ONLY be performed following successful completion of laboratory skills evaluation and practice procedures must be documented in Trajecsys. A minimum number of evaluations must be performed each semester, failure to do so will result in dismissal from the program. Students should create a clinical plan that evaluates the clinical schedule and a time plan to complete the necessary competencies. Your CI can assist you in developing a plan. There is no reminder of this time frame.
The following is the list of courses and number of competency evaluations to be completed:
- IMG 101 Clinic I - 5 competency evaluations
- IMG 111 Clinic II - 10 competency evaluations
- IMG 201 Clinic III - 16 competency evaluations
- IMG 211 Clinic IV - 20 competency evaluations
- IMG 221 Clinic V - 12 Final competency evaluations
Competency Evaluation Procedure
Once laboratory skills are completed in the classroom and evidence that the exams have been practiced in the clinical setting in Trajecsys, then the competency evaluation can be performed. The following guidelines must be followed:
- The student may select the exam and patient for the competency evaluation.
- The clinical instructor may select the exam and patient for the competency evaluation.
- The evaluating radiographer may select the exam and patient for the competency evaluation.
- The radiographer who is performing the competency evaluation must be in the room at all times during the evaluation - if not, the competency evaluation is invalid.
- The student will complete the pertinent information on the competency evaluation form and have the form for the evaluating radiographer.
- The competency evaluation form must be completed at the time of the evaluation - if not, the competency evaluation is invalid.
- Only radiographers certified by ARRT and or licensed by the Kentucky Board of Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy and have completed the institutions probationary status can perform competency evaluations.
Competency Evaluation List
The following tables identify the list of competency evaluations required by the program:
Radiographic Imaging Procedure | Mandatory | Elective |
Chest Routine |
X |
Chest AP (Wheelchair or Stretcher) |
X |
Ribs |
X |
Chest Lateral Decubitus |
X |
Sternum |
X |
Upper Airway (Soft-Tissue Neck) |
X |
Sternoclavicular Joints |
X |
Radiographic Imaging Procedure | Mandatory | Elective |
Thumb or Finger |
X |
Hand |
X |
Wrist |
X |
Forearm |
X |
Elbow |
X |
Humerus |
X |
Shoulder |
X |
Trauma: Shoulder or Humerus (Scapular Y, Transthoracic or Axial) * |
X |
Clavicle |
X |
Scapula |
X |
AC Joints |
X |
Trauma Upper Extremity (Non-Shoulder)* |
X |
Radiographic Imaging Procedure | Mandatory | Elective |
Toes |
X |
Foot |
X |
Ankle |
X |
Knee |
X |
Tibia-fibula |
X |
Femur |
X |
Trauma: Lower Extremity* |
X |
Patella |
X |
Calcaneus (Os Calcis) |
X |
* Trauma is considered a serious injury or shock to the body and requires modifications in positioning and monitoring of the patient’s condition.X
Radiographic Imaging Procedure | Mandatory | Elective |
Skull |
X | |
Paranasal Sinuses |
X | |
Facial Bones |
X | |
Orbits |
X | |
Nasal Bones |
X | |
Mandible |
X | |
Temporomandibular Joints |
X |
Radiographic Imaging Procedure | Mandatory | Elective |
Cervical Spine |
X |
Thoracic Spine |
X |
Lumbar Spine |
X |
Cross-Table (Horizontal Beam) Lateral Spine |
X |
Pelvis |
X |
Hip |
X |
Cross-Table (Horizontal Beam) Lateral Hip |
X |
Sacrum and/or Coccyx |
X |
Scoliosis Series |
X |
Sacroiliac Joints |
X |
Radiographic Imaging Procedure | Mandatory | Elective |
Abdomen Supine (KUB) |
X |
Abdomen Upright |
X |
Abdomen Decubitus |
X |
Intravenous Urography |
X |
Radiographic Imaging Procedure | Mandatory | Elective |
UGI GI Series (Single or Double Contrast) |
X |
Barium Enema (Single or Double Contrast) |
X |
Small Bowel Series |
X |
Esophagus |
X |
Cystography/Cystourethrography |
X |
X |
Myelography |
X |
Arthrography |
X |
Hysterosalpingography |
X |
Radiographic Imaging Procedure | Mandatory | Elective |
C-Arm Procedures (Requiring Manipulation to Obtain More Than One Projection) |
X |
Surgical C-Arm Procedures (Requiring Manipulation Around a Sterile Field) |
X |
Radiographic Imaging Procedure | Mandatory | Elective |
Chest |
X |
Abdomen |
X |
Orthopedic (upper or lower extremity) |
X |
Radiographic Imaging Procedure | Mandatory | Elective |
Chest Routine |
X |
Upper Extremity or Lower Extremity |
X |
Abdomen |
X |
Mobile Study |
X |
Radiographic Imaging Procedure | Mandatory | Elective |
Chest Routine |
X |
Upper Extremity or Lower Extremity |
X |
Hip or Spine |
X |
Final Competency Evaluations
- Thorax
- Extremity Upper
- Extremity Lower
- Cranium
- Spine
- Pelvis
- Abdomen
- Fluoroscopic Exam
- Trauma Exam
- Portable Exam
- C-Arm Procedure
- Geriatric Exam
Patient Care Competency
Requirement: Candidates must be CPR certified and demonstrate competence in the remaining nine patient care activities listed below. The activities should be performed on patients whenever possible, but simulation is acceptable.
