Pathway Cohorts

Developing Community, Supporting Academic Success, and Promoting Career Readiness… One Cohort at a Time!
What are Pathway Cohorts?
A Pathway Cohort is a group of students that share a common goal taking some of the same classes together and who occasionally meet together outside of class to form a community.
Who can Join a Pathway Cohort?
Anyone, but ideally you join a cohort based on your interests during your first semester to get the most benefit.
Why Join a Pathway Cohort?
- Take the recommended classes for getting a great start in a particular Pathway.
- Take classes and make friends with peers that have similar interests.
- Get an assigned peer guide, an experienced student who can assist with the course and navigating college.
- Have a designated space to meet, socialize, or study with your peers.
- Be able to participate in special activities and get access to additional resources and opportunities.
How Do I Enroll in a Pathway Cohort?
Talk to your advisor when you enroll for classes or email BCTC-CollegeSuccess@kctcs.edu.
What Pathway Cohorts are Available?
See BCTC Advising Hub Pathway Cohorts for specific cohort information per semester.
- Who: For any student that places at the IRW 085 Level.
- What: IRW 085 + FYE 110 Corequisites (7 credit hours total) Monday/Wednesday, Tuesday/Thursday, or Online/Remote
- Why: Provides additional support to prepare first-generation students for successful college careers while also meeting College Success & Digital Literacy requirements.
- For more information, contact: BCTC-CollegeSuccess@kctcs.edu
- Who: For any student interested in pursuing a Selective Admissions Healthcare program, including Nursing.
- What: FYE 110 – J10H or J11H (3 credit hours) On-Campus Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday
- Why: Meets College Success Requirement, Digital Literacy Requirement, and includes an additional focus on preparing for selective admission healthcare programs and Anatomy & Physiology classes.
- For more information, contact: BCTC-CollegeSuccess@kctcs.edu
- Who: For any student interested in pursuing a Selective Admissions Healthcare program, including Nursing
- What: BIO 137 Anatomy & Physiology I
- Why: Provides additional academic support with a focus on preparing for selective admission healthcare programs.
- For more information, contact: BCTC-CollegeSuccess@kctcs.edu
- Who: First-Generation students, age 25 or older, who are taking online classes.
- What: FYE 110 – 19P9 (3 credit hours) Online-only
- Why: Provides additional support specific to adult online learners while also meeting College Success & Digital Literacy requirements.
- For more information please contact morgan.dow@kctcs.edu
- Who: First-Generation Students
- What: FYE 110 – J1P7, J1P8 (3 credit hours) On-Campus, Tuesday or Thursday
- Why: To empower students to advocate for themselves and their academic needs through interactive discussions, mentorship opportunities, and exploration of diverse cultural experiences. Learn to navigate college with confidence.
- For more information, contact: kauai.thurman@kctcs.edu
- Who: First-Generation Students
- What: FYE 110 – J1LP, ENG 101 – J1LP (3 – 6 credit hours) On-Campus, Tuesday/Thursday
- Why: To foster student leaders in college and career through community, leadership development, language, and an exploration of world citizenship. Understand Leadership at the intersection of Language Acquisition.
- For more information, contact: ruth.gonzalez@kctcs.edu
- Who: For students who qualify for the Honors Program
- What: Classes vary each semester, with J1H1 and J1H2 section numbers
- Why: To gain extra benefits and opportunities while at BCTC and receive Honors Program Graduate certification.
- For more information, please see The BCTC Honors Program webpage.
- Who: For students enrolled in 2+2 Engineering Programs.
- What: Courses within the CET & IET Programs, Sections Vary
- Why: Provides additional support and opportunities for those interested in 2+2 programs with the University of Kentucky.
- For more information, please contact anna.hatton@kctcs.edu
- Who: For any BCTC student who is active military, a veteran or a spouse of a veteran
- What: FYE 110 & HUM 120 – J1PV, online only
- Why: Provides additional support and opportunities specifically tailored for veterans.
- For more information, contact BL-CEVSS@kctcs.edu
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Except for IRW 085 + FYE 110 corequisites (which must always be taken together), students need to only enroll in one specially designated section of a course to be considered a member of the cohort.
Participation in community hours is essential to gaining the benefits from a Cohort program. Some instructors may require participation, others may provide extra credit for participation. But all students will benefit from developing a community within the college, gaining the assistance of a peer guide to help you more easily navigate college, easily accessing additional tutoring, and gaining access to special speakers and opportunities.
For some cohorts the community hours are built into the meeting schedule, whereas for other cohorts, the Community Hour will appear on their schedule as AOCCR: College Career & Readiness at a specific time and location. The Community Hour is NOT a credit-bearing course and will not appear on your transcript, only on your schedule.
A Peer-Guide is a fellow college-student who has already successfully completed the courses in the cohort and is part of the cohort community. Peer-Guides will lead the Community Hour activities and will reach out to you throughout the semester to check-in on your progress. Peer-Guides are also available to provide assistance with tutoring, study tips & strategies, test-prep, connecting with BCTC resources, understanding college processes, and more.
Interested in becoming a Peer Guide? Want more information about Cohorts? Contact BCTC-CollegeSuccess@kctcs.edu