Refugee Students
We're here to help you get started at BCTC!
How to Apply
Applying to BCTC is easy, and we'll be with you at every step of the way.
Just follow these four steps:
- Submit Application for Admissions. It's free, and it only takes about 15 minutes to complete.
- Submit High School or GED® transcript.
If you have credentials from an international institution and would like to explore your options please schedule an appointment with BCTC Global Career Navigation. - Schedule a placement test
- Explore your financial aid options. And you are ready to begin your courses. To learn about the programs of study please contact our office.
- Need assistance? Please contact O. Theresa Welo, Immigrant Retention and Enrollment Specialist at theresa.welo@kctcs.edu or (859) 246-6887. Need an appointment? Schedule an appointment through Microsoft Bookings.
Documents can be mailed to:
Bluegrass Community and Technical College
Office of Admissions
Newtown Campus
500 Newtown Pike
Lexington, KY 40508