General Patient Care |
Vital Signs - Blood Pressure |
Vital Signs - Temperature |
Vital Signs - Pulse |
Vital Signs - Respiration |
Vital Signs - Pulse Oximetry |
Sterile and Medical Aseptic Technique |
Venipuncture |
Transfer of Patient |
Care of Patient Medical Equipment (i.e. O2, IV tubing, Oxygen Tank, etc.) |
Simulated Performance
ARRT defines simulation of a clinical procedure routinely performed on a patient as the candidate completing all possible hands-on tasks of the procedure on a live human being using the same level of cognitive, psychomotor, and affective skills required for performing the procedure on a patient. ARRT requires that competencies performed as a simulation must meet the same criteria as competencies demonstrated on patients. For example, the competency must be performed under the direct observation of the program director or program director’s designee and be performed independently, consistently, and effectively. Simulations must meet the following criteria:
- The candidate must simulate the procedure on another person with the same level of cognitive, psychomotor, and affective skills required for performing the procedure on a patient. Examples of acceptable simulation include positioning another person for a projection without actually activating the x-ray beam and performing venipuncture by demonstrating aseptic technique on another person, but then inserting the needle into an artificial forearm or suitable device;
- The program director must be confident that the skills required to competently perform the simulated procedure will transfer to the clinical setting, and, if applicable, the candidate must evaluate related images.
- Simulation of imaging procedures requires the use of proper radiographic equipment without activating the x-ray beam.
- A total of ten imaging procedures may be simulated. Imaging procedures eligible for simulation are noted within the chart (see section 4.2.2).
- If applicable, the candidate must evaluate related images.
- Some simulations are acceptable for General Patient Care (see section 4.2.1). These do not count toward the ten imaging procedures that can be simulated.
Simulation of Radiographic Imaging Procedures
Procedure | Yes | No |
Chest Routine | X | |
Chest AP (Wheelchair or Stretcher) | X | |
Ribs | X | |
Chest Lateral Decubitus | X | |
Sternum | X | |
Upper Airway (Soft-Tissue Neck) | X | |
Sternoclavicular Joints | X |
Procedure | Yes | No |
Thumb or Finger | X | |
Hand | X | |
Wrist | X | |
Forearm | X | |
Elbow | X | |
Humerus | X | |
Shoulder | X | |
Trauma: Shoulder (Scapular Y, Transthoracic or Axillary) * | X | |
Clavicle | X | |
Scapula | X | |
AC Joints | X | |
Trauma Upper Extremity (Non-Shoulder) * | X |
Procedure | Yes | No |
Toes | X | |
Foot | X | |
Ankle | X | |
Knee | X | |
Tibia-fibula | X | |
Femur | X | |
Trauma: Lower Extremity * | X | |
Patella | X | |
Calcaneus (Os Calcis) | X |
Procedure | Yes | No |
Skull | X | |
Paranasal Sinuses | X | |
Facial Bones | X | |
Orbits | X | |
Zygomatic Arches | X | |
Nasal Bones | X | |
Mandible | X | |
Temporomandibular Joints | X |
Procedure | Yes | No |
Cervical Spine | X | |
Thoracic Spine | X | |
Lumbar Spine | X | |
Cross-Table (Horizontal Beam) Lateral Spine | X | |
Pelvis | X | X |
Hip | X | X |
Cross-Table (Horizontal Beam) Lateral Hip | X | |
Sacrum and/or Coccyx | X | |
Scoliosis Series | X | |
Sacroiliac Joints | X |
Procedure | Yes | No |
Abdomen Supine (KUB) | X | |
Abdomen Right | X | |
Abdomen Decubitus | X | |
Intravenous Urography | X |
Procedure | Yes | No |
UGI GI Series (Single or Double Contrast) | X | |
Barium Enema (Single or Double Contrast) | X | |
Small Bowel Series | X | |
Esophagus | X | |
Cystography/Cystourethrography | X | |
ERCP | X | |
Myelography | X | |
Arthrography | X | |
Hysterosalpingography | X |
Procedure | Yes | No |
C-Arm Procedures (Requiring Manipulation of Obtain More than One Projection) |
X |
Surgical C-Arm Procedures (Requiring Manipulation Around a Sterile Field) |
X |
Procedure | Yes | No |
Chest | X | |
Abdomen | X | |
Orthopedic | X |
Procedure | Yes | No |
Chest Routine | X | |
Upper Extremity | X | |
Lower Extremity | X | |
Abdomen | X | |
Mobile Study | X |
Procedure | Yes | No |
Chest Routine | X | |
Upper and Lower Extremity | X | |
Hip or Spine | X |
* Trauma is considered a serious injury or shock to the body and requires modifications in positioning and monitoring of the patient’s condition.
No final competency examination will be simulated. All final competencies must be completed by the end of the final spring semester.
Professional Development
As an integral part of the radiography profession, continuing education and professional development are critical components of the curriculum. Our faculty feels it is important for students to become involved with the professional community.
Students will be required to join, as a student member, the BGSRT and/or the KSRT and attend the Fall seminar. Topics and times will be announced. You will be required to complete a professional development assignment. Attendance will be taken at all meetings, and the student must attend the entire meeting to gain credits for professional development. Each professional development activity is a 4-hour requirement. Following the meeting, you will complete the professional development form and post to blackboard. This will be due the Wednesday following the meeting. The assignment must be 12-point font in Times New Roman. Both the verification form and professional development form must be submitted for a grade to be assigned.
College Policies and Resources
Our College Policies and Resources can be found online, on BCTC's website.
BCTC Withdrawal Policy
A student may officially withdraw from any class up to and including the date of midterm with a “W” grade assigned to the student’s record. A student may withdraw at any time after midterm and prior to final exam week and receive a grade of W, if the student has made a legitimate effort to complete the required assignments. This Policy will not apply to any student guilty of any form of academic dishonesty or excessive absenteeism.
Through the Midterm, you may withdraw from any BCTC course without instructor permission. After Midterm, you may withdraw until the last day of classes before the Final Exam, with instructor permission. Instructor permission will be granted if you have met the attendance/participation requirements of the course and have not yet taken the Final Exam.
