Non-Degree Seeking Students
The steps below are for students not planning to pursue a degree at the college and who want to take no more than six credit hours per semester. Please note that non-degree students are not eligible to participate in federal student aid programs or to receive Veteran Educational Benefits.
Apply for admission to the college
Your first step is to complete an admissions application. You can access the application by visiting the Online Admissions Application portal. Should you require accommodations for completing the application, please contact Student Accessibility Services (SAS) at (859) 246-6534, or toll free at 866-774-4872, extension 6534.
Setup your student account
Once you submit your admissions application, visit User Account Center to create your user profile, obtain your student ID and username, and to set your
password. This account will give you access to your student self-service (registration,
payments, financial aid, grades, etc.), e-mail, and any online courses you enroll
in. Please note that you will not have access to your student email account until
after you have registered for classes.
Submit official documents
Non-degree seeking students are not required to submit official documents; however,
any student who wishes to take a course in either English or math will be required
to take the Wonderlic test or show evidence of successful completion of prerequisite
college courses.
Students who later decide to become degree-seeking must submit all required documents,
such as an official high school transcript or GED® transcript, any college transcripts, and any necessary international student documents
in order to be admitted as a degree-seeking student.
Register for classes
Non-degree seeking college students are not required to meet with an academic advisor. Your online portal, available as a link in your mailed acceptance letter, will provide instructions for creating your student account. You will login to your student account to register for classes. For question regarding registering, you will need to contact the Registrar's Office at (855) 246-2477 or via email at Bluegrass-StudentRecords@kctcs.edu.
Pay tuition
Once you are registered for classes, you will be responsible for paying your tuition, which can be done through your student account. Payment is due prior to the course
beginning. Payment Methods and Cost Information may be found at BCTC's Affording College page. Questions regarding payment may be directed to: BL-Bursaroffice@kctcs.edu.