Withdrawal Procedures
To withdraw from a class or completely from the college follow the appropriate steps outlined below. Students are held responsible for any and all financial delinquencies which result from failure to complete the withdrawal process by the dates established in the Academic Calendar.
Students residing in University of Kentucky Campus Housing who withdraw from all classes are required by their housing contract to notify the UK Housing Office in writing and move out of the residence hall. They will be assessed a prorated charge for housing and dining for each day until all classes have been dropped and proper check-out has been completed. After week 12 full semester charges will apply.
If BCTC is not your home college, then you are subject to the withdrawal policies of your home college. Contact the registrar's office of your home college for more information.
Please review Financial Aid and SAP Policies before withdrawing from a course.
Dual Credit Courses
Dual Credit students are not able to drop or withdraw from a course in Student Self-Service.
If you are a Dual Credit student and feel you need to withdraw, please email bluegrass.dualcredit@kctcs.edu with your request.
DROPPING or withdrawing from a Course
To drop or withdraw from a class or completely from the college, students must have an active PeopleSoft self-service account. Instructions on activating your account are located the Student Forms page.
To Drop without a Grade:
Before or on the last day to drop without a grade: (See Academic Calendar for dates)
- Go to MyPath
- Log on to Student Self-service
- Click the "Advising & Classes" tile
- Click "Drop/Withdraw from Classes" (Instructions on how to Drop/Withdraw from Classes)
- Click "Drop"
- Complete the form and submit
To Withdraw:
After the last day to drop without a grade through Midterm: (See Academic Calendar for dates)
- Go to MyPath
- Log on to Student Self-service
- Click the "Advising & Classes" tile
- Click "Drop/Withdraw from Classes" (Instructions on how to Drop/Withdraw from Classes)
- Click "Withdraw/Drop Request"
- Complete the form and submit
- An email confirmation will be sent to your KCTCS email account when your request is received and again when it is processed.
After Midterm through the Last Day to Officially Withdraw: (See Academic Calendar for dates)
- Verify on course syllabus if, and under what conditions, withdrawals are allowed after Midterm
- Go to MyPath
- Log on to Student Self-service
- Click the "Advising & Classes" tile
- Click "Drop/Withdraw from Classes" (Instructions on how to Drop/Withdraw from Classes)
- Complete the form and submit
- Faculty approval is required.*
- The request will be forwarded to the faculty member for approval/denial.
- If approved, an email confirmation will be sent to your KCTCS email account once approved and processed.
- If denied, an email confirmation will be sent to your KCTCS email account. The request to drop will not be processed.
For Summer Terms Only:
If the Withdraw/Drop Request form in Peoplesoft is not available
- Use your KCTCS email to request a withdrawal
- Email Subject line: Withdrawal
- Email Body: Include your Name, Student ID Number, and all Course Information
- Send request to Bluegrass-StudentRecords@kctcs.edu
Sample: Jane Doe (002555555)
I am requesting to withdraw from MAT 150 - 19Z1 (5555)
*Please Note: If you are requesting to drop all BCTC courses, faculty approval will not be required. The drop will be processed when the request is received. An email confirmation will be sent to your KCTCS email account.
If you have questions or difficulties with the withdrawal process, please email