For more information and instructions on how to withdraw from a class see BCTC Withdrawal Procedures page.
Academic Integrity Policy
This program and courses follow the policies outlined in the KCTCS Code of Student Conduct.
It is an expectation for all college classes that all academic work, written or otherwise, submitted by a student to an instructor or other academic supervisor, is the result of the student’s own thought, research, or self-expression. Utilizing outside resources and study groups for guidance of learning concepts is strongly encouraged. However, all submitted work should be completed solely by the student.
Plagiarism/Cheating Statement
Any time you submit academic work where you use an outside source and present its content as your own, it is a form of Academic Dishonesty (cheating). This includes, but is not limited to:
- all forms of plagiarism, such as copying or paraphrasing work from other sources without using proper citation;
- turning in someone else’s paper, a tutor’s work, or your own paper from a different course;
- submitting work generated through the utilization of technological tools, such as AI Content Generators (e.g. ChatGPT) or applications (e.g. apps such as Mathway), without acknowledging their use.
Cheating in any form violates KCTCS and BCTC Academic Integrity policies and is subject to Article IV Sanctions for Standards of Conduct Violations of the KCTCS Code of Student Conduct. All work submitted should be a product of your own critical thinking and ideas, and written in your own voice, with all sources clearly acknowledged and cited, including technology-based sources. Outside sources and tools are best used as intended and not to replace student learning or perspective.
AI/ Bots statement: Assignments generated using AI Bots also violate the spirit of our contract and are a form of academic dishonesty, they do not express meaningful communication/critical thinking that meets assignment requirements.
Class Communications/Email Policy
The Radiography Department, the Division of Allied Health, and Bluegrass Community and Technical College utilize electronic forms of communication such as e-mail and postings on secure Worldwide Web (www) sites to officially communicate with the student.
Your KCTCS email address is the only email address for which I can respond. Please ensure all email communications take place their KCTCS email system and include the COURSE NUMBER in the subject line. I will answer all emails within 24 hours, but often much sooner. Since emails are official academic communications, please use proper English and grammar and avoid “text-speak”. Communications that do not adhere to these policies may not receive a timely response.
- The faculty, staff, and administration may communicate individual messages to group e-mailings concerning schedule changes, forms, lecture materials, reminders, University and College announcements, etc.
- The Radiography program and other official university sources will direct its email communications to the student at the student’s official BCTC e-mail account ONLY.
- Every student is fully responsible for all electronic communications sent by the radiography (IMG) program.
- Each student must check his or her BCTC e-mail a minimum of every 24 hours.
- In Addition, the student is required to check the Blackboard course and class shells for the radiography (IMG) program and course-specific information. Follow instructor’s expectations for frequency of checking Blackboard.
- Failure on the part of students to check for official communications and to respond appropriately to those messages may have severely deleterious consequences for which students will bear personal responsibility.
- The student is expected to activate the official university student e-mail accounts
- Each student is to activate his or her account by following the instruction available on the website.
- Instructions for viewing University e-mail from either University campus sites or from off-campus (i.e., home) via a student’s individual internet services provider (ISP) are available by utilizing KCTCS myPath.
Recorded Class Sessions Policy
Please see for BCTC Student Handbook – Class Session Recording Policy for important information about class recordings and consent to be recorded.
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
If you receive grants and/or loans to pay for classes, you should be aware that withdrawing from or failing this class may affect your future financial aid eligibility. You should review the Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy for additional information. Contact the Financial Aid Office for a copy of the SAP Policy. You are expected to attend class and have the required textbook(s) even though you have not received your financial aid or you may have an appeal in process.
Radiography Program Grievance Policy
If a grievance should arise between a student and program faculty member concerning an academic issue, the student should bring this to the attention of the involved instructor. If the student is not satisfied with the outcome of this meeting, she/he may bring the matter to the attention of the next higher "level of command" in the following order:
- Clinical Coordinator (If the problem involves a clinical issue)
- Program Coordinator
- Assistant Dean – Vicki Partin, 859-246-6414.
- BCTC Academic Ombud-Gerry Adair, gerry.adair@kctcs.edu, 859-246-6366 (the academic Omsbud may
be contacted at any point in the grievance process)
If the disagreement remains unresolved, the student can follow the student appeals process outlined in the student code of conduct. If any student has a complaint concerning any environmental conditions in their educational setting, the student should contact the instructor who is teaching that class or lab with your concerns.
If a student has addressed their formal complaint internally and wishes to make a formal complaint with JRCERT, they may complete an allegation report with JRCERT. Per JRCERT’s Policy, the allegations must reference the specific accreditation standards/objectives with which you believe the program to be in non-compliance.
Report an Allegation to JRCERT online.
Radiation Safety Rules
Kentucky Administrative Radiation Regulations 902 KAR 100
The following rules have been established for your protection against ionizing radiation during hospital and clinical observation and procedures. These rules are established in conjunction with Kentucky Radiation Protection rules.
Stand as far from the patient and tube as the student radiographer must place his/her body completely within the control booth and observe through the leaded window when the x-ray tube is activated (when x-rays are being generated).
- A student radiographer must not hold or support a patient or an image receptor during exposure.
- Under no circumstances will the student radiographer or any other human being serve as a model for test exposures or experimentation.
- During fluoroscopic procedures and mobile exams when a student radiographer must remain
in the patient's room:
- A lead apron will be worn at all times, or one must remain behind a lead protective screen and not in visible line with either tube or patient.
- possible, consistent with the performance for the examination.
- personal dosimeters must be worn outside of lead apron between waist and shoulders at all times.
- Personal dosimeters will be worn at the proper location at all times during clinical and energized laboratory sessions.
- Student radiographers must wear nametags when in the clinical facility.
