VP of Culture and Engagement
Dr. Carlous b. Yates
Vice President of Culture and Engagement
- Nathan Smith
Associate Dean of Student Success Services- Orientation
- Anastasia Kreyling
Student Success Coordinator
- Anastasia Kreyling
- Peer Mentors
- Student Engagement
- Vacant
Director of Student Engagement
- Vacant
- Student Intramurals/Activities
- Lauren Fentress
Student Engagement Coordinator
- Lauren Fentress
- Center of Excellence for Veteran Student Success (CEVSS)
- Steven Blackburn
Director of CEVSS
- Steven Blackburn
- The Heart Student Pantry
- eSports
- Orientation
- Kauai Thurman
Director of Student Empowerment and Success - Peter Mottas
Community Support and Outreach Coordinator - Vacant
Coordinator of Academic Culture and Engagement - Ruth Gonzalez Jimenez
Director of Leadership, Achievement, and Community Engagement (LACE) - Anita Nelums
Director of Counseling Services- Roger Pearson Jr.
Counselor - Angie Straley Fields
Counselor - Lamont Campbell
Family Scholar House Regional Coordinator - Jacqueline Ringo
Kynector Coordinator
- Roger Pearson Jr.
- Elijah Tevis
Director of Student Accessibility Services- Mary Catherine Dorsett
Testing Accommodation Coordinator - Dolores Meaux
Alternate Text Conversation Coordinator - Dana Barr
- Mary Catherine Dorsett
- Presidential Student Ambassadors
- Student Title IX