Financial Aid Frequently Asked Questions
If you have questions, it's possible others have had the same question. Here are some of the most commonly asked questions about financial aid at BCTC.
Financial Aid FAQs
Students do not have to be admitted to BCTC in order to file the FAFSA. However, a financial offer will not be made until you have been fully admitted into a degree-seeking program. Students applying for aid for the spring and summer semester must be registered for classes in order to be awarded financial aid.
Online application process: Go to FSA ID where student and parent each apply for a FSA ID. Then go to FAFSA, complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and sign it electronically using your PIN numbers.
You are able to charge books at the Cooper and Leestown Campus Bookstores, or online. Book charges are available for a limited time. Contact the Financial Aid for book charge periods. In order to charge books you...
- Must be registered at least half-time
- Be receiving enough Financial Aid to cover the bill plus the cost of the books
- Our office must have a Financial Aid Release (FAR) form on file for you
Generally, students must be enrolled at least half-time (6 credit hours for undergraduate and graduate students) in required course work to receive most types of aid including Stafford Loans. However, a student may receive a Pell Grant for less than half-time enrollment. Summer enrollment requirements can vary.
The following information is from the Department of Education's publication 'The Student Guide'.
You must be one of the following to receive federal student aid:
- U.S. citizen
- U.S. national (includes natives of American Samoa or Swain's Island)
- U.S. permanent resident who has an I-151, I-551, Or I-551C (Alien Registration Receipt Card)
If you're not in one of these categories, you must be an eligible noncitizen and you must have an Arrival-Departure Record (I-94) from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) showing one of the following designations:
- Refugee
- Asylum Granted
- Cuban-Haitian Entrant, Status Pending
- Conditional Entrant (valid only if issued before April 1, 1980)
- Parolee (You must be paroled into the United States for at least one year, and you must be able to provide evidence from the USCIS that you are in the United States for other than a temporary purpose and intend to become a citizen or permanent resident.)
- If you have only a Notice of Approval to Apply for Permanent Residence (I-282 or I-464), you aren't eligible for federal student aid. If you're in the United States on certain visas, including an F1 or F2 student visa, or a J1 or J2 exchange visitor visa, you're not eligible for federal student aid.
- Also, persons with G series visas (pertaining to international organizations) are not eligible. For more information about other types of visas that are not acceptable, check with your school's financial aid office.
- Citizens and eligible noncitizens may receive loans from the FFEL Program at participating foreign schools. Citizens of the Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, and the Republic of Palau are eligible only for Federal Pell Grants, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants, or Federal Work-Study. These applicants should check with their schools financial aid offices for more information.
Grant Programs: Grants are a form of "gift aid" and typically do not have to be repaid. Grants offered at BCTC are federal and state funded.
Federal Pell Grant is based on financial need. Award amounts for the 2017 - 2018 academic year range from $606.00 - $5920 per year.
Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG) is based on financial need. Funds are limited to Kentucky residents.
Loan Programs: Loans are a form of "self help" aid and must repaid. Loan programs offered at BCTC are federally funded.
Federal Direct Loan is both need based and non need based (Subsidized and Unsubsidized). Repayment of the loan begins six months after you stop attending school at least half-time.
Maximum annual Subsidized limit:
- $3,500 Freshman
- $4,500 Sophomore
Dependent students may borrow an additional $2,000 in an unsubsidized loan. Independent students may borrow an additional $6,000 in an unsubsidized loan.
Federal PLUS Loan is a non need based loan borrowed by the parent on behalf of the student. The yearly loan limit is equal to the cost of attendance less any other financial aid. Repayment generally begins 60 days after the final disbursement for the loan period. Parents may apply on the Federal Student Loan website (new window).
Federal Work Study Program is based on financial need. Students work on the BCTC campus in various areas. Students receive a bi-weekly paycheck. Federal Work Student is a great source for networking and training.
KEES are usually received in late September for the fall and mid-February for the spring term. Until disbursement this scholarship is considered anticipated aid towards your bill.