- Personal dosimeter readings will be posted monthly in the radiography laboratory.
Dose Limits
BCTC students will be classified as occupationally exposed for dose limits purposes according to NCRP Report No. 105. The annual dose limits are:
Dose Equivalent Category | Limit |
Monthly dose equivalent limit | 0.3 mSv 0.03 rem |
Effective dose equivalent limit | 50 mSV 5 rem |
Dose of equivalent limit for lens of eye, skin, and extremities | 50 mSV 5 rem |
The Clinical Coordinator will monitor the dosimeter report and post in the laboratory for the student monitoring as well. If the dosimeter readings are above the dose limits, the student will meet with the Program Coordinator and/or Clinical Coordinator. If the reading consistently exceeds the limit, the student may be required to perform remedial work in radiation protection. If the reading continues to exceed the limits after remediation, the student will be dismissed from the program.
Dosimeter Procedure
The Program Coordinator will monitor the dosimeter process.
- Distribute dosimeters each month
- Dosimeters will be distributed via the student mailbox
- Collect dosimeters each month and return to Landauer
- Dosimeters will be collected on a designated date in class (see syllabus)
- A returned dosimeter will constitute class attendance
- Dosimeter not returned on designated date will constitute a class absence
- The Clinical Coordinator may delegate dosimeter collection to the teaching faculty member
- Clinical Coordinator will collect dosimeters from teaching faculty
- Receive the dosimeter report from Landauer and evaluate each individuals report
- If dose limit was exceeded:
- Inform Program Coordinator
- Contact individual with exceeded dose limit to identify reason for excessive dose
- If necessary, contact the RSO
- If dose limit was exceeded:
- Post current dosimeter report in the laboratory
- Ensure that no SS# or Landauer # are included
- Electronically file old dosimeter reports
- Scan and file for easy retrieval
ALARA Notifications
The Radiation Safety Committee may adopt different, higher ALARA levels for some specific job functions.
Part of Body | Notification Level I (millirem per month) | Notification Level II (millirem per month) |
Whole body (head, trunk), gonads, upper arms or legs | 125 | 375 |
Lens of the eye | 375 | 1125 |
Skin of whole body; extremities (hand, elbow, lower arms or legs, foot, knee) | 1250 | 3750 |
Embryo-fetus | 20 | 30 |
Clinical Supervision
As a student in this Program, you are required to adhere to the JRCERT policies involving supervision in the clinical education centers. These policies are strictly enforced in this Program, and the student is held responsible for enforcement of them.
Direct Supervision
A registered radiographer reviews the patients requisition, observes the student during the procedure by being directly in the room with the student, and reviews all images for quality prior to the patient being discharged. (all procedures prior to clinical competency, repeats, portables and surgical procedures)
Until a student achieves and documents competency in any given procedure, all clinical assignments shall be carried out under the direct supervision of qualified radiographers. The parameters of direct supervision are:
- A qualified radiographer reviews the request for examination in relation to the student's achievement,
- A qualified radiographer evaluates the condition of the patient in relation to the student's knowledge,
- A qualified radiographer is present during the conduct of the examination (including mobile and surgery), and
- A qualified radiographer reviews and approves the radiographic images
Indirect Supervision
A registered radiographer reviews the patient’s requisition, assesses the patient, and remains in the immediate area (within shouting distance) while the student is performing the procedure. The radiographer reviews all images for quality prior to the patient being discharged. (only after clinical competency is achieved)
After demonstrating competency, students may perform procedures with indirect supervision. The following provisos must be followed:
- Qualified radiographer adjacent to exam area (including mobile and surgery)
- Qualified radiographer reviews and approves the radiographic images
In support of professional responsibility for provision of quality patient care and radiation protection, unsatisfactory radiographs shall be repeated ONLY in the presence of a qualified radiographer, REGARDLESS of the student's level of competency.
Students MUST notify an instructor immediately of any injury/incident regarding self or patient in the clinical setting. Students are responsible for their own medical care in the event of any clinical related injury. Hospital worker's compensation does not cover students during their learning experiences. Clinical instructors will assist with the appropriate paper work.
Injuries sustained on college campus must be reported and appropriate forms completed. Faculty will assist with the appropriate paperwork (Instructions for Completing KCTCS FM84 - Injury Accident Form).
Infection Control Policies
A student who is diagnosed with an infectious disease must immediately notify the Radiography Program Coordinator. Pursuant to guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), infected students will be counseled to determine whether work restrictions or precautions should be taken to protect the health of the student, patients, and others. The college will consider the student’s medical condition, the nature of his/her duties, the nature and duration of the risk he/she may present to themselves or others, the severity of the potential harm to third parties and the likelihood of transmission on the job. Each decision will be made on an individual basis.
Students are required to cooperate with the college by providing and authorizing the disclosure of information needed to assess their medical status and to determine whether restrictions or precautions are advisable. Confidentiality concerns will be respected and only those individuals with a reasonable need to know will be consulted and advised of the situation. All efforts will be made not to compromise the learning process of the student, but program withdrawal may be the only option.
Medical and surgical aseptic techniques are to be used while in the clinical site for the well-being of both the patient and the student. Proper aseptic techniques will reduce the spread of infection, but it will not eliminate it. The following conditions are symptoms of possible infectious diseases; therefore, they are labeled reportable diseases. You should not go to the clinic facility without written permission if you have a reportable disease.
For example, but not limited to:
- Diarrhea
- Vomiting
- Upper respiratory infection
- Fever
- Rash (any part of the body)
- Open sores (any part of the body)
- Boils
- Herpes - this includes cold sores on the mouth (Cold sores on the mouth must be heavily scabbed over before the infection reaches the non-contagious state.)
