Undocumented Students
Apply for admission to the college Your first step is to complete an admissions application. You can access the application by visiting the Online Admissions Application portal. Should you require assistance with completing the application, please contact the Latino Outreach Office at 859-246-6436. Please note that applying to the college does not mean that you have applied to a selective admission program. Frequently Asked Questions about the Application: |
Complete the BCTC Short Residency Form Kentucky residency is determined by a series of questions you answer on the admissions application. Please go the Office of Admissions at the Newtown campus to complete the short residency form. The Office of Admissions is open Monday-Thursday 8:00-5:00 pm and Friday 8:00-4:30 pm. Should you have questions or need assistance, please contact the Latino Outreach Office at 859-246-6436. Bluegrass Community and Technical College |
Setup your student account Once you submit your admissions application, visit User Account Center to create your user profile, obtain your KCTCS ID and username, and to set your password. This account will give you access to your student self-service (registration, payments, financial aid, grades, etc.), e-mail, and any online courses you enroll in. Please note that you will not have access to your student email account until after you have registered for classes. |
Submit official high school or GED® transcript and test scores You will need to contact your high school to have your official transcript submitted. You can also login to your Parchment account to request your transcript. All transcripts must have a posted graduation date to be considered official. If you earned a GED®, you will need to contact the state or the testing center that administered your test to have your GED® transcript sent to the college. If you were home schooled, you will need to submit a notarized transcript, whether it originates from a parent or guardian or an online school. You also need to submit official test scores as well as AP scores, if applicable. Generally, test scores are posted on high school transcripts, otherwise you will need contact the organization that administers the test to have scores submitted. If you do not have test scores, you can elect to take the placement test through BCTC. Test scores are not used for admission to the college but are used to determine course placement according to college benchmarks. Faxed, photocopies, and scanned images of documents will not be accepted. Original documents must be provided to the Office of Admissions. If you are not requesting your transcript electronically, then original transcripts can be mailed directly to the college or hand delivered. If you will be hand-delivering documents after hours, you may submit using the drop box located on the door to the Admissions Office located in room 119 of the Oswald building at the Cooper campus. The drop box is secure and checked daily for submissions. |
Apply for scholarships Once you submit an admissions application, you can apply for BCTC and other scholarships. For more information, please visit Financial Aid. |
Access the SEE Portal Once you submit an admissions application, it will take approximately two weeks to process your application. Once your application is processed, you will receive an acceptance letter via postal mail. This letter provides instructions on accessing a link to the SEE Portal, an online tool that will guide you through completing your enrollment. |
Register for orientation Incoming freshmen are required to attend orientation. For more information on orientation and to complete the orientation registration form, please visit the SEE Portal link located on your mailed acceptance letter. |
Take placement test (if needed) Testing can be done through the Advising and Assessment Center once you are accepted to the college and before your scheduled orientation date. Test scores are used to determine course placement. To ensure proper registration, please be sure your most current scores are on file before meeting with an advisor. |
Pay tuition Once you are registered for classes, you will be responsible for paying your tuition or setting up a payment plan and making sure that any accepted financial aid is posted to your account. This is done through your Student Self Service Account. For instructions on activating your account, please visit the SEE Portal link located on your mailed acceptance letter. |