Student Ambassador Program | BCTC

Presidential Student Ambassador Program


Group photo of Dr. Carlous Yates and Presidential Student AmbassadorsAs student leaders, the BCTC Presidential Student Ambassadors (PSAs) will serve as positive role models to help new and prospective students feel connected to the college community, build awareness of college services and programs, and cultivate relationships within the community while promoting goodwill and integrity.


The BCTC PSAs are an honorary group of students selected to represent the college at special events on campus and in the community. The most qualified students from a variety of majors will be chosen to work together to cultivate a collegiate feel at BCTC. Activities include community service, assisting with campus events, tours, and college outreach activities, graduation and recognition ceremonies, and presenting information on the college.

Minimum Requirements

The BCTC Presidential Student Ambassador application will be available to all students who have earned a cumulative grade point average of 2.5 or higher at BCTC. Applicants must have completed at least 12 credit hours at BCTC, be a full-time student, and be in good standing in the community and institution.

How will this program benefit me?

  • Develop awesome leadership skills!
  • This is a paid position.  We pay $13 per hour, and students typically work 10 hours per week.
  • Personal development and socialization
  • Receive a uniform to represent the College
  • Opportunities to meet community leaders and develop acquaintances with faculty and staff
  • Be a part of a small excellent group of students who represent BCTC
  • Enhance your resume!

Duties and Responsibilities of PSAs

PSAs may be asked to performed a wide range of functions. Some of the following are ways students can earn hours:

  • Attend and actively participate in all training sessions and PSA meetings
  • Assist with campus activities
  • Communicate with prospective students and families
  • Make community visits with the president or other staff to talk about BCTC
  • Participate in campus outreach and college events as requested (i.e. High School Counselor Luncheon, Career Fairs, Registration and other programs/events as assigned)

Current Presidential Student Ambassadors

Alejandro Aranda Alejandro Aranda
Xochilt Bautista Xochilt Bautista
Rider Burke Rider Burke
Colin Olaughlin Colin Olaughlin
Javeon Walton Javeon Walton

Contact Us

For more information about the Presidential Student Ambassador program, please contact:

Dr. Carlous B. Yates
Vice President of Culture and Engagement