- Parasite infestation
- Strep or staph infections
- Infectious mononucleosis
Seasonal Influenza Vaccinations Policy
In the United States, annual epidemics of influenza occur typically during late fall through early spring. Influenza viruses can cause disease among persons of any age group. Rates of serious illness, even death, are high among persons who have a medical condition that places them at increased risk for complications from influenza—the majority of those under treatment in health care facilities. Annual influenza vaccination is the most effective method for preventing influenza virus infection and its complications. Influenza vaccine is recommended for all persons 6 months of age or older who do not have contraindications to the vaccination. Furthermore, routine vaccination of certain persons, including health care personnel, who serve as a source of influenza virus transmission might provide additional protection to persons at risk for influenza complications and reduce overall influenza burden. Consequently, annual vaccination is recommended for health care personnel, including persons in educational programs for health-care professions, and is a high priority for reducing morbidity associated with influenza in health care settings and for expanding influenza vaccine use. The health care personnel influenza coverage goal is set at 100% of employees who do not have medical contraindications; therefore, health care facilities will most likely mandate influenza vaccination during the influenza season.
Bluegrass students entering a health care facility during this influenza season must have had the seasonal influenza vaccination and provide verifying documentation to the Clinical Compliance Website of the student’s academic program and the health care facilities in which they enter. If the vaccination is not documented, students will not be permitted to participate in the clinical experience. This could affect the student’s degree course plan, program requirements, and time to degree completion. Supply of the influenza vaccine should be readily available. When vaccine is in short supply health care personnel are considered priority populations to receive the vaccine.
Students should avail themselves of the many sources of seasonal flu vaccine including their health care provider, retail pharmacy outlets, public health departments, community-based flu clinics.
Radiography students will always present a neat and tidy appearance. The following attire is required for both men and women:
- Blue top and blue pants (jogger pants are approved)
- Neutral tennis shoes (No bright colors)
- Name Badge/Hospital I.D./Student I.D.
- Personal Dosimeter
- Neutral shirt worn under scrub top-no bright colors or strips
- Approved white or blue lab coats (optional)-Short, long sleeve, buttons or snaps up front
- Tattoos covered (band-aids not allowed)
- No facial piercing are permitted in clinic
- Two stud earrings per ear are only allowed. Any more than the two on each ear are not permitted in clinic
- Hair color must be a natural color (no purple, pink, green, etc.)
- Nails must be cut short and a neutral color
Area | Concern | Standard |
Uniforms |
Personal Grooming |
Jewelry |
Miscellaneous |
These uniform and grooming policies represent safety issues. If uniforms and grooming are not appropriate, students will be sent home to correct the issue.
Cell Phone Policy
Class and Laboratory
Cell phones and pagers are prohibited in the classroom and laboratory sessions.
Ringing/beeping of cell phones is disruptive to class members, faculty and therefore, audible sounds are not permitted during class/laboratory time.
Cell phones should never be on the desk or visible to anyone in the classroom. A student answering a cell phone during class will be required to leave class and meet with the instructor prior to attending class again.
This Policy includes iPhone watches, and any other device that has the ability to text, email, and accept phone calls.
Cell phone calculator use are not permitted during testing. iPhone watches or any device that stores written or verbal information may not be worn during testing.
Cell phone calculator use are not permitted during testing. Apple watches or any device that stores written or verbal information may not be worn during testing.
Students are also prohibited from taking pictures of completed test at any time. If they are found doing so they will be dismissed from the program.
Cell phones are acceptable for medical communication. Student are approved to utilize cell phones for clinical competency documentation and completion of clinical related program tasks. At no time is a student allowed to send emails, check Facebook and other media during clinic hours on their cell phone.
NO Smart watches may be utilized within the clinic site unless in the airplane mode.
The program will enforce the cell phone Policy aggressively. Violations to the Policy can be dismissed from the program.
iPhone watches may be worn within the clinic site but ONLY utilized as watch.
Students utilizing their cell phone during the clinical rotation must have the phone on the silent mode at all times.
- Students may not call or text on their cell phone during their clinical education hours
- If an EMERGENCY call needs to be made, exit the clinical area after notifying the CI or during scheduled breaks.
- Cell phone Policy violations may result in program dismissal
Radiologic Technologist Standards
Upon graduation, the radiographer will be expected to adhere to accepted standards of professional practice.
Character, moral or ethical, is an important component of professional behavior and of the overall assessment of the performance of each student radiographer. A student's continued enrollment depends in part on the student's ability to adhere to recognized standards of professional practice and conduct. The standards are drawn from the duly legislated practice acts of the profession.
Violation of one or more of the standards shall be sufficient grounds for the Program Coordinator of a Radiography program to initiate a review of the appropriateness of the student's continuing enrollment in courses or programs of the College.
Unprofessional conduct of a student includes conduct leading to, or associated with, one or more of the following in a context or manner which is relevant to professional practice when such conduct occurs at any site which is the subject of a clinical affiliation agreement, or at any site where the student is engaged in a course or other learning experience for credit toward graduation, or upon college or University property as that term is defined in the Student Code of Conduct:
- Conviction of a felony;
- Abuse of a controlled substance or drug;
- Misappropriation or illegal use of drugs or other pharmacologically active agents;
- Persistent abuse of alcohol;
- Attending the clinical facility under the influence of drugs or alcohol;
- Any condition or behavior which may endanger clients, patients, or the public, including failure to carry out the appropriate or assigned duties where lack of doing so may endanger the health or well-being of a patient or client;
- Behavior or action intended to deceive, defraud, or harm the public and/or profession;
- Falsifying or, through negligence, making incorrect entries or failing to make essential entries in health or clinical records;
- Deliberate deception of a patient or client through failure of the student to identify student status;
- Failure to maintain client or patient confidentiality;
- Obtaining any fee by fraud or misrepresentation; or
- Removal or suspension from any clinical setting by appropriate administrative authority for unprofessional conduct.
