Enrollment Verification
Verify enrollment
Currently enrolled students may print a Current Enrollment Verification Certificate online using Peoplesoft (new window), and National Student Clearinghouse Self Service Verification.
Click on Peoplesoft to log on to your Self-service account, or click on Student Self-service from the BCTC home page.
If you need to complete enrollment verification, you may access the request site via Student Self-Service.
- Locate the Transcript & Academic History tile.
- Select the "Order Transcript/Verify Enrlmt" menu item.
- Select your home college, then click the request link that appears.
- You will be directed to the National Student Clearinghouse site to verify your enrollment.
Enrollment Checklist
A step-by-step guide to enrolling into the college can be found on the Enrollment Checklist page.
Enrollment Policies
KCTCS Enrollment Policies cover a number of topics including student loads, the grading system, GPA, Academic Probation, and more.
Please find the Enrollment Policies on the KCTCS website.
Course Enrollment Request
More information regarding specific course requests can be found on the Course Enrollment Request page.