Academic Suspension Reinstatement Guide
STEP 1: Academic suspension reinstatement students must re-apply for admission.
STEP 2: Office of Admissions processes application, checks suspension status and if admissible, sends student links to access the Reinstated Student Advising Appointment and Academic Suspension Reinstatement Guide.
STEP 3: Student schedules a Reinstated Student Advising Appointment to meet with a specialist to discuss conditions for return.
STEP 4: Upon reinstatement approval, the student accepts individualized Agreement Plan which includes:
- Conditions of reinstatement
- Verification of academic program plan
- Coursework needs/plan
- Referrals to support services & resources
STEP 5: Academic Suspension Reinstatement Specialist Advisor lifts academic suspension hold, advises and registers student for courses; and navigates student through the reinstatement process up to the start of the returning semester.
Please note: The Academic Suspension Reinstatement Specialist Advisor reserves the right to make decision for student's reinstatement based on academic history, individual circumstances, readiness, financial support, participation in process and/or other contributing factors.
- To check the status of your application contact: BL_Admissions@kctcs.edu.
- If you have an Admissions hold on your account, you cannot be admitted or reinstated until it is resolved. Contact: BL_Admissions@kctcs.edu.
- If you have a financial hold on your account you cannot be admitted or reinstated until it is resolved. Contact: The Bursar Office
- If you are seeking financial aid you must complete the FAFSA and be aware of the SAP Appeal Process. You are responsible for making other payment arrangements if not approved for financial aid.
- To check the status of your Reinstatement Request contact clovis.perry@kctcs.edu.
- Do not schedule an initial academic advising appointment with the Advising Center. Upon reinstatement, the Academic Suspension Reinstatement Specialist will advise and register you for classes initially. You will be assigned an academic adviser later.
- Do not make any changes to your course schedule without the Reinstatement Specialist’s approval or risk being in violation of your Reinstatement Agreement Plan.
- Review Academic Suspension Reinstatement Protocol for additional information.