Compliance Process
Background Check/Drug Testing
The clinical setting is an essential part of the education you receive in the radiography program. In order to comply with the affixation contracts that the Program has with each of its clinical partners, students enrolled in the Program must provide documentation to ensure that s/he has met the conditions set forth in the agreement in order to protect patients. The following outline the requirements necessary to attend education after enrollment or in some cases annually.
- A criminal background check and drug screening are mandatory after enrollment. This must be conducted by a facility contracted with BCTC to perform these procedures.
- A updated background and drug test is also required prior to fall semester of the
2nd year.
- Background Package:
- 7 year County Criminal Search
- Nationwide Healthcare Fraud and Abuse
- Social Security Alert
- Residence History Search
- Drug Screen:
- 10 Panel Urine Drug test through LabCorp
- Background Package:
- Students must meet all technical Standards required by the program.
Student must meet all vaccination requirements:
Vaccination | Requirement |
Hepatitis B | 3 doses |
Influenza | Annual, due October 1 |
MMR(Measles-Mumps-Rubella) | 2 doses |
Tdap | 1 dose |
Tuberculosis | Two-step |
Varicella (Chickenpox) | 2 doses |
CastleBranch is the contracted facility associated with BCTC.
Early Release Policy
The radiography faculty of Bluegrass Community and Technical College feel early release is contrary to the goals and mission of this program. Therefore, there will be no early release from the radiography program’s clinical rotation.
Social Media Policy
How we communicate to our students and in the community is changing. Social media is a growing phenomenon embraced by all generations. There are great benefits as well as some risks and liabilities. Inappropriate or unauthorized post can diminish BCTC’s name, cost the college its reputation in the public and could hurt our employees and students. The following guidelines were created by the Bluegrass Community & Technical College Public Information and Marketing (PIM) department for the purpose of (1) identifying the College’s social networking philosophy and goals;(2) documenting the College’s current presence on the social networking sites Facebook and Twitter and the process for maintaining these sites; and (3) providing guidance for College employees who have a presence on social networking sites and/or are interested in helping to expand the College’s presence.
The Public Information and Marketing department will continue to research and monitor social networking trends and will modify these guidelines when necessary. This will allow BCTC to maintain an active and up-to-date presence on relevant social networks.
Social Networking Goals
The College’s presence on social networking sites will augment official channels of communications. These networking accounts will drive traffic to other communication mechanisms including the College’s web site, other social networking accounts, and email. The College’s presence on these sites is intended to serve as:
- a tool for marketing to prospective students.
- a venue to communicate with current students, alumni and friends of the College.
- a means to improve retention as students identify with the College and interact with other students.
Responsible Parties
The Public Information and Marketing department is the administrator and will maintain the College’s official BCTC Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Flickr pages. Those who wish to contribute information or make suggestion for the pages should email BL_ChitChat@kctcs.edu
BCTC's Presence on Facebook
Facebook is a free-access social networking website where users can join networks organized by city, workplace, school, and region to connect and interact with other people. The Facebook site serves as a virtual community for users.
In order to ensure a cohesive and unified message throughout the community, departments and organizations within the college are asked to refrain from setting up alternate Facebook pages, which may conflict and segment the BCTC Facebook audience. However, under Facebook’s new program, Groups for Schools, anyone with a KCTCS email can set up interest groups under “Groups at BCTC” which will allow faculty, staff, and students to interact with your organization without redirecting audience engagement from the official page. See BCTC's Facebook Group for more info.
Individuals are encouraged to post/interact with the college’s Official Facebook page.
BCTC's Presence on Twitter
Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that enables its users to send and read messages known as tweets. Tweets are text-based posts of up to 140 characters displayed on the author's profile page and delivered to the author's subscribers who are known as followers via the profile page.
BCTC's twitter account will allow the College to provide quick status updates, links and other appropriate information useful to prospective students, current students, and alumni. BCTC's official Twitter page will follow all "twitters" who follow BCTC. If it is found that a follower is tweeting inappropriately through the page, the ability to block or discontinue following can be utilized. Twitter terms of service is available online. As with Facebook, any questionable conduct should be reported to Strategic Communications.
Departments or employees may set up their own Twitter to represent their department or communicate with students. Please inform PIM about the channel and the type of information that will be posted. Content posted on department or employee Twitter accounts do not need prior approval by PIM. The Twitter account must contain a disclaimer stating the purpose of the account (such as communicating with students from class ….) and that the account does not represent the official views of the college.
Establishing an Official BCTC social media site for a department or class
Social media sites: All employees who wish to publish and administer an official BCTC social media page (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, blogs) must complete an Official BCTC Social Media Request Form. The form is to establish the purpose, maintenance, administrators, etc. of the page. The signature of the employee’s direct supervisor is needed on the form. The form will stay on file with Public Information and Marketing.
Page Administrators Responsibilities:
Becoming an administrator of an official BCTC social media site constitutes your agreement with the BCTC Social Media User Agreement. Failure to follow the guidelines will result in a recommendation to your supervisor to eliminate the social media page.
A current list of official BCTC social media pages
- BCTC Facebook page
- BCTC Twitter page
- BCTC YouTube page
- BCTC Flickr page
- Alumni Facebook Facebook Group page
- BCTC Financial Aid Facebook page
- BCTC Workforce Solutions Facebook page
- Winchester-Clark County Campus Facebook Group page
Content Development
Content Policy
All content must relate directly to College business, programs, and/or services. All content should be referenced to the department who originated the source of information; i.e. such as direct questions about financial aid to the BCTC Financial Aid web site, official contact information, or to a Financial Aid Department staff member or the director. Content placed by administrators cannot promote individual opinions or causes that are not directly related to College purposes.
