Spotlight Instruction Series (SIS)
The Spotlight Instruction Series (SIS) provides additional support outside of normal class time to help you achieve success.
You must register for a session in order to receive credit for it in your course. If you attend session without registering first, you will not receive credit.
Register for and Join Spotlight Sessions
Once registered, you will receive a confirmation e-mail with a link to join your session, if it is online. If you do not receive the e-mail, you can use the links on this page to join your session on the day and time you registered.
Who Can Attend Spotlight Sessions?
Current BCTC students can attend sessions related to the courses they are enrolled in.
Everyone enrolled at BCTC can attend the FYE 105 series. The FYE 105 series provides information and support on topics such as financial aid, career and library resources, test-taking skills, time management and more!
Spotlight FAQs
The Spotlight Instruction Series (SIS) provides additional support outside of normal class time to help you achieve success.
Students in participating SIS courses attend topic-based, active-learning sessions throughout the semester. SIS sessions, led by experienced BCTC faculty, have both online and on-campus offerings. Your course syllabus provides specific details about how many sessions are required and how SIS can impact your course grade.
While there are sessions specific to certain courses (such as Math or Biology), part of the SIS will be the FYE 105 - Student Success Track. The workshops in the Student Success Track are open to all students at BCTC and provide information and support on more general topics such as financial aid, career resources, test-taking skills, time management, and more!
Many instructors will require you to attend spotlight sessions throughout the semester as part of your grade. Please check your syllabus to see if this is a requirement for your class.
You can cancel or reschedule your session by returning to your confirmation email.
If you can't find your email, you can also call or email the Student Success Hub at BCTC-tutoring@kctcs.edu.
- ENG 101
- ENG 102
- BIO 112
- BIO 137
- BIO 139
- MA 111
- MAT 75
- MAT 150
- FYE 105
SIS sessions are offered daily with times throughout the day including evenings and weekends. Individual sessions should be offered enough to provide a variety of times for students with different schedules.
Check your school email for a confirmation email with the date and time of your session.
If you can't find your confirmation email, check your SPAM or JUNK folder. If you cannot find your email try one of these options.
- Return to the registration link above and login to double check that you entered your email correctly when you signed up
- Email the Hub at BCTC-tutoring@kctcs.edu anytime
You will earn credit for attending a spotlight session only if you have registered for the session before it begins!
If you need special accommodations please make sure you have provided documentation of your disability to our Student Accessibility Services office. (Visit the SAS webpage for more information.) When registering you will be asked about the accommodations that you need, which we will have to verify with SAS. To receive accommodations during the Spotlight Session you must register at least 72 hours in advance.
Faculty/Adjunct Members
Are you a Faculty/Adjunct member interested in facilitating Spotlight sessions?
Email BCTC-tutoring@kctcs.edu.