Bursar's Office FAQs
Your tuition can be paid online. You may use your credit card or electronic check payments by logging into your PeopleSoft account.
Yes, your payment is expected upon enrollment or you have anticipated Financial aid that covers your charges, (please refer to the BCTC Academic Calendar for payment deadlines).
If you plan to use financial aid as your source of payment, refer to financial aid important dates.
If you are a veteran of any war since 1917 and were a Kentucky resident during your service you may qualify for additional benefits. Please contact our Veterans Affairs Office at (859) 246-6820 or you can email BL-Military@kctcs.edu.
- BCTC offers a payment plan administered by Nelnet Business Solutions.
- Payments are automatically deducted from a bank account or credit card.
- The number of payments and amount of down payment vary, depending on when the agreement is submitted.
- The cost to participate in the plan is $30.00.
- The agreement and down payment (if required) must be completed and submitted online prior to payment deadline.
- For full details, visit our Payment Plans page.
If your tuition is paid by an employer, Voc Rehab, Veterans Rehab, Scholarships, Awards of the State, or other third party means, you must confirm this with the appropriate documentation by the published payment deadline.
Note: Authorization forms can be faxed to (859) 246-4665 or by email to bl-bursaroffice@kctcs.edu
If you have questions concerning Third Party payments more information can be found on the Third Party Sponsorships web page.
Newtown Campus, The Den - D-132
- Monday - Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Tuition Appeals are submitted online.
The Appeals process allows students to appeal tuition/fee charges under certain conditions. Written appeals must include the student's full name, mailing address, and PeopleSoft ID number and the semester for which they are appealing. Tuition/Fee appeals must be submitted within the same academic year of when charges are assessed.
Note: If you received a federal financial aid refund check, you are not eligible to appeal tuition charges for that term.
- Online payments using credit card or electronic check are the quickest and most convenient way to pay.
- In-person payments are accepted at our Lexington campus Bursar's Office locations and they include cash, check, money order, and credit or debit card payments.
- Waivers, Financial Aid, Third Party Sponsorship, and Scholarships.
- Payments must include student ID number and daytime phone number.
- Mailed payments must be received in the Bursar's Office by published deadline and mailed to:
BCTC Bursar's Office
Newtown Campus
500 Newtown Pike
Lexington, KY 40508
Note: Mailed payments must be received in the Bursar's Office by published deadline. You may also view types of payment methods.
Refunds are coordinated through the Bursar's Office and are generally sent weekly. KCTCS delivers your refund with BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc. For more information, visit the Refund Choices page.
Newtown Campus
500 Newtown Pike
The Den - Room 132
Lexington, KY 40508-1207
Description of our additional charges:
- Security Charge - A security charge of $40.00 is assessed to all BCTC students every semester, regardless of number of hours enrolled. The charge is used to offset the costs of security in all college facilities, including security personnel, equipment, and lighting.
- Reinstatement Charges - A $75.00 reinstatement charge will be assessed to any student who requests reinstatement if removed from classes due to non-payment.
- Professional Liability Insurance - An $11.00 charge per term will be collected from those students enrolled in programs that require professional liability insurance (Human Services and Early Childhood Development Programs).
- Insufficient Funds Charge - A $50.00 charge will be assessed for each returned check.
- Delinquent Accounts - are subject to a financial hold being placed on their account preventing enrollment, or the ability to graduate.
- A Mandatory Fee of $8.00 per credit hour will be assessed to all students. This fee is part of the Build Smart program to fund new facilities or renovate existing buildings.
Note: All charges are Non-refundable
Important Note
Once a student enrolls the student becomes financially obligated. If the student does not plan to attend a class, it is the student's responsibility to complete the official withdrawal process through the student records department.
- Make sure your KCTCS student email account is activated and maintained at all times.
- All college correspondence, including electronic bills, will be sent to your BCTC student email account.
- Remember to update your address information in Student Records or Online through PeopleSoft.