External links
Links that lead to personal web sites, outside businesses, apparent spam, or unofficial BCTC web pages will be removed.
Creating a Community Policy
Each official BCTC social media page must contain a Community Policy. The Policy sets the purpose of the page, establishes the guidelines participants to follow, and references the College Social Media Policy. Example: see the Community Policy placed on the official BCTC Facebook Page: “The BCTC Facebook page is a forum to connect and interact with the BCTC community. We encourage discussion and sharing of information; however, BCTC reserves the right to remove posts and photos that contain profanity, defamatory language, encourage illegal activity, solicitations, advertisements, or is otherwise deemed inappropriate.”
Content should be short and written in active voice. Remember to consider the audience; the style and tone of content should be direct and student-oriented.
Maintenance of Pages and Groups
Administrators for campus Facebook pages should include at least one representative from Campus Public Information and Marketing (PIM). PIM does not assume responsibility for Facebook pages or groups associated with the College; employees who desire to create a group are responsible for its creation, content and maintenance. The primary administrator for a Facebook page should be a faculty member or a staff employee. Primary administrators should be willing to monitor pages on a daily basis and respond promptly to inquiries posted on the Facebook page. The following guidelines for maintenance of the College’s Facebook presence pertain to both page and group administrators:
- Frequency: Pages and groups should be maintained and remain as up-to-date as possible. “Best practices” recommend updating pages 1-3 times a day. In general, the more frequently the content is updated, the more users will access the page. Dated material should be removed as soon as it is outdated.
- Tone: All content should be short and written in active voice. The style and tone should be informal direct and student-oriented.
- Post: Try and post information and commentary that will get your audience involved.
- Censorship: Because Facebook pages and groups are interactive tools, administrators should monitor the page closely in order to respond to user concerns and conduct. While it is possible for administrators to delete postings, the general guideline will be to avoid censoring in order to encourage unfettered and honest communication. Use this as an opportunity to make things right for the student when possible. Users should be censored by Facebook terms and conditions. All administrators should review these terms. Any questionable conduct should be report to PIM. The College takes no responsibility for content developed by non-employees. Existing policies governing student and employee behavior apply to the college's Facebook pages.
- Photos and Videos: Uploaded photos and videos must relate directly to the College and/or student life
and should be not be used as a promotional tool for programs, products, or services
outside the College.
PIM has established an official college Youtube Channel.
Departments may set up their own YouTube channel to represent their department or post student work. Please inform PIM about the channel and the types of videos that will be posted. Content posted on department YouTube channels do not need prior approval by PIM. The department YouTube channel must contain a disclaimer stating the purpose of the channel (such as posting student work) and that the channel does not officially represent the official views of the college.
All photos and videos must have a photo release (new window) signed and filed in the Public Information and Marketing office prior to posting.
Drug Testing
Effective Date: June 1, 2014
To assist students in meeting requirements for placement in clinical health care facilities through documentation of a satisfactory drug test.
Effective June 1, 2014 students in the Radiography Program must submit to and demonstrate a satisfactory drug test annually as a prerequisite for clinical practice. Students who fail to submit to a drug test or to allow the College access to the results will be ineligible for clinical placement. Those who do not pass the drug test are afforded the opportunity to explain the circumstances surrounding the situation, but if the student is ineligible for clinical placement, he/she will be given the opportunity to withdraw from the Program.
The drug test must include: 9 panel standard urinalysis (marijuana, cocaine, PCP, amphetamines, opiate metabolites, barbiturates, benzodiazepines, methadone, and propoxyphene). Drug testing will be conducted in the fall of each year for all students.
Situations in which a person does not have a satisfactory drug test will be reviewed by the division Assistant Dean and Program Coordinator on a case-by-case basis
Students will follow the directions outlined by Castlebranch Credentials. The cost of the drug test will be borne by the student.
Criminal Background Checks
Effective Date: June 1, 2009
To assist students in meeting requirements for placement in clinical health care facilities through documentation of a satisfactory criminal background check.
Effective June 1, 2009 students in the Radiography Program must submit to and demonstrate a satisfactory criminal background check annually as a prerequisite for clinical practice. Students who fail to submit to a background check or to allow the College access to the report will be ineligible for clinical placement. Those who do not pass the background check are afforded the opportunity to explain the circumstances surrounding the situation, but if the student is ineligible for clinical placement, he/she will be given the opportunity to withdraw from the Program.
The criminal background check will include but is not limited to: Social Security Fraud; Criminal Background; Sex Offender Search; Abuse Registry; OIG Medicare Sanctioned List; Licensure, Certification and Designation. The Criminal background check will be conducted in the fall of each year for all students.
Situations in which a person does not have a satisfactory background check will be reviewed by the division Assistant Dean and Program Coordinator on a case-by-case basis. Convictions involving the following crimes, but not limited to these crimes may serve to disqualify a person from participating in required clinical learning experiences.
- Any felony, whether listed below or not
- Crimes involving drugs, including but not limited to unlawful possession or distribution
- Crimes of physical violence to include any type of abuse (child, spousal, or of the elderly), abduction such as kidnapping, manslaughter, murder, robbery, sexual crimes, possession of a restricted fire arm or any related weapons offenses, assault and battery
- Conviction of a misdemeanor related to abuse, neglect or exploitation
A private company approved to perform Criminal Background Checks will conduct the background check. The cost of the background check will be borne by the student.
Energized Laboratory Policy
Bluegrass Community and Technical College Radiography Program has energized laboratory equipped with computerized radiography, and digital radiography. This laboratory is designed for the sole use of the students and faculty of the program. It is a supplement to didactic work throughout the Radiography curriculum. Use of the laboratory is a privilege and may be limited at any time as deemed necessary by a program official. Proper use of ALL equipment and accessories is necessary in order to assure safe utilization of ionizing radiation.
All students will be oriented to radiation protection and the x-ray equipment.
Rules and Regulations
- A radiation film badge will be worn at all times during the laboratory sessions when x-rays are taken. Students found to be without their assigned badge will not participate in the laboratory session and will make up this work at the discretion of the instructor.
Under NO circumstances will students radiate each other or any other animate object. ONLY Pixie and accessories that the instructor introduces shall be irradiated. Students found to have irradiated anything (not approved) will be dismissed from the program. Each student is responsible for practicing safe radiation protection at all times. These steps include:
- Making radiographic exposures under the DIRECT SUPERVISION of a program faculty.
- Using proper collimation techniques as demonstrated by the instructor.
- Alerting classmates and others that an exposure is about to be made.
- Assuring that all room occupants are fully shielded behind the lead lined wall/window prior to making an exposure.
- Using sensible exposure techniques to reduce the need for repeats.
- Adhering to the ALARA concept of safe medical exposure factors.
- Students MUST NOT ever hold an image receptor during exposure.
- Students will be in the laboratory at all times under Direct Supervision when performing laboratory experiments.
- Student may be permitted within the laboratory under indirect supervision, only after
completing orientation for laboratory safety, and acknowledgement of laboratory Policy
rules. The following rules apply to indirect supervision situations:
- Only radiography students are permitted within the lab without faulty presence's.
- All radiography equipment must be turn off - to include all circuit breakers and should not be manipulated by the student.
- Non- radiographic students are not permitted within the radiography laboratory unless accompanied by a faculty member. This can ONLY be approved by radiography faculty.
- Eating and drinking are permitted ONLY in designated areas. All students and faculty must follow this Policy. All food items must be removed, cleaned by the end of the session.
- All supplies and accessories are to be returned to their proper storage area at the completion of each laboratory session.
- Quality control devices (densitometers, kVp meters, etc.) are to be replaced in their proper storage area when finished using. Please report any malfunctioning equipment to the Program Director or faculty immediately for repairs to be made in a timely fashion.
Mammography Policy
Effective Date: August 1, 2017
To assist students in meeting requirements for placement within the mammography department of a clinical health care facilities.
Effective August 1, 2017
The radiography program Policy regarding the placement of students in clinical mammography rotations to observe and/or perform breast imaging. The Policy may be applied to any imaging procedures performed by professionals who are of the opposite gender of the patient, to include the following stipulations.
Under this Policy, all students, male and female, will be offered the opportunity to participate in clinical mammography rotations. The program will make every effort to place a male student in a clinical mammography rotation if requested; however, the program is not in a position to override clinical setting policies that restrict clinical experiences in mammography to female students. Male students are advised that placement in a mammography rotation is not guaranteed and is subject to the availability of a clinical setting that allows males to participate in mammographic imaging procedures. The program will not deny female students the opportunity to participate in mammography rotations if clinical settings are not available to provide the same opportunity to male students.
The change in the program’s Policy regarding student clinical rotations in mammography is based on the sound rationale presented in a position statement on student clinical mammography rotations adopted by the Board of Directors of the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT). The JRCERT position statement is included as Addendum A to the program’s Policy and is also available on the JRCERT Web site, www.jrcert.org, Programs & Faculty, Program Resources.
JRCERT: Position Statement on Mammography Clinical Rotations
Adopted by the JRCERT Board of Directors (April 2016) The Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT) Standards for an Accredited Educational Program in Radiography are designed to promote academic excellence, patient safety, and quality healthcare. The JRCERT accreditation process offers a means of providing assurance to the public that a program meets specific quality standards. The process helps to maintain program quality and stimulates program improvement through program assessment.
Standard One - Objective 1.2 of the JRCERT Standards requires a program to document that it “provides equitable learning opportunities for all students.”
The JRCERT does not provide legal advice to program officials. Nevertheless, the JRCERT has received numerous inquiries regarding the placement of students in mammography clinical rotations. The JRCERT understands that there have been significant concerns regarding the interpretation of the JRCERT Standards regarding equitable learning opportunities for all students. As a point of clarification, the JRCERT notes that equitable means dealing fairly with all concerned. It does not necessarily mean equal.
The JRCERT has analyzed statistical data that indicates current imaging practices in mammography have resulted in minimal employment opportunities for males. Certification demographic data indicates that less than 1% of the approximately 50,000 technologists registered in mammography by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) are males. Overwhelmingly, clinical site policies prohibit male students from participation in mammography rotations. Such participation is limited due to liability concerns, as well as consideration for the interests of the patient. These policies are established not only for mammography exams, but also for other gender-specific examinations performed by professionals who are the opposite gender of the patient.
With regard to mammography, the JRCERT has determined programs must make every effort to place a male student in a mammography clinical rotation if requested; however, programs will not be expected to attempt to override clinical site policies that restrict mammography rotations to female students. Male students should be advised that placement in a mammography rotation is not guaranteed and, in fact, would be very unlikely. To deny mammography educational experience to female students, however, would place those students at a disadvantage in the workforce where there is a demand for appropriately educated professionals to address the needs of patients. It is noted that the same clinical site policies that are in place during the mammography educational rotations are most likely applicable upon employment, thus limiting access for males to pursue careers in mammography.
The JRCERT reiterates that it is the responsibility of each clinical site to address any legal challenges related to a program’s inability to place male students in a mammography rotation. All students should be informed and educated about the various employment opportunities and potential barriers that may affect their ability to work in a particular clinical staff position.
For more information from JCERT, please visit their JCERT Standards website (new window).
Forms and Evaluations
There are a number of forms that need to be filled out to acknowledge they have reviewed information and policies or to be used for evaluations. These forms can be requested separately from the informational sections of the handbook.